Unit Book A20


Processed on 2024-10-14


Roster Date Author Record
Summary 2008-09-12 lR In k14, two walls a700 and a701 were excavated along the north baulk, forming a thick wall running west to east. Two small rooms were also discovered a4 and a6, both containing cobblestone pavements at roughly the same elevation. The rooms are very small and narrow, forming perhaps a corridor, passageway, or street rather than the floor of a room. A vertical mudbrick pile, referred often as the box structure, was found resting on one of the cobblestone pavements in a6. The function of these bricks remains unknown and likely formed a type of platform during the reuse occupation period or part of a wall collapse although it doesn't seem plausible that a wall would fall this nicely. An entrance into the street/corridor is visible in the east between walls f86 and f152 containing a small door socket on one of the corners. [Input: S912LR.j]
Best image 2024-09-06 lC [Input: ZI906.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2008-08-13 yM E of k12,N of k4 [Input: S813YM2.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Daily notes about recovery of elements 2008-07-16 lR opened locus today and started by removing f19 topsoil with the strategy to see if the compact layer seen in the other loci extends into k14. The topsoil was thin in this locus, given that the tell slopes to the east so by the end of the day compact bricky material surfaced in the western half of the locus. [Input: S716LR.j]
2008-07-20 lR f27 continues into k14 however the texture differs in the eastern area where by k15, the brick melt is no longer compact showing distinct fragments of bricks. Today after the section between k3 and k2 were removed, the locus was brushed to see if f27 dips down in the eastern side. Small patches were noted under a softer accumulation but do not form a solid compact surface that is visible in k13. [Input: S720LR.j]
2008-07-22 lR f27 is found to the extreme west of the k14 but in the east, the compaction decreases turning more into brickfall with a patch of sherds surfacing in the eastern half. We decided to focus on the eastern half by first seeing if the sherds, f33, continued. 3cms was removed (f32) exposing a rectangular expansion of the sherds f33 running north to south with larger stones emerging at the southwestern end. The stones, f34 appear to be in line possibly forming a wall. [Input: S722LR.j]
2008-07-23 lR removed f33 sherd pavement, finding more large stones underneath but does not extend to the north baulk. 8 cms was removed east of f34 stones to better define the area and see it the stones continue to go down. Tomorrow we will continue to excavate in this area. [Input: S723LR.j]
2008-07-24 lR After the removal of f33, sherd pavement, the area to the east of the stones was excavated to see if the stones f34 continue to go down. They do not but another sherd pavement was found under f33. This pavement, f48, was found and excavated by lC, consisting of smaller sherds and pebbles than f33 but retaining the same width and length as the previous pavement. [Input: S725LR.j]
2008-07-28 lR A few days ago we noticed vertical bricks, f56, in the southeast corner of k14 but unclear how far north they extend. These bricks are lower, approx 30 cm from f34 stones and run into the east baulk where they are visible in k15 labeled as f40. The northeast corner was excavated going south to see if more bricks were found eventually removing 20 cm and finding both vertical and horizontal bricks. In some areas the bricks appear to form a step but this is likely a result of excavation where the top eroded bricks are unclear and thus removed, eventually making steps to reach better bricks. [Input: S728LR.j]
2008-07-29 lR Continued to remove f58, in 10 cm increments for a total of 20 cm starting from the south end working towards the north. Under f58, stones began to emerge labeled as f61. These are rounded cobbles, similar in size to f50 and f43 located in the western side of k14 south of f63 wall. Bricks also emerged north of f58, possibly part of f41 wall in k13 that extends east into k14. The soil around f61 was given a new feature number, f63, to distinguish between f58 compact layer and the matrix to the south and east of f61. [Input: S729LR.j]
