Unit Book A14

The lower sacral area (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-03-22



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2001-08-19 jl west of k13, never actually excavated this season [Input: L819JL.j]
2004-09-11 jw Limit includes N and E baulks. [Input: O911JW1.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Daily notes about recovery of elements 2004-06-21 jw removed two pickruns of topsoil. [Input: O621JW.j]
2004-06-22 jw despite having excavated to a depth of 60cm as measured on the E baulk, we are still encountering patches of decayed vegetation, indicating successive cycles of gully wash in the winter and growth of vegetation in the following seasons. Therefore, the continued use of the topsoil feature, f173 is appropriate. In the adjacent locus to the north, k4, which is outside the gully, and not excavated to so great a depth, we have encountered evidence of occupation, including pit fill, f175 and the corresponding cut, f184. [Input: O624JW1.j]
2004-06-23 jw while cleaning, noticed a small, shallow circular pit, a14. [Input: O624JW2.j]
2004-07-01 jw continued to trace the extent of a layer of grayish hard material, f216, having inclusions of fist-sized stones and larger, seemingly bounded on the W and S by what may be deteriorated brick. Removing overlaying grayish material in the NE quadrant, f202, and abutting reddish material to the W and S, f205. Excavated pit, a16 in the SE corner and began to excavate a much deeper pit, a15, in the NW corner, stopping at a depth of about 100cm because of cramped quarters for pickman. jw looked at extant section below the current level of f205, and saw no signs of walls or floors in the first 50cm. [Input: O701JW1.j]
2004-07-04 jw continued to dig and clean around a hard-packed region of accumulation with a hard surface and many sherds and small stones showing on the surface, f216. Will define evaluate features after cleaning, including pits in three of four corners, a15,a16,a17, and patches of reddish accumulation, f205. [Input: O704JW.j]
2004-07-11 jw Removed the subfloor, f243, associated with a series of pise floors excavated on O708. Differentiated a reddish accumulation in the south half, f245, from a browner accumulation, f244, in the north half. [Input: O711JW1.j]
2004-07-12 jw continued to excavate the brown layer, f244, which covers the more reddish layer, f245, seen more prominently in the south half of the square. [Input: O712JW.j]
2004-07-13 jw continued to excavate brown accumulation, f244, now seemingly contained to the northern two-thirds of the locus by accumulation, f245. In the NW corner, we began to see a stone and sherd surface, f253. [Input: O713JW.j]
2004-07-14 jw Finished following the stone and sherd floor, f253, in all parts of the locus except for the pit cut, f214 in the NW corner, and the pile of reddish accumulation in the SW corner, f245. [Input: O714JW.j]
2004-07-14 jw Began to explore the stratigraphic relationship between the sherd and pebble floor, f253, and the mound of reddish accumulation, f245, in the SW quadrant of the locus. We want to know if the floor extends beneath the accumulation or if the accumulation is the remnant of a wall that abuts the floor. [Input: O715JW.j]
2004-07-21 jw Removed the remaining red accumulation, f245, and the brown accumulation, f244 underneath, exposing portions of the pebble and sherd floor, f253. [Input: O723JW3.j]
2004-07-26 jw Began to remove the east baulk. [Input: O727JW1.j]
2004-07-27 jw Began to remove the north baulk. Encountered the north portion of the pit, a15, and excavated more of the fill, f203. [Input: O727JW2.j]
2004-07-28 jw Continued to excavate the north baulk, clearing living accumulation,f278 (k4 feature) from atop working surface, f213 and removing fill, f303, from pit, a22. [Input: O802JW.j]
Strategy (projected or implemented) 2004-07-13 jw Explore the relationship between f244, and f253 with small picks tomorrow. [Input: O713JW.j]
2004-07-14 jw Tomorrow we will determine whether the floor, f253, continues under the accumulation, f245, or merely abuts it. [Input: O714JW.j]
