Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Category | !! | !! | buildup |
Best definition | 1997-07-07 | dns | accumulation C [Input: H718DNS.J] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Description (summary) | 1997-07-07 | dns | Extends throughout the locus except for f344. About 10-15 cm down, coming to some bricky material, bright red. Possibly the top of AK bldg walls, but appearance of bricky material is sporadic. Will probably go down another 10 cm or so to see if we can get a cleaner definition. Material we thought was a possible wall/foundation, f343 does not seem very bricky when we excavate it. [Input: H708DNSD.J] |
1997-07-08 | dns | along S baulk, a dark brown, fine accumulation above what looks like brick--possibly top of brick wall extending N-S on E end of k22? [Input: H708DNSD.J] |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Daily notes about recovery of elements | 1997-07-17 | dns | Contrary to my suspicion, no brick wall has surface that runs N-S along the W baulk of k30. So the Northward terminating end of the wall, f425, in k31 could have been part of a doorway, terminating thereabouts. [Input: H726RK2.J] |
Notes on recovery | 1997-07-07 | dns | ac below f345 in E, on both sides of f346, pinkish brown [Input: ZH322lC.j] |
Volumetric Localization
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Locus | 1997-07-07 | dns | k30 [Input: H718DNS.J] |
Contact Association
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Type of contact: latest events | 1997-07-08 | rK | f347 (accumulation C) cuts f350 (accumulation C) [Input: H708RK.J] |
1997-07-08 | dns | f347 (accumulation C) intrudes f350 (accumulation C) [Input: H708DNSD.J] | |
1997-07-08 | dns | f346 (accumulation C) overlays f350 (accumulation C) [Input: H708DNSD.J] | |
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items | 1997-07-19 | rK | i238 (figurine) sits in f350 (accumulation C) [Input: H725BSH.J] |
1997-07-20 | rK | i244 (bead) sits in f350 (accumulation C) [Input: H725BSH.J] | |
1997-07-07 | !! | q836.1 (clay artifact) sits in f350 (accumulation C) [Input: H708LKAL.J] | |
1997-07-08 | !! | q841.1 (seal impression) sits in f350 (accumulation C) [Input: H708LKAL.J] | |
1997-07-07 | rK | q836 (pottery) sits in f350 (accumulation C) [Input: H708LKAL.J] | |
1997-07-08 | rK | q841 (pvb) sits in f350 (accumulation C) [Input: H708LKAL.J] | |
1997-07-15 | dns | q1043 (bones, pottery) sits in f350 (accumulation C) [Input: H718DNS.J] | |
1997-07-17 | dns | q1059 (bones, pottery) sits in f350 (accumulation C) [Input: H718DNS.J] | |
1997-07-19 | rK | q1066 (bones, pottery) sits in f350 (accumulation C) [Input: H723BSH.J] | |
1997-07-19 | rK | q1068 (items, pottery) sits in f350 (accumulation C) [Input: H723BSH.J] | |
1997-07-20 | rK | q1077 (pottery) sits in f350 (accumulation C) [Input: H723BSH.J] | |
1997-07-20 | rK | q1080 (pbl) sits in f350 (accumulation C) [Input: H723BSH.J] | |
1997-07-20 | rK | q1086 (pottery) sits in f350 (accumulation C) [Input: H723BSH.J] | |
Type of contact: earliest events | 1997-07-08 | rK | f350 (accumulation C) abuts f343 (wa) [Input: H708RK.J] |
1997-07-08 | dns | f350 (accumulation C) abuts f348 (wa) [Input: H708DNSD.J] | |
1997-07-19 | dns | f350 (accumulation C) covers f428 (accumulation) [Input: H726RK2.J] | |
1997-07-08 | dns | f350 (accumulation C) overlays f210 (wa) [Input: H708DNSD.J] |