2008-08-02 lR The east section was photographed and drawn today [Input: S802LR.j]
2008-08-02 lR the east section was drawn, photographed, and removed today. The soil under f34 and f48 was also excavated as f58, leveled to f62. The bricks from f56 were found under f34, extending to the west but are broken and difficult to understand. [Input: S802LR.j]
2008-08-03 lC After breakfast we continued to remove the eastern baulk in order to link k14 and k15 and to check if the wall f63 in the north-eastern corner of k14 and the mud bricks of the western half of k15 are part of the same structure. The removal of the baulk allows us to work to the south towards the brick pile f56 constituted by numerous vertical bricks. [Input: S803LC.j]
2008-08-04 lR finished removing the east section today and articulated the bricks from f56 which connect with f40 in k15. [Input: S804LR.j]
2008-08-06 lR The box structure, f40 was cut into two section in order to understand it's construction. Sections on the north and east were cut, showing that both half and whole bricks were used in construction with the east section also showing the bricks stepped up between levels. Photographs will be taken tomorrow before more of the bricks are removed. The western end of the structure was also defined by removing 5 cm from f62 and coming towards the structure. [Input: S806LR.j]
2008-08-07 lR In k13 and k14, we removed f60 and f62, two similar accumulations gray in color and full of animal bones and pottery. In k14, after f62 was removed, brick lines surfaced in the south and west of the loci, adjacent to f63 wall indicating another one room structure. [Input: S809LR.j]
2008-08-09 lR In k14, f87 was excavated. This feature defines the space between three brick lines found yesterday in the north, east, and south. 20 cm was excavated from f87 then a patch of stones surfaced suggesting a possible pavement. Excavation was stopped, the area cleaned and photographs taken. Tomorrow we will excavate to see if the stones form a pavement. The eastern wall was defined this morning, finding a series of thin vertical oblique bricks forming the wall f92. These types of bricks are rather unusual, perhaps associated with a2 f40 box structure. [Input: S809LR.j]
2008-08-10 lR In k14, the accumulation above the pavement f93 was excavated revealing the cobblestones continuing in the area, stopping approximately 10 cm before the edge of the wall f97. In the western area, two bricks were found and an area of burning was noticed under these bricks. The area was closed to take photographs on the next work day. [Input: S810LR2.j]
2008-08-23 lC Today we continued to remove the vertical bricks of the a2. The bricks in this part of the structure are badly preserved, damaged from numerous animal holes. Some bricks seem to be broken already in antiquity and it is a little bit more difficult to find their faces. Removing these vertical bricks, the floor f132 continues to be uncovered. Probably tomorrow we will link the stones of the pavement with the stones found just to the north east of the a2 and that we assume are part of the same pavement. [Input: S823LC.j]
2008-08-24 lC Today we continued to remove the accumulation f140 on top of the stone installation f141, until we stopped to work in the field around 6 am because of a sudden sand storm. [Input: S824LC3.j]
2008-08-25 lC Today we continued to remove the vertical bricks f40 of the a2 and the accumulation below f131 uncovering the pavement f132. We left to the west about one third of the entire a2 to have a section showing the structure of the aggregate. So we uncovered more than 2/3 of the entire pavement f132, and tomorrow we will take photos of this arbitrary section and then we will finish to excavated the a2 looking for the relationship between the pavement f132, the wall f92 and the pavement f93, to better understanding the entire area. [Input: S825LC.j]
