Unit Book J5


Processed on 2024-07-27


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record

2021-10-13 !!! [Input: J05_VWX.j]
Photo of context (v view)

2021-10-13 !!! [Input: J05_VWX.j]
View/drawing of features 2008-09-19 jW f3 (wall), f14 (stone installation), f19 (isolated stone), f20 (stone installation), f21 (stone installation), f37 (stone installation), f38 (isolated stone), f41 (stone installation), f46 (stone installation), f48 (accumulation D), f54 (fill), f70 (floor, type b), f108 (stone installation), f128 (accumulation D), f136 (accumulation D), f137 (accumulation A), f168 (gully), f197 (stone installation) [Input: S919JW.j]
View/drawing of locus 2008-09-19 jW k14, k22, k23, k24, k32, k33, k34 [Input: S919JW.j]
Text description of view 2008-09-19 jW This final photograph shows all of the important stonework which has been excavated in the eastern portion of J5. It includes loci k14, k22, k23, k24, k32, k33, and k34. We assume that the works were constructed in the Mittani period in service of the BA temple, which is shown in the background. We also assume that this construction was part of a major shift to the west of sacral functions from a revetment wall, plaza, and staircase in the far southeast of the temple mound. Features shown here include the staircase, f21 and its northern and southern boundaries, f14 and f108, and f20 respectively. To the west are several iterations of the west plaza, including f137, f128, and f70. The plaza was cut at various times by a gully, f168, which carried water from the north along the iterations of the revetment wall. The earliest wall seen here is f41, with later additions f3 and f192. The stones of f99 serve as a transitional element between the staircase and walls f3 and f41, which are not oriented to the same axis. The purpose if the stones of f194 are not known, but they may have served as a berm to protect the wall from water damage. The stones of f37 and f46 form a bin similar to those found on the eastern side of the mound complex and at the temple. Floor f48 and stonework f197 is associated with the bin. Stones f19 and f38 along with floor f54 are high founded and may have been built as the sacral use finally broke down. [Input: S919JW.j]
Web view

2021-10-13 !!! [Input: J05_VWX.j]

2021-10-13 !!! [Input: J05_VWX.j]