
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)

J6 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Strata for Unit J6

Patrizia Camatta – September 2011

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The statigraphic sequence of unit J6 has been tied since its inception with the overall, combined sequence for Temple BA and the Plaza JP.

Accordingly, the numeric sequence of J6 strata and phases contains several gaps, since we still not have in J6 the earliest phase 1 and 2, even if in J1 and J3 Phase 2 is attested with structures. We have a continuous use of the J6 area from Phase 3 to Phase 5 and an interruption of Phase 6. Clear reasons can, however, be proposed for this gap, and they are illustrated in greater detail elsewhere (see especially J1). However a gap of a complete Phase does not mean that the area was abandoned. Phase 7 features are found on top of Phase 5, 4 and 3 features.

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The overall stratigraphic chart is given separately.

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The general overview of the history of the area of J2 is given in the Overview. A detailed description of the Depositional History is also given separately.

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Each phase is discussed separately under phases and can be acessed by clicking the links to the left. A Phase can have several strata. The classification of features into Phases is given by the stratigraphy and by the ceramics and other dating material found in the features. Each Phase is described. Click on the left bar to access to the description of the Phases.

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Strata is a smaller division than Phases and is essentially based on the contact association between features. Excavations could detect events and put them in chronological order. Each main event is a strata, several events are grouped into Phases, dated by the foundings.

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