Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Included in other label | 2008-09-03 | jW | ^bin1 (is) [Input: S903JW2.j] |
2009-09-17 | jW | ^sa1 (mix) [Input: T917JW.j] | |
2022-08-21 | jW | a29 (mixed features) [Input: ZG821jW.j] | |
2022-09-22 | jW | a22 (bin) [Input: ZG822W.j] | |
Category | !! | !! | installation |
Best definition | 2008-07-20 | mO | isolated stone [Input: S914LH.j] |
Summary | 2012-12-16 | jW | Displaced stone in k23 that sits in accumulation f33. [Input: WZ16JW.j] |
Best image | 2008-09-22 | lH | v55a [Input: S922LH.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Description (summary) | 2008-07-21 | lH | one big stone in the southeastern quadrant of k23, sits in the natural accumulation, f33, and coveres the floor accumulation, f34. [Input: S721LH.j] |
Volumetric Localization
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Locus | 2008-07-20 | mO | k23 [Input: S914LH.j] |
Relays (applicable to elements) | 2008-09-09 | hb | r940 (42932 46256 - 9138 / Relay location: sk43 # 75) [Input: S909JW1R.j] |
2008-09-09 | hb | r941 (42904 46274 - 9110 / Relay location: sk43 # 76) [Input: S909JW1R.j] | |
2008-09-10 | hb | r1024 (42937 46280 - 9137 / Relay location: sk44 # 159) [Input: S910JW-R.j] | |
2008-09-10 | hb | r1025 (42912 46270 - 9140 / Relay location: sk44 # 160) [Input: S910JW-R.j] | |
2008-09-10 | hb | r1026 (42922 46231 - 9131 / Relay location: sk44 # 161) [Input: S910JW-R.j] | |
2008-09-10 | hb | r1027 (42955 46241 - 9133 / Relay location: sk44 # 162) [Input: S910JW-R.j] | |
M#/elev @top | 2008-07-20 | mO | 9138 [Input: S914LH.j] |
M#/elev @bottom | 2008-07-20 | mO | 9110 [Input: S914LH.j] |
Contact Association
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Type of contact: earliest events | 2008-07-27 | lH | f38 (isolated stone) sits in f33 (accumulation D) [Input: S727LH.j] |
Time Sequencing
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Stratum (to which element belongs) | 2012-10-16 | jW | s60J5B [Input: WX16JW.j] |
Phase (to which element belongs) | 2012-10-16 | !! | h8rJ5B [Input: WX16JW.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Ware or Material, species | 2008-07-20 | mO | lithic [Input: S914LH.j] |
Color | 2008-07-20 | mO | light grey [Input: S914LH.j] |