eLibrary (Version 2)

Beta release

Annotated bibliography

Chronological order

March 2025

1937    1952    1957    1960    1976    1982    1984    1985    1987    1988    1989    1991    1994    1995    1996    1997    1998    2000    2001    2002    2003    2007    2008    2009    2010    2011    2012    2013    2014    2016    2017    2018    2020    2021   

Year Author Title
1937 Mallowan, Max E.L. “Excavations at Tall Chagar Bazar and an Archaeological Survey of the Ḫabur Region. Second.Campaign, 1936”
1952 Delougaz, Pinhas Pottery from the Diyala Region
1957 Hrouda, B. “Die Bemalte Keramik des zweiten Jahrtausends in Nordmesopotamien und Nordsyrien”
1960 Braidwood, Robert J.; Braidwood Linda S. Excavations in the Plain of Antioch I: The Earlier Assemblages Phases A-J
1976 Kühne, H. Die Keramik aus Tell Chuēra und ihre Beziehung zu den Funden aus Syrien-Palästina, der Türkei und dem Iraq
1982 Collon, Dominique The Alalakh Cylinder Seals.
1982 Collon, Dominique Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum.
1982 Oates, J. “Some late Early Dynastic III pottery from Tell Brak”
1984 Stein, Diana L. Khabur Ware and Nuzi Ware: Their Origin, Relationship, and Significance
1985 Mazzoni, Stefania “Frontières céramiques et le Haut Euphrate au Bronze Ancien IV”
1985 Oates, J. “Tell Brak and Chronology: the Third Millennium”
1987 Durand, Jean-Marie “L’organisation de l’espace dans le palais de Mari : le témoignage des textes”
1987 Oates, J.; McDonald, H. Excavations at Tell Brak. The Mitanni and Old Babylonian Periods
1988 Erkanal, H. “Girnavaz”
1989 Biscione, R. “La ceramica del III millennio”
1989 Thissen, L.C. “An Early Bronze III Pottery Region between the Middle Euphrates and Habur. New Evidence from Tell Hammam at-Turkman”
1991 Orthmann, W.; Rova, E. Gräber des 3. Jahrtausends v. Chr. im syrischen Euphrattal. 2. Ausgrabungen in Wreide
1994 Matthews, R.; Matthews, W.; McDonald, H. “Excavations at Tell Brak”
1995 Gibson, McG.; McMahon, A. “Investigation of the Early Dynastic-Akkadian Transition: Report of the 18th and 19th Seasons of Excavation in Area WF”
1995 Pfälzner, P. Mittanische und Mittelassyrische Keramik. Eine chronologische funktionnale und produktionsokonomische analise
1996 Rova, Elena “Ceramic Provinces along the Middle and Upper Euphrates:
1997 Bretschneider, Joachim; Jans, Greta “Spätfrüdynastische und akkadische Keramik der Hügelkuppe / Akropolis Feld F”
1997 Harrak, A. “Mitanni”
1997 Oguchi, H. “A Reassessment of the Distribution of Khabur Ware: An Approach from an Aspect of its Main Phase”
1998 Biscione, R. “La sequenza del III millennio a Tell Barri/Kahat: l’area B”
2000 Daszkiewicz, M.; Bobryk, E.; Schneider, G. “Water Permeability and Thermal Shock Resistance of 6th–3rd Millennium Cooking Pots from North Mesopotamia”
2000 de Martino, Stefano “Mitanni”
2000 Lebeau, M.; Pruß, A.; Roaf, M.; Rova, E. “Stratified Archaeological Evidence and Compared Periodizations in the Syrian Jezirah during the Third Millennium BC”
2000 Marro, C.; Hauptmann, H. Chronologies des pays du Caucase et de l’Euphrate aux 4.-3. millenaires : actes du Colloque international organise par l’Institut francais d’etudes anatoliennes d’Istanbul (IFEA) en collaboration avec l’Universite d’Istanbul (IU), le Deutsches archaologisches institut (DAI) et le British institute of archaeology at Ankara (BIAA)
2001 Agnew, Neville “Methodology, Conservation Criteria and Performance Evaluation for Archaeological Site Shelters”
2001 Gut, R.; Reade, J.; Boehmer, R.M. “Ninive – Das späte 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr.”
2001 McMahon, Augusta; Tunca, Önhan; Baghdo, Abd el-Massih “New Excavations at Chagar Bazar, 1999-2000”
2001 Oates, J. “The Third-millennium Pottery”
2001 Oates, D; Oates, J.; McDonald, E. Excavations at Tell Brak. Vol. 2: Nagar in the III millennium BC
2001 Oguchi, H. “The Origins of Khabur Ware: A Tentative Note”