2008-08-26 lC Today we finished to remove the vertical bricks of a2 uncovering almost completely the stone pavement f132, that appears to be surrounded by a narrow band of hard clay that also could be a layer under the stone pavement. Tomorrow we will define better its northern edge, still not really clear and the western edge, where today we left about 20 cm of f131 to excavate, so tomorrow we can have a clear understanding of the link between the two features and to define the east face of the wall f92, not easily recognizable. [Input: S826LC.j]
2008-08-27 lC Today we finished to remove the accumulation f131, that we left yesterday, in order to see the relationship between the clay layer f150 part of the pavement f132 and the wall f92. It seems that this clay layer f150 is abutting the wall, so probably the wall f92 has been built at the same time of the pavement if not before. [Input: S827LC.j]
2010-09-22 lC Today we removed the northern baulk of 14 in order to find the upper part and the northern face of ^wall1 [Input: U922LC1.j]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Elements within locus 2008-07-15 sE f19 (topsoil) [Input: S727LR5.j]
2008-07-17 eE f20 (layer) [Input: S727LR5.j]
2008-07-22 yM f32 (accumulation C) [Input: S727LR5.j]
2008-07-22 lR f33 (pavement, type c) [Input: S727LR5.j]
2008-07-22 sE f34 (stone installation) [Input: S727LR5.j]
2008-07-22 lR f37 (brickfall) [Input: S727LR5.j]
2008-07-24 lC f47 (accumulation A), f48 (pavement, type c) [Input: S727LR5.j]
2008-07-28 lR f56 (brick pile), f58 (layer) [Input: S802LR.j]
2008-07-29 sE f61 (pavement, type c), f62 (accumulation), f63 (wall) [Input: S802LR.j]
2008-08-09 yM f87 (layer) [Input: S810LR3.j]
2008-08-09 sE f91 (accumulation A) [Input: S810LR3.j]
2008-08-09 lR f92 (wall), f93 (pavement, type c), f97 (wall) [Input: S810LR3.j]
2008-08-10 lC f106 (wall) [Input: S810LR3.j]
2008-08-27 lC f150 (layer) [Input: S831LC.j]
2010-09-22 yM f199 (volumetric material) [Input: U929HB.J]
2008-07-28 sE i14 (figurine) [Input: S802LC2.j]
2008-07-29 sE i20 (weapon) [Input: S802LC2.j]
2008-07-16 sE q20 (items, pottery) [Input: S722YM.j]
2008-07-17 yM q23 (pottery) [Input: S722YM.j]
2008-07-20 yM q45 (bones, pottery) [Input: S722YM.j]
2008-07-22 lR q55 (bones, items, pottery), q58 (bones, pottery) [Input: S722YM.j]
2008-07-22 lC q61 (bones, pottery) [Input: S722YM.j]
2008-07-23 yM q68 (bones, pottery) [Input: S723YM.j]
2008-07-23 sE q69 (pottery) [Input: S723YM.j]
2008-07-23 lC q71 (pottery) [Input: S723YM.j]
2008-07-24 lC q78 (bones, pottery), q82 (pottery) [Input: S727YM2.j]
2008-07-26 yM q85 (bones, items, pottery), q88 (items, pottery) [Input: S727YM2.j]
2008-07-28 yM q96 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: S729YM.j]
2008-07-28 sE q99 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: S729YM.j]
2008-07-29 yM q101 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: S729YM.j]
2008-07-29 sE q109 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: S729YM.j]
2008-07-30 yM q117 (bones, pottery) [Input: S805YM.j]
2008-07-30 eE q120 (pottery) [Input: S805YM.j]
2008-07-30 sE q125 (bones, pottery) [Input: S805YM.j]
2008-08-02 sE q129 (pottery) [Input: S805YM.j]
2008-08-03 sE q135 (bones, items, pottery), q139 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: S805YM.j]
2008-08-05 lC q140 (bones, pottery) [Input: S805YM.j]
2008-08-06 yM q160 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: S806YM.j]
2008-08-06 sE q161 (pottery) [Input: S806YM.j]
2008-08-07 yM q168 (bones, items, pottery), q173 (pottery) [Input: S810YM.j]
2008-08-09 yM q175 (bones, pottery), q182 (items, pottery) [Input: S810YM.j]
2008-08-10 eE q185 (bones, pottery) [Input: S810YM.j]
2008-08-25 lC q249 (pottery) [Input: S826YM.j]
2008-08-26 sE q253 (items, pottery) [Input: S826YM.j]
2008-08-26 lC q256 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: S826YM.j]
2008-08-27 sE q263 (pottery) [Input: S901YM2.j]
2010-09-23 lC q328 (pottery) [Input: U924BH3.J]
Extension of locus or q-lot 2008-08-13 yM m3745 [Input: S813YM2.j]
Length of two sides 2008-08-13 yM 400E [Input: S813YM2.j]
2008-08-13 yM 400S [Input: S813YM2.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of locus