2004-07-14 jw When an overambitious workman began to remove the E end of the accumulation, gb suggested that we temporarily suspend this activity to ensure that we preserve the full extent of f245 until the north baulk of k24 is removed. Then we can determine if the southern extent of this accumulation (which lies in k14, k15 and k5)is here or if it extended futher to the south in antiquity and was eroded by the action of the ancient gully. [Input: O715JW.j]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Elements within locus 2004-09-11 jw a14 (pit)
a15 (pit)
a16 (pit)
a17 (pit)
a22 (pit) [Input: O911JW.j]
2004-06-21 gm f173 (topsoil) [Input: O628GM1.j]
2004-06-23 gm f179 (fill)
f180 (cut) [Input: O628GM1.j]
2004-06-30 jw f202 (accumulation)
f203 (fill) [Input: O705GM1.j]
2004-07-01 jw f205 (accumulation)
f206 (fill) [Input: O705GM1.j]
2004-07-04 jw f214 (cut)
f215 (cut)
f216 (layer)
f217 (fill)
f218 (cut)
f219 (accumulation) [Input: O705GM1.j]
2004-07-08 jw f238 (accumulation A)
f239 (floor, type b)
f240 (pavement, type c)
f241 (floor, type b) [Input: O710GM1.j]
2004-07-12 gm f243 (floor, type b)
f244 (accumulation)
f245 (accumulation) [Input: O716GM3.j]
2004-07-13 jw f253 (floor, type b) [Input: O716GM3.j]
2004-07-14 jw f254 (accumulation A) [Input: O716GM3.j]
2004-07-17 jw f261 (accumulation)
f262 (accumulation) [Input: O909JW1.j]
2004-07-18 gm f271 (accumulation)
f272 (accumulation)
f273 (accumulation) [Input: O909JW1.j]
2004-07-28 jw f303 (fill) [Input: O909JW1.j]
2004-08-26 jw f328 (pit) [Input: O909JW1.j]
2004-06-22 gm i90 (clay artifact)
i93 (figurine) [Input: O626GM.j]
2004-07-01 gm i117 (seal impression) [Input: O702GM1.j]
2004-07-04 gm i124 (jar) [Input: O705GM2.j]
2004-07-08 gm i137 (jar)
i138 (jar)
i139 (jar) [Input: O710GM2.j]
2004-07-08 jo i142 (seal impression)
i143 (figurine)
i144 (metal artifact) [Input: O710GM2.j]
2004-07-08 gm i145 (clay artifact)
i146 (lithic artifact) [Input: O710GM2.j]
2004-07-11 gm i148 (seal impression)
i150 (seal impression)
i151 (seal impression)
i152 (seal impression) [Input: O717GM.j]
2004-07-12 gm i153 (seal impression) [Input: O717GM.j]
2004-07-13 gm i154 (seal impression) [Input: O717GM.j]
2004-07-14 gm i160 (lithic artifact)
i161 (clay lump)
i162 (clay lump)
i163 (seal impression) [Input: O717GM.j]
2004-06-21 gm q415 (pottery) [Input: O626GM1.j]
2004-06-21 jw q418 (bones, pottery) [Input: O626GM1.j]
2004-06-22 jw q421 (pottery) [Input: O626GM1.j]
2004-06-23 gm q427 (pottery) [Input: O626GM1.j]
2004-06-30 jw q475 (bones, pottery)
q482 (pottery) [Input: O702GM2.j]
2004-07-01 gm q483 (bones, pottery)
q484 (bones, pottery)
q489 (bones, pottery)
q490 (bones, pottery)
q491 (pottery)
q493 (pottery) [Input: O702GM2.j]
2004-07-04 jw q497 (bones, pottery)
q499 (pottery)
q501 (pottery)
q502 (bones, pottery)
q503 (bones, pottery) [Input: O707GM1.j]
2004-07-05 jw q514 (bones, pottery) [Input: O707GM1.j]
2004-07-08 gm q562 (bones, pottery)
q563 (bones, pottery)
q566 (pottery)
q569 (pottery)
q570 (bones, pottery) [Input: O710GM3.j]
2004-07-11 gm q575 (bones, pottery)
q579 (bones, pottery)
q580 (bones, pottery)
q586 (pottery)
q592 (pottery) [Input: O716GM4.j]
2004-07-12 jw q595 (bones, pottery)
q599 (bones, pottery)
q601 (pottery) [Input: O716GM4.j]
2004-07-13 gm q608 (pottery)
q612 (bones, pottery)
q618 (pottery)
q628 (pottery) [Input: O716GM4.j]
2004-07-14 jw q630 (bones, pottery) [Input: O716GM4.j]
2004-07-14 gm q645 (pottery)
q646 (pottery)
q650 (pottery) [Input: O716GM4.j]
2004-07-15 jw q654 (bones, pottery) [Input: O716GM4.j]
2004-07-20 jw q713 (bones, pottery) [Input: O905JW.j]
2004-07-21 jw q719 (bones, pottery)
q725 (bones, pottery) [Input: O905JW.j]
2004-07-26 gm q771 (pottery)
q773 (bones, pottery)
q778 (pottery) [Input: O908JW1.j]
2004-07-27 gm q789 (bones, pottery)
q790 (bones, pottery)
q796 (pottery)
q797 (pottery)
q804 (pottery) [Input: O908JW1.j]
2004-07-28 gm q806 (bones, pottery)
q812 (pottery) [Input: O908JW1.j]
2004-07-29 dc q826 (pottery)
q832 (bones, pottery) [Input: O908JW1.j]
2004-09-15 jw q844 (pottery)
q845 (pottery) [Input: O915JW.j]
Extension of locus or q-lot 2001-08-19 jl m2584 [Input: L819JL.j]
2004-09-11 jw m3451 [Input: O911JW1.j]
Length of two sides 2001-08-19 jl 500/east [Input: L819JL.j]
2001-08-19 jl 500/north [Input: L819JL.j]
2004-09-11 jw 500E [Input: O911JW1.j]
2004-09-11 jw 500N [Input: O911JW1.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of locus

2004-06-22 jw [Input: O702JW.j]

2004-06-24 jw [Input: O702JW.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-07-05 jw [Input: O911JW2.j]

2004-09-15 jw [Input: O915JW.j]

2008-05-28 cKH [Input: S528CKH.j]

2008-05-28 cKH [Input: S528CKH.j]