
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)

J6 Synthetic View / Typology / Built Environment

Unit J6 structures: The Temple Terrace

Patrizia Camatta – August 2010

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The Temple Terrace has been extensively exposed in J6, J2, J3, J1, J5, B6. For a comprehensive description of the whole structure see JP. Here it will be described each structure found in J6.

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The revetment wall^wall12v236
The eastern staircase flank wall^wall6v193
Mudbrick wall under Revetment Wallf324v211a
The screen wallsf227,f201v54, v163
Wallsf166,f84v117, v40
The mound defined by glacisf300, f284v163,v199a

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The east flank wall and the revetment wall are part of a larger structure, mainly the Temple Terrace, which extends east-west for about 70 meters during the Third Millennium, built in function of Temple BA. These walls define an open space to the south and east, differently used over the time. The eastern part is the J6 area, an open space that during the centuries changed its morphology and function (see also deposition). This area can be interpreted as a service area for the staircase and plaza in function of rituals.

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Revetment Wall

^wall12 is the eastern portion of the revetment wall. The wall here is about 2.5 m high but the width is unknown. It starts behind the flank wall continues for 7.13 m toward east, curving slightly to the northeast and then curves toward north, continuing for other 6.67 m, disappearing under soil. It probably continues with the same direction. The wall is built on top of the mound and it is built from large undressed stones set in mud mortar.

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Eastern staircase flank wall

The monumental staircase is flanked to its western and eastern sides by walls. The eastern wall is ^wall6, which runs for 12.70 m in northeast-southwest direction and flanks all the staircase. The wall is built on top of the slope of the earlier mound (v242) and therefore it does not have the same height for all its length.

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