Year |
Author |
Title |
1988 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“1. Introduction” |
1988 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
5. Soundings on the High Mound - Introduction,(with a contribution by G.L. Bunnens and A. Roobaert) |
1990 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“River Bank,’ ‘High Country’ and ‘Pasture Land’: The Growth of Nomadism on the Middle Euphrates and the Khabur” |
1990 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Tell Mozan” |
1990 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Tell Mozan” |
1991 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“1. Introduction” |
1991 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Mozan” |
1994 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Mozan” |
1994 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Mozan: Tales from a Hurrian (?) Storehouse” |
1995 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“The Identification of Urkesh with Tell Mozan (Syria)” |
1995 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Mozan, Tall” |
1995-1996 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“The Royal Storehouse of Urkesh: The Glyptic Evidence from the Southwestern Wing” |
1996 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Evidence for a Royal Palace at Tell Mozan/Urkesh” |
1996 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Una manciata di secoli” |
1996 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“The Seals of the King of Urkesh: Evidence from the Western Wing of the Royal Storehouse AK” |
1997 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Syria in the Bronze Age” |
1997 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Urkesh. The First Hurrian Capital” |
1997 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Mozan, Tell” |
1997 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“The Seventh Season of Excavations at Tell Mozan, 1992” |
1998 |
Buccellati, Federico |
“3-D Rendering and Animation at Tell Mozan/Urkesh” |
1998 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Urkesh as Tell Mozan: Profiles of the Ancient City” |
1998 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Urkesh and the Question of Early Hurrian Urbanism” |
1998 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“The Courtiers of the Queen of Urkesh: Glyptic Evidence from the Western Wing of the Royal Storehouse AK” |
1999 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“The Royal Storehouse of Urkesh” |
1999 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Das archäologische Projekt Tall Mozan/Urkeš” |
2000 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“La figlia di Naram-Sin” |
2000 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Urkesh: archeologia, conservazione e restauro” |
2000 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“The Royal Palace and the Daughter of Naram-Sin. Report on the 12th Season of Excavations June October 1999” |
2000 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“The Royal Palace of Urkesh. Report on the 12th Season at Tell Mozan/Urkesh: Excavations in Area AA, June-October 1999” |
2001 |
Bonetti, Sophie |
Gli Opifici di Urkesh. Papers read at the Round Table in Florence, November 1999 |
2001 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“City of Myth: In Search of Hurrian Urkesh” |
2001 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“The Royal Palace at Urkesh and the Daughter of Naram-Sin” |
2002 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Beyond Clay and Beyond Paper” |
2002 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Die große Schnittstelle. Bericht über die 14. Kampagne in Tall Mozan/Urkeš: Ausgrabungen im Gebiet AA, Juni-Oktober 2001” |
2002 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Tar’am-Agade, Daughter of Naram-Sin, at Urkesh” |
2003 |
Bonetti, Sophie; Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Conservation at the Core of Archaeological Strategy: The Case of Ancient Urkesh at Tell Mozan” |
2003 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“A LU E School Tablet from the Service Quarter of the Royal Palace AP at Urkesh” |
2003 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Tell Mozan (Ancient Urkesh)” |
2004 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Review of: ‘Anonymus (ed.) 2000, La civiltà dei Hurriti. La parola del passato. Rivista di studi antichi 55 Napoli: Gaetano Macchiaroli, pp. 424’“ |
2004 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Der monumentale Palasthof von Tall Mozan/Urkeš und die stratigraphische Geschichte des ābi“ |
2004 |
Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Andirons at Urkesh: New Evidence for the Hurrian Identity of Early Trans-Caucasian Culture” |
2005 |
Buccellati, Federico; Dell’Unto, Nicolò; Forte, Maurizio |
“The Tell Mozan/Urkesh Archaeological Project: an Integrated Approach of Spatial Technologies” |
2005 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“The Monumental Urban Complex at Urkesh” |
2005 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“The Perception of Function and the Prehistory of the State in Syro-Mesopotamia” |
2005 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Urkesh as a Hurrian Religious Center” |
2006 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“An Archaeologist on Mars” |
2006 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“A Browser Edition of the Royal Palace of Urkesh: Principles and Presuppositions” |
