E-LIBRARY / OTHER PUBLICATIONS / Authors index / 927.htm
M. De Pietri, 2018-.

Authors index

Alphabetical list of authors
List of authors


     This page collects all the list of authors whose contributions are presented in the E-Library (both by Urkesh's team or other colleagues).
     The reader will find at the top-page some alphabetical links, followed by the list of the authors complemented by numerical references linking to the different webpages of the E-Library, as follows:
     1   Books
     2   Articles
     3   Communications
     4   Dissertations
     5   Multimedia
     6   Lectures
     7   Posters
     8   Exhibits
     9   Reports
     10 Urkesh specific
     11 General interest
     12 Press
     13 Broadcasts
     14 Blogs
     15 On the fringes

     When for the same author more than one entry is offered on the same page, only one link-number is provided, linking to the first entry of that specific author on the page (nevertheless, for same pages, e.g. “6. Lectures”, the link brings to the top-page).
     The entries are listed in alphabetical order of surnames. For each author, a link provides the reader with an direct connection to the specific entry on different webpages.
     Multiple-authored publications (i.e., contributions signed by more than two authors, indicated by “et al.”), are listed under the name of the first (= main) author, only.
     After all surnames (for the time being, for singular and double-authored publications, only *), by selecting the hyperlink “Info”, a reference to author's information is provided (when available online: preferably, an English page is displayed; otherwise, when pages in different languages offer a better information, these latters are presented).
     Please note that the progressive letters after the publication years used on this page (i.e., "a", "b", "c", "d", etc.) do not necessarily correspond to the progressive letters used on other pages in the "e-Library", since the systems of using these letters differ from page to page.
     For reasons of economy (and not to create useless double-entries), contributions signed by Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati are listed under a specific entry, namely Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati: in this case, the “Info”-hyperlink can be easily found under the respective surname of each author (i.e., Buccellati, Giorgio and Kelly-Buccellati).

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    W    X    Y    Z   

Alphabetical list of authors

Abbati, degli: 10 / 11
Abrahami: 11
Agnew: 10 / 11
Aiesh: 11
Akar: 11
Akkermans: 10
Akrawi: 11
Albenda: 10
Albesso: 11
Altaweel: 11
Amane: 11
Amiet: 11
Anati: 11
Archi: 10
Aruz: 11
Asher-Greve: 11
Astour: 10

Bader: 11
Baltacioğlu: 11
Barozzi: 10
Barrelet: 10
Bataray: 11
Beckman: 11
Ben-Shlomo: 11
Benzel: 11
Berlyn: 10
Berthon: 11
Bianchi: 10
Bietak: 10
Bodenstein: 10
Bonetti: 1 / 2
Bottéro;: 10
Bouzid: 11
Bradley: 11
Braun-Holzinger: 11
Breniquet: 11
Bridgland: 11
Buccellati, F.: 1 / 2 / 4 / 6 / 13
Buccellati, G. (NOTE 1):
1 / 2 / 3 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 11 / 13
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati:
1 / 2 / 3 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 11 / 13
Budin: 11
Bulu: 11

Camatta: 2 / 6 / 7 / 10
Canby: 2 / 10
Carandini: 11
Carr: 11
Catagnoti: 2 / 10
Caubet: 2 / 10
Chahoud: 11
Charpin: 11
Chaves Yates: 2 / 4 / 6
Christie: 10
Collins: 2 / 10
Conner: 11
Corti: 11
Crawford: 10
Creekmore: 11
Crescioli: 4
Cucchi: 11
Cunliffe: 11
de Cupere: 11
d'Agostino: 11
Dalley: 10
Darwin: 11
Davies: 11
von Dassow: 10
Davoudi: 11
Deckers: 10
degli Abbati: 10 / 11
Delle Donne: 1 / 6
Demas: 10 / 11
Dercksen: 10
Dilleman: 10
Di Martino: 2
Di Salvo: 11
Dohmann-Pfälzner: 10
Dolce: 10
Doll: 10
Dubova: 11

