Unit Book J2

The Temple Staircase - Version 1a

J2 Synthetic View / Typology / Built Environment

Typology of the built environment in Unit J2

Caitlin Chaves Yates – November 2010

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f54 Stone filled pit v13a
f298, f300 Ashy pits in brickfall v123a
f382 Pit with straight cut in k100 v198
f9, f72, f85 Tannurs v31

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The pits in J2 are all shallow with secondary filling. There are 6 pits in total. In the upper levels pit, f54, is a small disturbance filled with stones. Two other pits are associated with the period of use during the brickfall (f298 and f300).These two pits are slighly rectangular in shape. A circular pit is found south of the revetment wall (f254) and is linked to the use of the area associated with the post-brickfall reuse and the use of stone f154. The most unusual is the the cut of f382 in the southeast corner of k100.

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Three tannurs were found in the upper levels of J2. They are round ovens built in outdoor contexts. Because they are used for cooking they are often associated with burned deposits and small work floors (^use4).

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