Unit Book A15

The Reception Area - Version 1a


Processed on 2024-11-15


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! buildup
Best definition 2001-07-07 cc accumulation C [Input: ZG114jW.j]
Best image 2024-01-11 !!
v51c [Input: ZI111jW.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Definition 2001-09-02 okk unknown [Input: L902okk.j]
2001-09-18 okk accumulation D [Input: L918okk.j]
Description (summary) 2001-09-18 okk soft accumulation, gully wash in the western end of k14. This matrix was soft, grey, with a high percentage of sherds and pieces of brick. This accumulation covered the western half of k14, until a more compacted layer in the east which wall f63 rests upon. f138 is the accumulation which is more compacted and appears like the wadi bed below it. [Input: L918okk.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Daily notes about recovery of elements 2001-07-11 okk In f66 in k14 we also had the workmen separate the body sherds and the diagnostic sherds, keeping only the diagnostic and throwing the body sherds back into the dirt pile. The total number of sherds is 487, and there are 107 diagnostic sherds collected in three bags. [Input: L722okk.j]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2001-07-07 cc k14 [Input: ZG114jW.j]
M#/elev @top 2001-07-07 cc 8989 [Input: ZG114jW.j]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2001-07-08 !! q151.1 (clay artifact) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: L915okk.j]
2001-07-10 !! q169.1 (wheel) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: L915okk.j]
2001-07-12 !! q195.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: L915okk.j]
2001-07-12 !! q195.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: L915okk.j]
2001-07-12 !! q195.3 (lithic artifact) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: L915okk.j]
2001-07-07 cc q140 (pottery) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: L915okk.j]
2001-07-07 cc q141 (pottery) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: L915okk.j]
2001-07-07 cc q142 (pottery) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: L915okk.j]
2001-07-08 cc q151 (pottery) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: L915okk.j]
2001-07-08 cc q156 (pottery) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: L915okk.j]
2001-07-10 dc q169 (pottery) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: L915okk.j]
2001-07-11 cc q181 (pottery) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: L915okk.j]
2001-07-11 cc q185 (pottery) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: L915okk.j]
2001-07-11 cc q186 (pottery) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: L915okk.j]
2001-07-12 sb q195 (pottery) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: L915okk.j]
2007-09-03 hH q140-p1 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q140-p2 (rim) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q140-p3 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q140-p4 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q140-p5 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q140-p6 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q140-p7 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q140-p8 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q140-p9 (rim) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q140-p10 (rim) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q140-p11 (rim) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q140-p12 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q140-p13 (rim) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-20 cC q140-p70 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-20 cC q140-p71 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-20 cC q140-p72 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-20 cC q140-p73 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-20 cC q140-p74 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-18 IH q141-p1 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-28 iI q141-p2 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-18 IH q141-p3 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-18 IH q141-p4 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-18 IH q141-p5 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-18 IH q141-p6 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-18 IH q141-p7 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-18 IH q141-p8 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-20 cC q141-p70 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-20 cC q141-p71 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-20 cC q141-p72 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-20 cC q141-p73 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-20 cC q141-p74 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-20 cC q141-p75 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-20 cC q141-p76 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-20 cC q141-p77 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q142-p1 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q142-p2 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q142-p3 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q142-p4 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q142-p5 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q142-p6 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q142-p7 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q142-p8 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q142-p9 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q142-p10 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q142-p11 (rim) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q142-p12 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-21 cC q156-p70 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-21 cC q156-p71 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-21 cC q156-p72 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-21 cC q156-p73 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-21 cC q156-p74 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-21 cC q156-p75 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-21 cC q156-p76 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-21 cC q156-p77 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-21 cC q156-p78 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-21 cC q156-p79 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2022-11-10 tW q181-p14 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2023-02-21 rL q185-p16 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-20 IH q186-p1 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-20 IH q186-p2 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-20 IH q186-p3 (pot) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-20 IH q186-p4 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-20 IH q186-p5 (rim) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-20 IH q186-p6 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-20 IH q186-p7 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-20 IH q186-p8 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-20 IH q186-p9 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-20 IH q186-p10 (rim) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-20 IH q186-p11 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-20 IH q186-p12 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-20 IH q186-p13 (rim) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-20 IH q186-p14 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-20 IH q186-p15 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p16 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p17 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p18 (rim) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p19 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p20 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p21 (rim) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p22 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p23 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p24 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p25 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p26 (rim) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p27 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p28 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p29 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p30 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p31 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p32 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p33 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p34 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p35 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p36 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p37 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 IH q186-p38 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-20 cC q186-p70 (body sherd) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q195-p4 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q195-p5 (pot) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q195-p6 (base) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q195-p7 (rim) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q195-p8 (rim) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q195-p9 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q195-p10 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q195-p11 (bowl) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q195-p12 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q195-p13 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q195-p14 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q195-p15 (rim) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-09-03 hH q195-p16 (jar) sits in f66 (accumulation C) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
Type of contact: earliest events 2022-01-23 jw f66 (accumulation C) cuts f49 (topsoil) [Input: ZG123jW.j]
2022-01-23 jw f66 (accumulation C) cuts f96 (accumulation D) [Input: ZG123jW.j]
2001-09-18 okk f66 (accumulation C) covers f138 (accumulation) [Input: L918okk.j]
Ceramic typological distribution !! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature

Spatial Aggregation

Roster Date Author Record
Aggregate (to which element belongs) 2001-07-01 okk a9 (gully) [Input: L916okk3.j]

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2024-03-13 jW s50A15A [Input: ZI901jW.j]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2024-03-13 !! h9cMZA [Input: ZI901jW.j]