Edzard: 10
Edzard et al.: 10
Eidem: 11
Ellis: 10
Erskine: 11
Escarguel: 11
Esteban Monti: 11
Estrada: 11
Evans: 11

Faivre: 10
Falb: 11
Farber: 10
Feinberg: 2 / 10
Fourmet: 10
Frahm: 2 / 4 / 10
Frahm et al.: 10
Franklin: 11

Fray: 11
Frayne: 10
Gadd: 10
Gavin: 2
Gelb: 10
Gerth: 11
van Ginneken: 2 / 10
Giorgieri: 10
Gladwell: 10
Glazier: 11
Goischke: 7 / 10
Goldhausen: 11
Goody: 11
Goetze: 10
Gourichon: 11
Grafton: 11
Guarducci: 1
Güterbock: 10

Haarmann: 11
Hallo: 10
Hamilton: 11
Harper: 10
Harris: 11
Hauser: 1 / 2 / 5 / 6
Hawkins: 10
Head: 10
Helmer: 11
Hijara: 10
Holland: 11
Hrouda: 10
Huangfu: 11
Huntington Cairns: 11

Ingman: 11
Ivanov: 11

Jabbour: 11
James: 11
Jones: 11

Kalayci: 11
Kammenhuber: 10
Kara: 11
Kelly-Buccellati (NOTE 2):
1 / 2 / 6 / 8 / 11 / 13
Kepinski-Lecomte: 11
Kessler: 10
Khalaf: 10
Kharobi: 2 / 7
Kosarev: 11
Kozhin: 11
Kupper: 10

Laneri: 11
Lauffray: 10
Lawler: 10
Lebrun: 11
Leisegang: 11
Lesur: 11
Lewy: 10
van Liere: 10
Liverani: 1 / 2 / 10 / 11

Macaulay: 11
MacDougal: 11
Mahmoud: 2
Maiocchi: 2
Makowski: 11
Mallowan: 10
Mansfeld: 11
Mashkour: 11
Matthiae: 11
Mazoyer: 11
McCarthy: 11
McGirr: 11
Meijer: 11
Mellink: 10
Michalowski: 11
Michel: 11
Milano: 1 / 2 / 10
Millek: 11
Minunno: 10
Mohaseb: 11
Mora: 11
Moser: 11
Moser: 4
Mount-Williams: 2
Mousa: 11
Muscarella: 10

Nadali: 10 / 11
Nasser el Nemr: 11
Nougayrol: 10
Nyarko-Mensah: 11

Oakes: 11
Oates: 11
Omar: 2
Oppenheim: 11
Orlando: 11
Orsi: 10
Osthues: 11
Otten: 11
Otto: 11
Özyar: 11

Palmisano: 11
Palumbo: 11
Parayre: 10
Parrot: 10
Pecchioli-Daddi: 11
Pecorella: 10
Perini: 11
Peyronel: 10
Pfälzner: 1 / 10
Phillips: 11
Polcaro: 11
Pompanon: 11
Popa: 11
Postgate: 10
Pouyssegur: 10
Price: 11

Qassar: 2

Raccidi: 10
Radner: 11
Recht: 2 / 4 / 6 / 11
Reimer: 11
Renn: 11
Ricci: 11
Richardon: 11
Riehl: 10
Rinaldi: 10
Ristvet: 11
Roaf: 11
Robinson: 10
Rohn: 11
Rossi: 11
Roux: 11
Rova: 10

Sallaberger: 10 / 11
Salvatori: 11
Salvini: 10
Salzman: 10
Sanders: 11
Schlimme: 11
Schmandt-Besserat: 11
Schmidt: 10
Schroer: 11
Schwartz: 10
Schwemer: 10
Sedláček: 10
Seymour: 11
van der Sluijs: 11
Speiser: 10
Stanley Price: 11
Starr: 11
Stein: 10
Steymans: 11
Stillinger: 10
Studer: 11
Suter: 11

