
File: \MZ\A\J06\D\F\0324.HTM
Processed on 09-12-2010
The home for this page is J06

Label is included in another 2009-7-17pC ^wall13 [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J]
Category 2009-8-30!! installations [Input file: T827YM2.J / T827YM2.-J]
Definition 2009-8-30yM wall [Input file: T827YM2.J / T827YM2.-J]
Best image 2010-8-4 pC


Description 2009-8-26yM bricks in the north western corner of k82 between wall f218 and wall f129. The size of these bricks is 33 by 8cm and they are unbaked bricks. These bricks have a distinctive reddish brown color and a lot of white inclusions in their soil and some small animal bones. The mortar between these bricks is very compacted and hard and there is an ashy spot on the northern side instead of the mortar. these bricks are oblique [Input file: T827YM.J / T827YM.-J]

Recovery/Assignment and the Record
Argument 2009-8-26yM since there is no empty space behind the bricks, and since some of these bricks go under wall f218 we are now assuming that they might be a part of an earlier structure and that wall f218 was built on top of it. [Input file: T827YM.J / T827YM.-J]
2009-8-26yM we thinking that those bricks might be a foundation box. [Input file: T827YM.J / T827YM.-J]

Volumetric localization
Locus 2009-8-30yM k82 [Input file: T827YM2.J / T827YM2.-J]
Elevation 2009-8-30yM 9155 @top [Input file: T827YM2.J / T827YM2.-J]

Contact association
Type of contact: Latest events 2009-9-2yM f218 (wall) covers f324 [Input file: T902YM.J / T902YM.-J]
2009-9-2yM f256 (isolated stone) covers f324 [Input file: T902YM.J / T902YM.-J]
Type of contact: Contemporary events/Movable items 2009-8-25yM q479 sits in f324 [Input file: T727YM4.J / T727YM4.-J]
Type of contact: Latest events 2009-9-2yM f129 (wall) abuts f324 [Input file: T902YM.J / T902YM.-J]
Inclusions 09-12-2010 !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature

Time sequencing
Stratum to which element belongs 2010-7-29pC s66J6A [Input file: U815PC.J / U815PC.-J]
Phase to which stratum belongs 2010-7-29pC h3lJ6A [Input file: U815PC.J / U815PC.-J]
Stratigraphic reasons 2010-7-30pC located under walls f219 and f129. It could be a substructure for the staircase or the mud brick glacis under the staircase, or as we first discovered it a foundation box. In the first two possibilities the wall is built before the main phase of the temple terrace, which seems more likely. In the secon hypothesis it is contemporary to walls f129 and f219 [Input file: U730PC.J / U730PC.-J]

Ware/Material 2009-8-30yM ~soil [Input file: T827YM2.J / T827YM2.-J]
Color definition 2009-8-30yM strong brown [Input file: T827YM2.J / T827YM2.-J]
Color number 2009-8-30yM 7.5YR 4/6 [Input file: T827YM2.J / T827YM2.-J]
Hardness 2009-8-30yM hard [Input file: T827YM2.J / T827YM2.-J]

Analogical record
Photo of view




Photo of view




Photo of view

