Unit Book J4

The Eastern Top of the Main Staircase - Version 1a


Lithics from unit J4

Yasmine Mahmoud – July 2023

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The collection of lithics collected from J4 can be considered large in size considering that J4 was only excavated for one season (around 58 objects), and it varies in type from blades and small tools, to larger working tools. The largest number of lithic artifacts can be categorized as tools such as hammers, grinding stones, polishing tools and some unidentifiable lithic objects that have working traces on them but the function cannot be determined. The second largest quantity of lithics are the small worked stones such as flint blades and scrapers, that are also working tools (or weapons in some cases), but of a different nature, in terms of use, production technique and manufacturing materials (mostly obsidian or flint stone). Three lithic door sockets have been found in this unit, all can be considered small to medium door sockets.

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Small worked stone

This group consists of flint blades, scrapers and manufacturing debitage. This sample comes from various horizons, mostly from accumulation layers. None are complete.

Obsedian Exemplars

Flint Exemplars

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Grinding and Polishing Stones

The corpus consists of medium to large sized tools.

Polishing stone

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