Talon: 10
Tarontsi: 11
Thompson-Miragluiolo: 2
Thureau-Dangin: 10
Tufte: 11

Uberti: 10

Valentini: 1
Van Lerberghe: 10
Van Loon: 11
Veenhof: 11
Venkatesan: 11
Vico: 11
Vidich: 11
Vila: 11
Viscuso: 10
Volk: 10
Vuillien: 11

Wäfler: 11
Watson: 11
Wegner: 10
Weiss: 10, 11a, 11b
Westenholz, A.: 11
Westenholz, J.G.: 11
Wettstein, C.: 2
Whiting: 10
Wilhelm: 1 / 10
Wilson: 11
Wolf: 11
Wolfhagen: 11
Wright Mills: 11

Yener: 11

Zanelli: 10
Zarins: 2
Zettler: 11
Zick: 10
Zimansky: 11

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List of authors


Abbati (degli), Valeria  (Info)
degli Abbati 2009-2010
degli Abbati 2011
degli Abbati 2019

Abrahami, Philippe
Abrahami et al. 2021

Agnew, Neville  (Info)
Agnew 2001
Agnew, Bridgland 2006
Agnew, Demas 2004
Agnew, Demas 2019

Aiesh, Rascha Nasr
Aiesh et al. 2002

Akar, Murat  (Info)
Akar, Kara 2020
Akar et al.2021
Akar, Kara 2022

Akkermans, Peter  (Info)
Akkermans, Schwartz 2003

Akrawi, Aysar  (Info)
Akrawi 2006

Albenda, Pauline  (Info)
Albenda 2005

Albesso, Moussab
Albesso et al. 2021

Altaweel, Mark  (Info)
Altaweel et al. 2013

Amane, Agraw
Amane et al. 2021

Amiet, Pierre  (Info)
Amiet 1966

Anati, Emmanuel  (Info)
Anati 1988

Archi, Alfonso  (Info)
Archi 2013
Archi 2019

Aruz, Joan  (Info)
Aruz et al. 2008

Asher-Greve, Julia  (Info)
Asher-Greve, Westenholz 2013

Astour, Michael C.  (Info)
Astour 2002

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Bader, Camille
Bader et al. 2021

Baltacioğlu, Hatçe  (Info)
Baltacioğlu 2003

Barozzi, Marta  (Info)
Barozzi et al. 2018

Barrelet, Marie-Thérèse  (Info)
Barrelet 1977
Barrelet 1978

Bataray, Nurettin  (Info)
Bataray 2022

Beckman, Gary  (Info)
Beckman 2003

Ben-Shlomo, David  (Info)
Ben-Shlomo 2010

Benzel, Kim  (Info)
Benzel et al. 2008

Berlyn, Patricia
Berlyn 2005

Berthon, Rémi
Berthon et al. 2021

Bianchi, Alice
Bianchi 2012
Bianchi, Wissing 2009
Bianchi et al. 2012

Bietak, Manfred  (Info)
Bietak 2018

Bodenstein, Beatrice E.
Bodenstein et al. 1966

Bonetti, Sophie  (Info)
Bonetti 2001
Bonetti, Buccellati 2003

Bottéro, Jean  (Info)
Bottéro 1971

Bouzid, Sofiane
Bouzid et al. 2021

Bradley, Daniel
Bradley et al. 2021

Braun-Holzinger, Eva A.  (Info)
Braun-Holzinger 2013

Breniquet, Catherine
Breniquet et al. 2021

Bridgland, Janet
Bridgland, Agnew 2006

Buccellati, Federico  (Info)
Buccellati, F. 1998
Buccellati, F. 2001
Buccellati, F. et al. 2005
Buccellati, F. 2010
Buccellati, F. 2012
Buccellati, F. 2014a
Buccellati, F. 2014b
Buccellati, F. 2014c
Buccellati, F. 2016
Buccellati, F. 2017
Buccellati, F. 2019
Buccellati, F. et al. 2019a
Buccellati, F. et al. 2019b

