Unit Book J6

The Northeastern End of the Temple Terrace and the Betili (Version 1a)


Processed on 2024-11-29


Roster Date Author Record
Equals other label 2008-08-23 cVP f160 (accumulation B) [Input: S824CVP.j]
2008-08-27 pC f162 (accumulation C) [Input: S826PC.j]
Category !! !! buildup
Best definition 2008-08-19 pC accumulation B [Input: S824CVP1.j]
Best image 2008-08-18 !! [Input: S828CVP.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2008-08-20 cVP After removing the remains of f150 and f142, we considered that the entire square is now the new f151. The soil is dark brown, hard, with small specks of carbon. It is covered by f150, f142 and f141. [Input: S820PC.j]
2008-12-31 pC soft reddish brown and wet organic soil with patches of ash [Input: SZ31.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Daily notes about recovery of elements 2008-08-21 cVP We are still going down with feature f151. The only news is that in the NE corner of the square a group of beads i15 (long white frit beads) keep appearing. No special place, just a bit scattered around the corner. [Input: S824CVP.j]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2008-08-19 pC k84 [Input: S824CVP1.j]
Elevation 2008-09-02 pC 8836@bottom [Input: S902PC.j]
M#/elev @top 2008-08-19 pC m4989 [Input: S824CVP1.j]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: latest events 2008-08-20 cVP f141 (accumulation A) overlays f151 (accumulation B) [Input: S820PC.j]
2008-08-20 cVP f142 (fill) overlays f151 (accumulation B) [Input: S820PC.j]
2008-08-20 cVP f150 (accumulation D) overlays f151 (accumulation B) [Input: S820PC.j]
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2008-08-27 dH i15 (bead) sits in f151 (accumulation B) [Input: S828CVP.j]
Type of contact: earliest events 2008-08-31 pC f151 (accumulation B) overlays f164 (glacis) [Input: S831PC.j]

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2008-09-21 pC s19cMZA [Input: S921PC2.j]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2008-09-21 !! h63MZA [Input: S921PC2.j]
Stratigraphic reasons of assignment 2008-09-21 pC f151 is the earliest mittani layer we have in J6 and located directly above the third millenium phase [Input: S921PC.j]
Typological reasons for assignment 2008-09-16 mKB Mittani [Input: S914MKB.j]
Notes on time sequencing 2008-09-16 mKB we may have a pattern here similar to one we see in J1, that is that Phase h33 is just below Phase h67 and a number of sherds come up in various ways from immediately below. This is my interpretation of why there are a number of early third millennium and Late Chalcolithic sherds in both Mittani strata and mid-third millennium strata. [Input: S914MKB.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Color 2008-08-19 pC dark brown [Input: S824CVP1.j]
Color number (Munsell) 2008-08-19 pC 7-SYR 3/3 [Input: S824CVP1.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of features
2008-08-10 hQ [Input: S906CVP2.j]
2008-08-10 hQ [Input: S906CVP2.j]
2008-08-10 hQ [Input: S906CVP2.j]

2008-08-18 cVP [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-19 cVP [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-20 cVP [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-20 cVP [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-20 cVP [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-20 cVP [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-20 cVP [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-20 cVP [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-21 cVP [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-21 cVP [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-21 cVP [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-21 cVP [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-21 cVP [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-21 cVP [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-21 cVP [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-21 cVP [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-21 cVP [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-23 cVP [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-23 cVP [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-23 cVP [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-31 pC [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-31 pC [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-31 pC [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-31 pC [Input: S828CVP.j]

2008-08-31 pC [Input: S828CVP.j]
2008-09-23 pC [Input: S911PC.j]
2008-09-23 pC [Input: S911PC.j]
2008-09-23 pC [Input: S911PC.j]