Clay artifact
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Bead (clay)
Element number |
Definition |
Best image |
Locus |
Feature |
Phase |
Stratum |
Ware/material |
Disposition |
q210.1 |
bead (clay) |
- |
f90 |
- |
- |
- |
sent to MKB
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Element number |
Definition |
Best image |
Locus |
Feature |
Phase |
Stratum |
Ware/material |
Disposition |
i11 |
brick |
- |
k2 |
f33 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
i31 |
brick |
- |
k5 |
f84 |
- |
- |
cl |
Storage: returned to its original place on H725 for in place storage until next excavation season.
q658.1 |
brick |
- |
- |
f207 |
- |
- |
cl |
Storage: ZSB3
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Clay artifact
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Clay lump
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Clay strainer
Element number |
Definition |
Best image |
Locus |
Feature |
Phase |
Stratum |
Ware/material |
Disposition |
i113 |
clay strainer |
k11 |
f241 |
- |
s4a |
- |
to SB for restoration
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Dish (small platter)
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Jar shoulder
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Seal impression
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Lithic artifact
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Door socket
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Grinding stone
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Lithic artifact
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Back to top: Synoptic table
Element number |
Definition |
Best image |
Locus |
Feature |
Phase |
Stratum |
Ware/material |
Disposition |
i151 |
stone tool |
- |
k52 |
f330 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
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Element number |
Definition |
Best image |
Locus |
Feature |
Phase |
Stratum |
Ware/material |
Disposition |
i89 |
ax(head) |
k6 |
f158 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
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Element number |
Definition |
Best image |
Locus |
Feature |
Phase |
Stratum |
Ware/material |
Disposition |
i12 |
metal blade |
- |
k2 |
f36 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
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Element number |
Definition |
Best image |
Locus |
Feature |
Phase |
Stratum |
Ware/material |
Disposition |
i7 |
metal bowl |
 v7 |
k2 |
f36 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
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Element number |
Definition |
Best image |
Locus |
Feature |
Phase |
Stratum |
Ware/material |
Disposition |
i10 |
metal pin |
k2 |
f36 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
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Animal bone
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Bead (shell)
Element number |
Definition |
Best image |
Locus |
Feature |
Phase |
Stratum |
Ware/material |
Disposition |
q825.1 |
bead (shell) |
- |
- |
f309 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
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Element number |
Definition |
Best image |
Locus |
Feature |
Phase |
Stratum |
Ware/material |
Disposition |
q577.4 |
bitumen |
- |
- |
f158 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
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Bone artifact
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Burnt material
Element number |
Definition |
Best image |
Locus |
Feature |
Phase |
Stratum |
Ware/material |
Disposition |
q313.3 |
burnt material |
- |
- |
f126 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
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Carbon sample
Element number |
Definition |
Best image |
Locus |
Feature |
Phase |
Stratum |
Ware/material |
Disposition |
q537.3 |
carbon sample |
- |
- |
f144 |
- |
s4a |
- |
Storage: zs12.52
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Human body
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Shell artifact
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Soil sample
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