Buccellati, Giorgio   (Info)  NOTE 1
Buccellati, G. 1963a
Buccellati, G. 1963b
Buccellati, G. 1966a
Buccellati, G. 1966b
Buccellati, G. 1967
Buccellati, G. 1969
Buccellati, G. 1972a
Buccellati, G. 1972b
Buccellati, G. 1973
Buccellati, G. 1974
Buccellati, G. 1977a
Buccellati, G. 1977b
Buccellati, G. 1977c
Buccellati, G. 1979
Buccellati, G. 1981a
Buccellati, G. 1981b
Buccellati, G. 1981c
Buccellati, G. 1981d
Buccellati, G. 1982
Buccellati, G. 1983a
Buccellati, G. 1983b
Buccellati, G. 1984a
Buccellati, G. 1984b
Buccellati, G. 1986a
Buccellati, G. 1986b
Buccellati, G. 1986-1987
Buccellati, G. 1988a
Buccellati, G. 1988b
Buccellati, G. 1988c
Buccellati 1988d
Buccellati, G. 1990a
Buccellati, G. 1990b
Buccellati, G. 1990c
Buccellati, G. 1990d
Buccellati, G. 1990e
Buccellati, G. 1990f
Buccellati, G. 1990g
Buccellati, G. 1990h
Buccellati, G. 1991
Buccellati, G. 1992a
Buccellati, G. 1992b
Buccellati, G. 1993a
Buccellati, G. 1993b
Buccellati, G. 1995a
Buccellati, G. 1995b
Buccellati, G. 1996a
Buccellati, G. 1996b
Buccellati, G. 1997a
Buccellati, G. 1997b
Buccellati, G. 1998a
Buccellati, G. 1998b
Buccellati, G. 1999
Buccellati, G. 2000a
Buccellati, G. 2000b
Buccellati, G. 2000c
Buccellati, G. 2002
Buccellati, G. 2003
Buccellati, G. 2003-2004
Buccellati, G. 2004a
Buccellati, G. 2004b
Buccellati, G. 2005a
Buccellati, G. 2005b
Buccellati, G. 2006a
Buccellati, G. 2006b
Buccellati, G. 2006c
Buccellati, G. 2006d
Buccellati, G. 2006e
Buccellati, G. 2007
Buccellati, G. 2008
Buccellati, G. 2009
Buccellati, G. 2010a
Buccellati, G. 2010b
Buccellati, G. 2010c
Buccellati, G. 2011
Buccellati, G. 2012a
Buccellati, G. 2012b
Buccellati, G. 2012c
Buccellati, G. 2012d
Buccellati, G. 2012e
Buccellati, G. 2013a
Buccellati, G. 2013b
Buccellati, G. 2013c
Buccellati, G. 2014a
Buccellati, G. 2014b
Buccellati, G. 2014c
Buccellati, G. 2014d
Buccellati, G. 2014e
Buccellati, G. 2015a
Buccellati, G. 2015b
Buccellati, G. 2015c
Buccellati, G. 2016
Buccellati, G. 2017a
Buccellati, G. 2017b
Buccellati, G. 2018
Buccellati, G. 2019a
Buccellati, G. 2019b
Buccellati, G. 2019c
Buccellati, G. 2020a
Buccellati, G. 2020b
Buccellati, G. 2021
Buccellati, G. 2022
Buccellati, G. forthc. a

Buccellati, Giorgio et al.
Buccellati, Van Loon 1969
Buccellati, Van Loon 1970
Buccellati et al. 1983
Buccellati et al. 1988a
Buccellati et al. 1988b
Buccellati, Reimer 1990
Buccellati, Bonetti 2003
Buccellati et al. 2005
Buccellati, Kharobi 2017
Buccellati, Mahmoud 2017
Buccellati, Ermidoro, Mahmoud 2018a
Buccellati, Ermidoro, Mahmoud 2018b
Buccellati, Ermidoro, Mahmoud 2019
Buccellati et al. 2019

