Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Best image | 2020-07-27 | jW | ![]() |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Description (summary) | 2005-08-04 | rE | set by surveyor but not excavated in season MZ18 [Input: P823GM2.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Daily notes about recovery of elements | 2006-08-17 | jW | Began removing the temporary south baulk that was established for the safety of workmen and to protect the exposed layer of baqaya to the south in k12. As we were removing accumulation f107, we observed an E-W line of large limestone blocks, a4. gB believes that they may have been a part of a late addition to the temple mound, perhaps made late in the Mittani period. We decided for the moment to leave them on a pedestal until the locus to the east, k23 was sufficiently excavated to confirm or deny our hypothesis. To the east of the easternmost stone in a4, we fully excavated the baulk to determine the relationship between the baqaya surface in k12, f50, to the baqaya surface in this locus, f109. Although jW had anticipated that f109 would be a later addition, the surfaces merged at the south edge of the south baulk. [Input: Q818JW4.j] |
2006-08-17 | jW | Began to excavate the locus. Topsoil contained 8 body and no rim or base sherds. All were inspected, found to be of indeterminent period, and discarded. In the NE corner, just under the topsoil was a hard surface of soil with a burn mark in the center, f136. As we excavated a bit further, there was a lens of laminations, f138, in the NE quadrant, in which sat a ring of stones in a soil matrix, f142, similar to f101 in the adjacent locus to the east, k13. A positive link can only be established upon excavation of the E baulk. Under the topsoil in the west and south and the laminations in the east was a relatively thin layer of natural accumulation, f140, underwhich there was another layer of natural accumulation, f141. [Input: Q818JW5.j] | |
2006-08-19 | jW | Continued to excavate accumulation f141, which contains broad regions of laminations with scattered soft pockets. Exposed the full extent of the stone and laminar soil installation, f142. Photographed and removed. Under f141 was a softer, more consistent accumulation, f146, which could be easily removed with a shovel without picking. At the end of the day we leveled and cleaned, discovering a baqaha-like surface along the north edge, then to the south a thin layer of gray ash of a width of one meter running E-W, then a layer of browish soil which covered the south half of the locus. [Input: Q819JW2.j] | |
2006-08-23 | jW | We began to carefully excavate accumulation, f151, in k23 from north to south to find the north limit of floor surface, f173, found in the north part of k22. We found that what we first identified as a thin ashy lens in the north half of the locus, f150, was actually a layer of ashy accumulation covering most of the locus to a depth of 10cm or more. It was under accumulation, f151, and above the the temple mound surface packing, f152. With regards to the relationship between the baqaya packing in k13, f109; in k12, f50; and the packing in k23, f152; relative elevations indicate that f152 in k23 is 16cm lower than f109 in k13. Furthermore, although k109 is packed baqaya, k152 is packed mud. We will carefully remove the east bulk to establish the precise relationship between k107 and k152. [Input: Q823JW3.j] | |
2006-08-26 | jW | Finished excavating a wedge-shaped section of accumulation, f150, in the southwest corner which covers packing, f152, which extend through the entire locus. It appears that what we call a floor surface, f173, in k22, either abuts the mud packing or is a continuation of it to the south. Adding to the possibilities, today we discovered a packed mud surface in k109, immediately to the southwest. Tomorrow we will compare and analyze all three features. After photographing and drawing, we began to remove the east baulk. [Input: Q826JW.j] | |
2006-08-30 | rE | We removed the 4 large limestones, which formed the western part of insstelation a4. [Input: Q830RE.j] | |
2006-09-11 | jW | As we began to remove the packed mud, f152 that covered the mud glacis, f123 we began to see several red bricks upon which was what appeared to be a large pot smash. We designated the matrix surrounding the sherds f252, and began to remove it and the sherds. Almost immediately we recovered a seal impression, followed by a number of others, all under the ceramic. To the south of the bricks was an area of lamination in the general shape of a rectangularly-cut pit. [Input: Q911JW1.j] | |
2006-09-12 | jW | Today we excavated the contents of pit, a10, and dug it, pit a5, and pit a6 to a depth of about one meter to sample the contents of the packed fill beneath the baqaya layer, f109, f50. Each yielded Late Chalcolithic sherds similar to those found in the deep sounding beneath f50 in the typological column, k104 and k105, excavated near the monumental wall, f11, in season MZ18 (2005-P). jW was hopeful that pit a10 would contain a burial, but that was not the case - the fill was virtually clean and soft and contained but few sherds. [Input: Q912JW.j] | |