2001 Schneider, G.; Daszkiewicz, M. “Stone Ware and Ninevite 5: Notes on Composition and Technology of Pottery from Tell Brak”
2002 Porter, A. “The Late Bronze Age Ceramic Traditions of the Syrian Jazirah”
2003 Matthews, Roger “Issues and Approaches”
2003 Rova, Elena “The IIIrd Millennium Pottery Morphology.
2003 Taniguchi, Y. “Ethnoarchaeological Research on a Modern Pottery Workshop in Qamishli, Syria”
2007 al-Maqdissi, Michel; Christophe, Nicolle; Matoian, Valérie Céramique de l’âge du bronze en Syrie. II: l’Euphrate et la région de Jézireh
2007 Bretschneider, Joachim; Cunningham, Tim “An Elite Akkadian Grave on the Acropolis at Tell Beydar”
2007 Brustolon, Anna; Rova, Elena “The Late Chalcolithic Period in the Tell Leilan Region: A Report on the Ceramic Material of the 1995 Survey”
2007 Kolińki, R. “The Upper Khabur Region in the Second Part of the Third Millennium BC”
2007 McMahon, Augusta; Quenet, P. “Late Third Millennium BC Pottery Assemblage from Chagar Bazar (Area D, Phase II)”
2007 Pfälzner, P. “The Late Bronze Age Ceramic Traditions of the Syrian Jazirah”
2007 Tunca, Ö.; Miftah, M. “Chantier D. Phase II. Stratigraphie, Architecture, Installations”
2008 Brustolon, Anna; Rova, Elena “The Late Chalcolithic Settlement in the Leilan Region of Northeastern Syria: A Preliminary Assessment”
2008 Kibaroğlu, M. Petrographische und Geochemische Untersuchungen an archäologischer Keramik aus Nordost-Syrien, Südost-Anatolien und Ost-Georgien
2008 Kibaroğlu, M.; Falb, Ch.; Satır, M. “On the Origin of the Northmesopotamian Metallic Ware: A New View from Sediment Geochemistry”
2008 Orsi, V. “La produzione ceramica di Tell Barri tra la fine del III e l’inizio del II millennio a.C.”
2008 Orsi, V. “Between Continuity and Transformation: The Late 3rd Millennium BC Ceramic Sequence from Tell Barri (Syria)”
2009 Falb, Ch. Untersuchungen an Keramikwaren des dritten Jahrtausends v. Chr. aus Nordsyrien
2009 Laneri, Nicola Biografia di un vaso. Tecniche di produzione del vasellame ceramico nel Vicino Oriente antico tra il V e il II millennio a.C.
2010 Orsi, V. “The Passage from the Early Bronze to the Middle Bronze Age in the Jezirah: A Parallel between Tell Mozan and Tell Barri Ceramic Sequences “
2011 Rova, Elena “Ceramic”
2012 Bianchi, Alice “A Diachronic Case? Comparing Pottery Types of the Northern Khabur Triangle and the Upper Tigris Region at the End of the Third Millennium BC”
2012 Kozbe, G. “Evidence for the Societal Complexity of the Upper Tigris Region during the Late Third Millennium and Early Second Millennium BC from Kavuşan Höyük”
2012 Laneri, Nicola; Pfälzner, Peter; Valentini, Stefano Looking North: The Socioeconomic Dynamics of the Northern Mesopotamian and Anatolian Regions during the Late Third and Early Second Millennium BC
2012 Özfiırat, A. “Üçtepe and Diyarbakır Area During the Early Middle Bronze Age”
2012 Schmidt, C. Ausgrabungen 1998-2001 in der Zentralen Oberstadt von Tall Mozan/Urkeš. Die Keramik der Früh-Ğazīra V bis Alt-Ğazīra II-Zeit
2013 Reiche, Andrzej; Smogorzewska, Anna “Ninevite 5 kitchen from Tell Arbid (Sector W)”
2013 Smogorzewska, Anna “Fenestrated pot stands in Ninevite 5 pottery tradition: New evidence from Tell Arbid (north–east Syria)”
2014 Smogorzewska, Anna “Ninevite 5 Kitchen Ware: Morphology and Technological Characteristic”
2016 Smogorzewska, Anna “The final stage of Ninevite 5 pottery: Morphological types, technology and diachronic analysis from Tell Arbid (north-east Syria)”
2017 Buccellati, Giorgio “Perceptual, Grammatical and Hermeneutical Dimensions of Digitality”
2018 Smogorzewska, Anna Tell Arbit House and Household in a Changing Town, Excavations in Area D
2020 Wegner (Haas), Ilse An Introduction To the Hurrian Language. Revised, edited, and reformatted by Allan R. Bomhard
2021 Buccellati, Federico “L’architettura palatina”
2021 Mahmoud, Yasmine Anthropomorphic figurines, statuettes and jewelry from Urkesh. An archaeological and historical study