2008-07-13 yM [Input: S803LR3.j]

2008-07-19 yM [Input: S803LR3.j]

2008-07-19 yM [Input: S803LR3.j]

2008-07-20 yM [Input: S803LR3.j]

2008-07-20 yM [Input: S803LR3.j]

2008-07-20 yM [Input: S803LR3.j]

2008-07-21 yM [Input: S803LR3.j]

2008-07-21 yM [Input: S803LR3.j]

2008-07-21 yM [Input: S803LR3.j]

2008-07-23 sE [Input: S803LR3.j]

2008-07-23 sE [Input: S803LR3.j]

2008-07-28 eE [Input: S802LC.j]

2008-07-28 eE [Input: S802LC.j]

2008-07-30 lR [Input: S811LC.j]

2008-07-30 lR [Input: S811LC.j]

2008-07-30 lR [Input: S811LC.j]

2008-08-02 yM [Input: S811LC.j]

2008-08-02 yM [Input: S811LC.j]

2008-08-04 sE [Input: S812LC.j]

2008-08-04 sE [Input: S812LC.j]

2008-08-06 yM [Input: S812LC.j]

2008-08-06 yM [Input: S812LC.j]

2008-08-06 yM [Input: S812LC.j]

2008-08-06 yM [Input: S812LC.j]

2008-08-06 yM [Input: S812LC.j]

2008-08-06 yM [Input: S812LC.j]

2008-08-06 yM [Input: S812LC.j]

2008-08-07 sE [Input: S812LC.j]

2008-08-07 sE [Input: S812LC.j]

2008-08-08 lC [Input: S812LC.j]

2008-08-08 lC [Input: S812LC.j]

2008-08-08 lC [Input: S812LC.j]

2008-08-14 lC [Input: S820LC.j]

2008-08-14 lC [Input: S820LC.j]

2008-08-14 lC [Input: S820LC.j]

2008-08-14 lC [Input: S820LC.j]

2008-08-19 sE [Input: S828LC.j]

2008-08-19 sE [Input: S828LC.j]

2008-08-19 sE [Input: S828LC.j]

2008-08-21 sE [Input: S901LC2.j]

2008-08-21 sE [Input: S901LC2.j]

2008-08-21 sE [Input: S901LC2.j]

2008-08-23 lC [Input: S901LC2.j]

2008-08-23 lC [Input: S901LC2.j]

2008-08-23 lC [Input: S901LC2.j]

2008-08-26 lC [Input: S903YM.j]

2008-08-26 lC [Input: S903YM.j]

2008-08-26 lC [Input: S903YM.j]

2008-08-26 lC [Input: S903YM.j]

2008-08-26 lC [Input: S903YM.j]

2008-08-26 lC [Input: S909LC.j]

2008-08-28 lC [Input: S909LC2.j]

2008-08-28 lC [Input: S909LC2.j]

2008-08-28 lC [Input: S909LC2.j]

2008-08-28 lC [Input: S909LC2.j]

2008-08-28 lC [Input: S909LC2.j]

2008-08-28 lC [Input: S909LC2.j]

2008-08-28 lC [Input: S909LC2.j]

2008-08-28 lC [Input: S909LC2.j]

2008-08-28 lC [Input: S909LC2.j]

2008-08-28 lC [Input: S909LC2.j]

2008-08-28 lC [Input: S910LC.j]

2008-08-28 lC [Input: S910LC.j]

2008-09-06 lC [Input: S915LC.j]

2008-09-06 lC [Input: S916LC.j]

2008-09-06 lC [Input: S916LC.j]

2008-09-06 lC [Input: S916LC.j]

2008-09-11 lC [Input: S911LC.J]

2008-09-11 lC [Input: S911LC.J]

2008-09-11 lC [Input: S911LC.J]

2008-09-13 lC [Input: S913LC.J]

2008-09-13 lC [Input: S913LC.J]

2008-09-13 lC [Input: S913LC.J]

2008-09-13 lC [Input: S913LC.J]

2008-09-13 lC [Input: S913LC.J]

2008-09-15 lC [Input: S917LC4.j]

2008-09-15 lC [Input: S917LC4.j]
2008-09-15 lC [Input: S917LC4.j]