
File: /MZ/A/J02/D/Q/0591.HTM
Processed on 06-09-2016
The home for this page is J02

Category 2005-8-24!! unknown
Definition 2005-8-24sC pottery

Volumetric localization
Locus 2005-8-24sC k13
Origin of elevation 2005-8-24sC m3953 (8972) + 163 (height of instrument) - 42 - 20 @bottom
Space definition 2005-8-24sC wf
Starting elevation 2005-8-24sC 8851
Ending elevation 2005-8-24sC 8831
D99.NVolmtrc 2005-9-3mH In the q-log it was noted that the elevation was takem from marker m3453. This must be wrong since that marker was used in A14. The right marker most likely is m3953. I entered the latter into the q-log instead of the former, wrong one.

Contact association
Type of contact: Earliest events 2005-8-24sC q591 sits in f227 (lense B)

Time sequencing
Stratum to which element belongs 2006-6-9!! s610J2B
Phase to which stratum belongs 2006-6-9!! h3uJ2B