
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)

J6 Synthetic View / Typology / Built Environment

Overview of Unit J6 built environment

Patrizia Camatta – August 2010

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For a definition of the categories of the built environment see the relevant chapter in the Grammar.

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In J6 are structures built for different purposes and in different periods, belonging to the Temple Terrace. Structures in J6 are mainly walls of the Temple Terrace complex.

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Use areas

Several use areas are attested in J6 during the different recordered phases. They are mostly walking surfaces and floors.

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In J6 there are two hollow pits. Another installation is the bin.

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Loose materials

The majority of J6 is composed by loose elements which are accumulations. There are also two dumps and a huge brickfall. J6 is an open area bounded by several walls. Against and on top of these walls accumulated lot of material and soil over the centuries.

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Isolated elements

The upper layers of J6 had many isolated stones, fallen from walls in later periods.

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