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Davide Nadali and Andrea Polcaro (eds.) 2015

Marco De Pietri – November 2019

Archeologia della Mesopotamia antica
Manuali Universitari 166,
Roma: Carocci.
Editor’s webpage

This handbook devoted to the analysis of Mesopotamian archaeology is divided into five parts. Part 1 (Introduction) presents the historic and geographical conformation of ancient Near East (by Lucia Mori), the ancient Mesopotamian chronology (by Agnese Vacca and Marta D’Andrea), and the most common building techniques (by Stefano Anastasio). Part 2 focuses on the fourth millennium BC, describing the Late Chalcolithic period (by Francesca Balossi restelli and Marco Iamoni). Part 3 involves the history of the third millennium BC, including the Proto-dynastic period (by Davide Nadali), the Akkadian Empire (by Andrea Polcaro), and the Neo-Sumerian period (by Valentina Orsi). Part 4 covers the second millennium BC, displaying the Paleo-Babylonian period and the Paleo-Assyrian kingdom (by Silvana Di Paolo), the Mitannian kingdom (by Costanza Coppini), the Kassite kingdom (by Sara Pizzimenti), and the Middle-Assyrian period (by Maria Gabriella Micale). Part 5 includes the first millennium BC, summarizing the major features involving the Neo-Assyrian (by Davide Nadali) and the Neo-Babylonian Empires (by Andrea Polcaro). Useful indexes end the volume, including also lists of kings and queens.

Urkesh is specifically mentioned on pp. 155-156, 161-162, 180, 190, 211 and 214 (also quoted as Tell Mozan on pp. 37, 155, 161, 190, 214 and 275).

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