2006 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Conservation qua Archaeology at Tell Mozan/Urkesh” |
2006 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“On (e)-tic and -emic” |
2006 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Presentation and Interpretation of Archaeological Sites: the Case of Tell Mozan, Ancient Urkesh” |
2007 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Between Heaven and Hell in Ancient Urkesh” |
2007 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Urkesh and the Question of the Hurrian Homeland” |
2007 |
Hauser, Rick |
Reading Figurines. Animal Representations in Terra Cotta from Royal Building AK |
2008 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Mozan as Urkesh: Archaeology in the Making” |
2008 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“The Ceramics of Urkesh: Statistics for a Browser Edition” |
2009 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“An Architectural ‘Logogram’ at Urkesh?” |
2009 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“The Great Temple terrace at Urkesh and the Lions of Tish-atal” |
2010 |
Buccellati, Federico |
“The Monumental Temple Terrace at Urkesh and its Setting” |
2010 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“The Semiotics of Ethnicity: The Case of Hurrian Urkesh” |
2010 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“The Urkesh Temple Terrace: Function and Perception” |
2010 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“The Urkesh Temple Terrace: Function and Perception” |
2012 |
Buccellati, Federico |
“Wie wird ein Palast gebaut und warum?” |
2012 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Coerenza e storia. La Mesopotamia nell’ottica storiografica di ‘Ordine e Storia’: Istituzioni politiche, trasmissione del pensiero e percezione dell’assoluto” |
2012 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“The Floodwaters of Urkesh and the Structural Coherence of the Urkesh Temple Complex” |
2012 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Towards a Linguistic Model for Archaeology” |
2013 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“When were the Hurrians Hurrian? The persistence of ethnicity in Urkesh” |
2014 |
Buccellati, Federico |
“Diachronic Developments at the Central Monumental Complex of Ancient Urkesh (Tell Mozan)” |
2014 |
Buccellati, Federico |
“Understanding Households – A Few Thoughts” |
2014 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Courage among the Ruins: A Sustainable Conservation Program in Time of War” |
2014 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Konservierung der archäologischen Stätte Urkesh” |
2014 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“… Nor North: The Urkesh Temple Terrace” |
2014 |
Kharobi, Arwa; Buccellati, Giorgio; Courtaud, P.; Duday, H. |
“Le Feu et la Mort: Des Structures de Combustion Associées à des Sépultures à Tell Mozan (Nord-Est de la Syrie) au Bronze Moyen” |
2014 |
Recht, Laerke |
“Perfume, women and the underworld in Urkesh: exploring female roles through aromatic substances in the Bronze Age Near Eas” |
2015 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“L’archeologia come presenza morale a Tell Mozan in Siria” |
2015 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Tensional factors and compositional analysis: Crossovers between linguistics and art criticism” |
2016 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Urkesh: For a Semiotics of the Hurrian Sacred” |
2016 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“26. Tell Mozan/Urkesh (Hassake)” |
2017 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Iconology in the Light of Archaeological Reason” |
2017 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Community Archaeology 1984: At the Interface between Practice and Theory” |
2017 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Conserviamo il futuro” |
2017 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Archaeology for a Young Future: The New Syrian Life of the Ancient City of Urkesh” |
2018 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“A Children’s Hermeneutics” |
2019 |
Buccellati, Federico |
“Perception in Palatial Architecture: The Case of the AP Palace at Urkesh” |
2019 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“The First Gilgamesh. Conjectures About the Earliest Epic” |
2019 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Persistence of Tradition at Urkesh. The Temple Terrace from Protoliterate to Mittani” |
2019 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“From Urkesh to Mozan. The itinerary of a project in wartime” |
2020 |
Buccellati, Giorgio |
“Degrees of Digitality. The Case of Excavation Reports” |
2020 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Distancing: One-on-One Heritage Archaeology across Three Continents” |
2020 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Archaeological Digital Narratives: The Case of Urkesh Ceramics” |
2023 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“The Density of Types and the Dignity of the Fragment. A website approach to archaeological typology” |
2024 |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“Temporal Clustering at Urkesh. A Structural Analysis of Strata, Phases, Horizons” |
forth. |
Buccellati, Giorgio; Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn |
“The Density of Types and the Dignity of the Fragment. A website approach to archaeological typology” |