
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)

J6 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Phase 7eJ6A within unit J6

Patrizia Camatta – September 2011

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This phase marks the end of use of unit J6. Traces of a fire and a great brickfall are found in all the unit, as well in units J7 and J2. After the brickfall there is a dump of waste found in the southern part of J6. Afterwards the area is abandoned with scattered use.

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Glacis of Phase 7d is covered by a layer of ash.

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Great Brickfall

On top of the ash falls a brickfall, a huge collapse of a mudbrick building. The brickfall covered all J6, J7 and J2 units for a thickness between 1 and 2 m.

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A dump is found on top of the brickfall. It consists of lenses of trash (pottery, bones, stones) which could be coming from east.

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In the brickfall were found several grinding stones, door sockets and several objects. Here are listed the most interesting: two miniature vases i3 and i13, two seal impression i8 and i9, a bronze scraper i10, q92.1, a goblet with a circular seal impression q128.2, the head of a ram figurine q128.3, a stamp seal q131.2 and a small stone pendant q218.2.

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