Buccellati, Giorgio and Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1967
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1977a
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1977b
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1977c
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1982
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1985
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1986a
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1986b
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1988a
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1988b
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1988c
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1988d
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1990a
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1990b
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1991a
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1991b
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1994a
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1994b
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1995a
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1995b
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1995-1996
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1996a
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1996b
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1996c
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1997a
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1997b
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1997c
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1998a
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1998b
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 1999
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2000a
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2000b
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2001a
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2001b
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2001c
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2002a
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2002b
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2002c
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2003
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2004
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2005
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2007a
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2007b
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2008
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2009
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2014a
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2014b
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2014c
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2016
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2017a
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2017b
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2017c
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2020a
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2020b
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati 2020c
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati forthc. a
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati forthc. b
Buccellati, Kelly-Buccellati forthc. c

Budin, Stephanie Lynn  (Info)
Budin 2014

Bulu, Müge  (Info)
Bulu et al.2021

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Camatta, Patrizia  (Info)
Camatta 2014
Camatta (forthc.)
Camatta, Goischke 2010

Canby, Jeanny  (Info)
Canby 2003a
Canby 2003b

Carandini, Andrea  (Info)
Carandini 2000
Carandini 2017

Carr, Nicholas G.  (Info)
Carr 2008

Catagnoti, Amalia  (Info)
Catagnoti 1998

Caubet, Annie  (Info)
Caubet, Pouyssegur 1997

Chahoud, Jwana
Chahoud et al. 2021

Charpin, Dominique
Charpin et al. 2004

Chaves Yates, Caitlin  (Info)
Chaves Yates 2014
Chaves Yates 2019

Christie, Agatha  (Info)
Christie 1977

Collins, Billie J.  (Info)
Collins 2004a
Collins 2004b

Conner, Andrew
Conner et al. 2002

Corti, Carlo  (Info)
Corti, Pecchioli-Daddi 2012

Crawford, Vaughn
Crawford et al. 1966

Creekmore, Andrew Theodore (III)  (Info)
Creekmore 2008

Crescioli, Lorenzo  (Info)
Crescioli 2008-2009

Cucchi, Thomas
Cucchi et al. 2021

Cunliffe, Emma  (Info)
Cunfliffe, Perini 2015

de Cupere, Bea
de Cupere et al. 2021

Back to top


d'Agostino, Anacleto  (Info)
d'Agostino 2016

Dalley, Stephanie  (Info)
Dalley 2001

Darwin, Charles  (Info)
Darwin 1872
Darwin 1958

von Dassow, Eva  (Info)
von Dassow 2008

Davies, Toby  (Info)
Davies et al. 2013

Davoudi, Hossein
Davoudi et al. 2021

Deckers, Katleen
Deckers et al. 2010

degli Abbati, Valeria  (Info)
degli Abbati 2009-2010
degli Abbati 2011
degli Abbati 2019

Delle Donne, Matteo  (Info)
Delle Donne 2018
Delle Donne 2020

Demas, Martha  (Info)
Demas, Agnew 2004
Demas, Agnew 2019

Dercksen, Jan G.  (Info)
Dercksen (ed.) 2008

Dilleman, Louis
Dilleman 1962

Di Martino, Silvia  (Info)
Di Martino 2005

Di Salvo, Santina  (Info)
Di Salvo 2018

Dohmann-Pfälzner, Heike  (Info)
Dohmann-Pfälzner, Pfälzner 1999
Dohmann-Pfälzner, Pfälzner 2000
Dohmann-Pfälzner, Pfälzner 2001
Dohmann-Pfälzner, Pfälzner 2002

Dolce, Rita  (Info)
Dolce 1999
Dolce 2022

Doll, Monika  (Info)
Doll 2010
Doll et al. 2010

Dubova, Nadezhda A.  (Info)
Dubova et al. 2010

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Edzard, Dietz O.  (Info)
Edzard, Kammenhuber 1972-1975
Edzard, Farber 1974
Edzard et al. 1977

