
File: \MZ\A\J06\D\F\0232.HTM
Processed on 09-12-2010
The home for this page is J06

Label equals another 2009-8-20pC f235 [Input file: T820PC.J / T820PC.-J]
2009-8-20pC f268 [Input file: T820PC.J / T820PC.-J]
2009-8-20pC f296 [Input file: T820PC.J / T820PC.-J]
Label is included in another 2009-7-17pC ^layer1 [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J]
Category 2009-8-3!! build-up [Input file: T727YM.J / T727YM.-J]
Definition 2009-8-3pC layer [Input file: T727YM.J / T727YM.-J]
Summary 2010-1-26pC A gray band located in frot of wall f227 and abutting the lower exposed course. The exposure is too limited yet to give an interpretation, even if its characteristics and location let think to be a glacis with a similar function to f164. [Input file: U125PC.J / U125PC.-J]
Best image 2010-8-4 pC


Description 2009-8-3pC f232 is a gray brownish compact layer located in front of wall f227. It is probably same as f235, the glacis under glacis f164 [Input file: T803PC.J / T803PC.-J]

Recovery/Assignment and the Record
Argument 2010-1-26pC it seems it continues under f164 as f235 [Input file: U125PC.J / U125PC.-J]

Volumetric localization
Locus 2009-8-3pC k104 [Input file: T727YM.J / T727YM.-J]
Elevation 2009-8-3pC 8981 @top [Input file: T727YM.J / T727YM.-J]

Contact association
Type of contact: Latest events 2010-1-26pC f164 (glacis) overlays f232 [Input file: U125PC.J / U125PC.-J]
2009-8-3pC f226 (floor) overlays f232 [Input file: T803PC.J / T803PC.-J]
2010-1-26pC f226 (floor) overlays f232 [Input file: U125PC.J / U125PC.-J]
Type of contact: Earliest events 2009-8-3pC f232 abuts f227 (wall) [Input file: T803PC.J / T803PC.-J]
Inclusions 09-12-2010 !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature

Time sequencing
Stratum to which element belongs 2010-7-29pC s51J6A [Input file: U815PC.J / U815PC.-J]
Phase to which stratum belongs 2010-7-29pC h4mJ6A [Input file: U815PC.J / U815PC.-J]
Stratigraphic reasons 2010-7-30pC under f164 [Input file: U730PC.J / U730PC.-J]

Analogical record
Photo of view

