Unit Book J2


Processed on 2024-07-27


Roster Date Author Record
Equals other label 2009-08-20 cJC f338 (mx) [Input: T820CJC.j]
Category !! !! fill, dumping, collapse
Best definition 2009-07-25 cJC brickfall [Input: T822CJC2.j]
Summary 2009-09-01 cJC Large brickfall composed of red and gray bricks, seen clearly in section that covers the western part of k15. It is part of the same brickfall as f338. The bricks at the bottom are larger and more clearly articulate and appear more degraded towards the top of f341. This feature was originally excavated as a volumetric feature but it was composed entirely of brickfall. [Input: T901CJC.j]
Best image 2009-09-01 cJC [Input: T901CJC.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2009-07-25 cJC This feature is the remains of a baulk from the previous excavations. It is in the western part of k14. It is very large, extending 6.5 meters south from its NE corner (r1028) and 70 centimeters to the west. It abuts the south section of J2 (f338) [Input: T725CJC.j]
2009-07-26 cJC Some large chunks of carbonized wood. The largest was the size of a fist. pC removed the largest pieces from the section. They were collected as a sample. We also found large reddish brick chunks with white inclusions. [Input: T726CJC.j]


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2009-07-25 cJC k14 [Input: T822CJC2.j]
2009-09-02 cJC k15 [Input: T830CJC.j]
Relays (applicable to elements) 2009-07-25 cJC r1028 (39487 50008 - 8859 / Relay location: NE corner of removal of baulk stub in k14, k15) [Input: T728CJCR.j]
M#/elev @top 2009-07-25 cJC m6128 [Input: T822CJC2.j]
M#/elev @bottom 2009-07-25 cJC m6180 [Input: T822CJC2.j]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: latest events 2009-08-29 cJC f345 (floating stones) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T829CJC.j]
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2009-07-25 !! q837.1 (li) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837.2 (grinding stone) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840.1 (carbon sample) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840.2 (carbon sample) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840.3 (carbon sample) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840.4 (grinding stone) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840.5 (li) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 sH q837 (bones, pottery) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 sH q839 (pottery) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 sH q840 (pottery) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 sH q843 (bones, pottery) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-28 cJC q846 (bones, pottery) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p1 (xf) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p2 (bowl) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p3 (other shape sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p4 (xdf) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p5 (bowl) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p6 (jar) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p7 (bowl) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p8 (jar) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p9 (jar) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p10 (bowl) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p11 (cup) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p12 (xrl) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p13 (i) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p14 (xrl) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p15 (cup) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p16 (xrl) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p17 (jar) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p18 (pot) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p19 (tablet) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p20 (xf) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p21 (r) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p70 (jar shoulder) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p71 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p72 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p73 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p74 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p75 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p76 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p77 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p78 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p79 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p80 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p81 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p95 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p96 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p97 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p98 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q837-p99 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q839-p1 (bowl) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q839-p2 (xfx) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q839-p3 (cup) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q839-p4 (strainer) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q839-p70 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q839-p71 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q839-p72 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q839-p73 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q839-p74 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-25 !! q839-p75 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p1 (jar) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p2 (bowl) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p3 (jar) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p4 (r) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p5 (xfc) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p6 (xf) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p7 (xrd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p8 (xf) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p9 (other shape sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p10 (bowl) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p11 (r) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p12 (dr) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p13 (cup) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p14 (bowl) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p15 (jar) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p16 (xf) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p17 (tablet) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p18 (xfx) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p19 (xsc) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p20 (xfx) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p21 (jar) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p22 (other shape sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p23 (jar) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p70 (jar) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p71 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p72 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p73 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p74 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p75 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p76 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q840-p77 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q843-p1 (r) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q843-p2 (i) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q843-p3 (other shape sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q843-p4 (jar) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q843-p5 (bowl) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q843-p6 (r) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q843-p7 (cup) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q843-p8 (bowl) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q843-p70 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q843-p71 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q843-p72 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q843-p73 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q843-p74 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q843-p75 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q843-p76 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q843-p77 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-26 !! q843-p78 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-28 !! q846-p70 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
2009-07-28 !! q846-p71 (body sherd) sits in f341 (brickfall) [Input: T729CJC3.j]
Type of contact: earliest events 2009-08-29 cJC f341 (brickfall) abuts f346 (wall) [Input: T829CJC.j]
2009-08-29 cJC f341 (brickfall) overlays f339 (floor, type b) [Input: T829CJC.j]
2009-08-29 cJC f341 (brickfall) overlays f373 (lens) [Input: T829CJC.j]
2009-08-29 cJC f341 (brickfall) overlays f374 (floor, type c) [Input: T829CJC.j]
Ceramic typological distribution !! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2011-11-11 cJC s160J2B [Input: VY11CJC.j]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2009-09-14 !! ^bf (bf) [Input: T914CJC.j]
2011-11-11 !! h7jJ2B [Input: VY11CJC.j]
Other reasons, reservations, qualifications 2011-05-16 cJC Part of the large Mitanni brickfall, dated to the middle Mitanni based on the dating of erosion to the early Mitanni. [Input: V516CJC.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Ware or Material, species 2009-07-25 cJC cl [Input: T822CJC2.j]
Color 2009-07-25 cJC brown and red [Input: T822CJC2.j]
2009-08-29 cJC red and gray [Input: T829CJC.j]
Hardness, compaction 2009-07-25 cJC medium hard [Input: T822CJC2.j]
Texture, surface finish 2009-07-25 cJC bricky [Input: T822CJC2.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of features

2009-07-19 cJC [Input: T729CJC2.j]

2009-07-19 cJC [Input: T729CJC2.j]

2009-07-19 cJC [Input: T729CJC2.j]

2009-07-21 cJC [Input: T729CJC2.j]

2009-07-21 cJC [Input: T729CJC2.j]

2009-07-21 cJC [Input: T729CJC2.j]

2009-07-21 cJC [Input: T729CJC2.j]

2009-07-21 cJC [Input: T729CJC2.j]

2009-07-21 cJC [Input: T729CJC2.j]

2009-07-21 cJC [Input: T729CJC2.j]

2009-07-21 cJC [Input: T729CJC2.j]

2009-07-25 cJC [Input: T826CJC3.j]

2009-07-25 cJC [Input: T826CJC3.j]

2009-09-21 cJC [Input: T921CJC.j]

2009-09-21 cJC [Input: T921CJC.j]

2009-09-21 cJC [Input: T921CJC.j]


Roster Date Author Record
Removed (feature), discarded/missing (item) 2009-07-25 cJC T725 [Input: T822CJC2.j]