2006-09-13 | jW | We completed the removal of accumulation, f252 and found an E-W line of red bricks, f215, along the north baulk. To the west they were in a single layer, but to the east they seemed to be in two layers. The top bricks had been moved out of place and there was a N-S line of smaller bricks near pit a6. The E-W line of bricks probably capped the baqaya glacis, f109, but the function of the bricks near the pit cannot be determined because they are too eroded. [Input: Q913JW.j] | |
Strategy (projected or implemented) | 2006-08-26 | jW | We will excavate carefully the baulk in order to trace the transition from the baqaya surface [Input: Q826JW.j] |
Volumetric Localization
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Elements within locus | 2006-09-19 | jW | a6 (pit aggregate) a7 (installation) a10 (pit aggregate) a12 (installation) a14 (ia) a15 (installation) [Input: Q919JW1.j] |
2006-08-16 | jW | f133 (topsoil) [Input: QX06EI.j] | |
2006-08-17 | eDB | f136 (installation) f138 (accumulation D) [Input: QX06EI.j] |
2006-08-17 | jW | f140 (accumulation D) [Input: QX06EI.j] | |
2006-08-17 | eDB | f141 (accumulation D) f142 (installation) [Input: QX06EI.j] |
2006-08-19 | eDB | f147 (accumulation D) [Input: QX06EI.j] | |
0000-00-00 | jW | f149 (fill) f150 (layer) f151 (accumulation D) f152 (glacis) f153 (fill) f160 (pit cut) [Input: QX06EI.j] |
2006-08-23 | eDB | f180 (layer) [Input: QX06EI.j] | |
2006-08-27 | rE | f190 (installation) f192 (isolated individual brick) [Input: QX06EI.j] |
2006-09-11 | bL | f252 (accumulation D) [Input: QX06EI.j] | |
2006-09-12 | bL | f258 (layer) [Input: QX06EI.j] | |
2006-09-12 | jW | f259 (fill) [Input: QX06EI.j] | |
2006-09-12 | bL | f262 (layer) f263 (layer) [Input: QX06EI.j] |
2006-09-13 | eI | f269 (pit cut) f270 (layer) [Input: QX06EI.j] |
2006-08-20 | bL | i14 (seal impression) i15 (seal impression) i16 (seal impression) i17 (seal impression) i18 (seal impression) [Input: QX11BL.j] |
2006-09-13 | bL | i19 (seal impression) [Input: QX11BL.j] | |
2006-08-20 | jW | q144 (bones, pottery) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-08-17 | aA | q181 (pottery) q182 (bones, pottery) [Input: Q821JW2.j] |
2006-08-17 | jW | q183 (bones, pottery) [Input: Q821JW2.j] | |
2006-08-17 | aA | q187 (bones, pottery) [Input: Q821JW2.j] | |
2006-08-17 | jW | q188 (bones, pottery) [Input: Q821JW2.j] | |
2006-08-19 | eDB | q190 (pottery) q192 (pottery) q193 (bones, pottery) q194 (pottery) [Input: Q821JW2.j] |
2006-08-20 | jW | q198 (bones, pottery) q199 (bones, pottery) [Input: Q821JW2.j] |
2006-08-23 | eDB | q216 (bones, pottery) q217 (pottery) [Input: Q829JW1.j] |
2006-08-23 | jW | q221 (bones, pottery) q223 (pottery) q225 (pottery) [Input: Q829JW1.j] |
2006-08-26 | jW | q233 (pottery) q236 (items) [Input: Q829JW1.j] |
2006-08-27 | jW | q237 (pottery) [Input: Q829JW1.j] | |
2006-08-27 | eDB | q238 (pottery) [Input: Q829JW1.j] | |
2006-08-27 | aA | q240 (pottery) q241 (pottery) q242 (bones, pottery) q244 (bones, pottery) [Input: Q829JW1.j] |
2006-08-28 | bL | q246 (pottery) [Input: Q829JW1.j] | |
2006-09-04 | eDB | q294 (pottery) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-09-05 | eDB | q302 (pottery) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-09-10 | eI | q319 (pottery) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-09-11 | bL | q323 (bones, items, pottery) q328 (pottery) [Input: QX02JW.j] |
2006-09-12 | eI | q337 (pottery) q338 (bones, pottery) [Input: QX02JW.j] |
2006-09-12 | bL | q342 (bones, pottery) q347 (pottery) q355 (pottery) q359 (bones, pottery) [Input: QX02JW.j] |
2006-09-13 | bL | q367 (pottery) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
Relays (applicable to elements) | 2007-07-30 | fXX | r7 (45821 34098 - 8589 / Relay location: interior NW corner) [Input: R730FXXR.j] |
2007-07-30 | fXX | r8 (45682 34472 - 8808 / Relay location: interior NE corner) [Input: R730FXXR.j] | |
2007-07-30 | fXX | r9 (45307 34330 - 8729 / Relay location: interior SE corner) [Input: R730FXXR.j] | |
Extension of locus or q-lot | 2005-08-04 | rE | m4005 [Input: P823GM2.j] |
Length of two sides | 2005-08-04 | rE | 500 E [Input: P823GM2.j] |
2005-08-04 | rE | 500N [Input: P823GM2.j] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Notes on deposition | 2006-09-11 | jW | A preliminary analysis of the seal impressions indicates that they were of the Uruk period, heretofore not found at Mozan. The sherds atop the seal impressions were assessed by mKB to be Late Chalcolithic. The bricks, f28 , covered the baqaya glacis, f109, and abutted the mud glacis, f123. We presume that since generally red bricks deteriorate rapidly, they were laid at the same time as the mud glacis, f123, Phase 11. The laminations, f , covered the fill of a pit, a10, which was dug into both the mud glacis and baqaya glacis. The fill was very clean, only containing a few sherds. The most likely explanation for the stratigraphic inversion is that the pit was dug in Phase 6, into packed fills (which came from elsewhere on or near the tell) below the baqaya. These fills have consistently been dated to the Late Chalcolithic, Phase 1 or earlier. Material from digging the pit was dumped atop the brick surface of the mound and was covered quickly by loess, so that it stayed in place. [Input: Q911JW1.j] |