
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)

J6 Synthetic View / Typology / Stratigraphy

Depositional data for unit J6

Patrizia Camatta – September 2011

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An open area, if it is not kept clean, it is subject to be covered by sand, earth or human discard (broken pots, bones, bricks…). The accumulation process depends from many factors as wind, rain, people and structures.

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J6 is an open area, blocked from two sides by large walls. On the southern side there were for long time any constructions but an open free space (the Plaza). On the eastern side there were probably houses or other buildings (we did not excavated in this side but the brickfall ^bf2 is a prove that there were buildings to the east). The area was differently used during the two millennia and therefore we have different kind of accumulations. When the area is intensively used, the accumulations are mostly rich in cultural material (^ab2), interrupted by floors or by accumulations compacted by people walking by. Similar to J2, there are floors on top of which windblown soil accumulates and covers them. After the brickfall, the area is practically abandoned and only few installations occur (tannurs, small walls, a dump). The accumulations of this period are more compact, hard, there is fewer cultural material and are thick an regular, with any interruptions of floors (^a1 and ^a2).

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