
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)

J6 Synthetic View / Typology / Built Environment

Use areas in Unit J6

Patrizia Camatta – September 2011

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Use area during the brickfallbf1, pit1, f64, f74, f46v40
Use area related to the bina7, glacis1, f201, f76, f84, f240, f218v39a
Use area with pitpit2, floor2, glacis2, wall6, wall4v73, v78
Plazawall6, obelisks, ^floor5, ^floor6, f277, f303, f312v234

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Use area during the brickfall

The collapse of a mudbrick building bf1 must had happened in two phases, since both in J6 and J2 units there are small installations like pits or small stone walls built on top of a first layer of brickfall. The second part of the building collapsed on top of these installations. A small round pit dug into walls f64 and f74. These walls are poorly preserved. There is a floor f46 that is located at the same elevation.

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Use area related to the bin

Related to the use of the bin a7 there are several floors glacis1 and f240. Three walls define the space of the use area: these are wall f201, f76 and f84 and the revetment wall f218.

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Use area with pit

A hollow pit is filled with lot of ashy soil. It is related to floor2 and glacis2. The pit and the floors are defined by wall6 and wall4.

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The Plaza is an open space defined to the north by the Revetment Wall and Monumental Staircase, to the south and east by houses, to the west there is the Palace AP.

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