Urkesh (Version 2)

Beta release

Early printed materials

Giorgio Buccellati – October 2008


A chapter of the digital monograph: Site Presentation

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Before the thorough re-organization of the site presentation program in 2008, we used to make available at the site two distinct sets of printed material – a 40 page booklet that was given to visitors free of charge, and a 58 page companion folder with color illustrations that the guard would lend the visitors to use while following the itinerary.

Both were posted on the public website for personal downloads as desired. We keep these postings available, even though they are now dated and have primarily an historical interest.

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There is an English (3MB) and an Arabic (1.5MB) version, both of them in .PDF format.

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Companion folder

English and Arabic are given side by side on the same page. In the chart below, the text is split into PDF files that match the individual sections of the folder. You may also download the entire file (PDF 4.8MB).

Front matter (PDF 260K) introduction and table of contents
Tour stop 1. Views of the Outer City (PDF 906K) a view from the top of the tell
Tour stop 2. The Palace from above (PDF 508K) an overview from the Palace Panorama
Tour stop 3. The abi (PDF 310K) descending inside the underground necromantic structure
Tour stop 4. Ghost in the Palace (PDF 2.2MB) a correlation of objects and rooms in Palace
Tour stop 5. The strata above the Palace (PDF 501K) objects in the context of the second millennium settlements
Tour stop 6. The Temple Terrace (PDF 477K) a view from the Temple Panorama, with an invitation to descend in two excavation areas
Tour stop 7. The Temple of the Lion (PDF 289K) the excavations in the Temple and the main objects

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