Eidem, Jesper  (Info)
Eidem, Veenhof 2008

Ellis, Richard
Ellis 1968

Erskine, Neil D.A.  (Info)
Erskine 2020

Escarguel, Gilles
Escarguel et al. 2021

Esteban Monti, Luciano  (Info)
Esteban Monti 2017

Estrada, Oscar
Estrada et al. 2021

Evans, Jean M.  (Info)
Evans et al. 2008

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Faivre, Xavier
Faivre 2007

Falb, Christian  (Info)
Falb 2009

Farber, Gertrud
Farber, Edzard 1974
Farber et al. 1977

Feinberg, Joshua  (Info)
Feinberg, Frahm 2013a
Feinberg, Frahm 2013b
Feinberg et al. 2015

Fournet, Arnaud  (Info)
Fournet 2015

Frahm, Ellery  (Info)
Frahm 2014
Frahm, Feinberg 2013a
Frahm, Feinberg 2013b
Frahm et al. 2008
Frahm et al. 2015

Franklin  (Info)
Franklin, McGirr 1995

Fray, Hannah(Info)
Fray et al. 2013

Frayne  (Info)
Frayne 1997

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Gadd, Cyril J.  (Info)
Gadd 1940
Gadd 1971

Gavin, Kathleen F.
Gavin, Mount-Williams 1988

Gelb, Ignace  (Info)
Gelb 1944
Gelb 1956

Gerth, Hand H.
Gerth, Wright Mills 1958

van Ginneken, P.
van Ginneken 2000a
van Ginneken 2000b

Giorgieri, Mauro M.  (Info)
Giorgieri 2000a
Giorgieri 2000b
Giorgieri 2013
Giorgieri, Mora 2016

Gladwell, Malcolm  (Info)
Gladwell 2005

Glazier, Darren
Glazier et al. 2002

Goischke, Juliane  (Info)
Goischke, Camatta 2010

Goldhausen, Marco  (Info)
Goldhausen, Ricci 2005

Goody, Jack  (Info)
Goody 1986

Goetze, Albrecht  (Info)
Goetze 1953

Gourichon, Lionel
Gourichon et al. 2021

Grafton, Anthony  (Info)
Grafton 1997

Guarducci, Guido  (Info)
Guarducci, Valentini (eds) 2019

Güterbock, Hans G.  (Info)
Güterbock 1951-1952
Güterbock 1954-1955
Güterbock 1965
Güterbock 1970

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Haarmann, Harald  (Info)
Haarmann 2007

Hallo, William W.  (Info)
Hallo 1962
Hallo 1964
Hallo 1978

Hamilton, Edith  (Info)
Hamilton, Huntington Cairns 1961

Harper, Prudence O.  (Info)
Harper et al. 1966

Harris, Edward  (Info)
Harris 1989

Hauser, Rick  (Info)
Hauser 1998
Hauser 2007
Hauser 2015
Hauser 2019
Hauser, Zarins 2014

Hawkins, John D.  (Info)
Hawkins 2007

Head, Martin J.  (Info)
Head et al. 2023

Helmer, Daniel
Helmer et al. 2021

Hijara, Ismail
Hijara (in press)

Holland, Thomas A.
Holland 2006

Hrouda, Barthel  (Info)
Hrouda 1958
Hrouda 1985

Huangfu, Wei
Huangfu et al. 2021

Huntington Cairns  (Info)
Huntington Cairns, Hamilton 1961

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Ingman, Tara  (Info)
Ingman et al.2021

Ivanov, Vyacheslav V.  (Info)
Ivanov 1999

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Jabbour, Ali
Jabbour 2020

James, Peter
James, van der Sluijs 2012

Jones, Siân  (Info)
Jones 1997

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Kalayci, Tuna  (Info)
Kalayci 2013

Kammenhuber, Annelies  (Info)
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  1. As for Giorgio Buccellati's publications, see in detail his personal website at this link. Back to text
  2. As for Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati's publications, see in detail her personal website at this link. Back to text

* [Work in progress: the multiple-authored publications will be provided with personal Info-links directly on the abstract pages].

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