Unit Book J4

The Eastern Top of the Main Staircase - Version 1a

Topical index

September 2024

Total number of topics: 208.

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Topic Section Title
abutJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J4 > Abuts
accumulationsJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J4
Emplacement for unit J4 > Accumulations
amorphous amassmentJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J4
StratigraphyEmplacement data for unit J4 > Amorphous amassment
anthropologyBio-archeologyBio-archeological data for unit J4 > Physical anthropology
anthropomorphic figurinesJ4 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsFigurines from Unit J4 > Anthropomorphic figurines
architectureArchitectureArchitectural data for unit J4
ComparativeComparative data for unit J4 > Architecture
ConservationConservation in unit J4 > Architecture
archiveGeneral IntroCurrent version of Unit J4
artifacts: otherTypology/ObjectsOther objects from unit J4
backgroundIntroductionOverview of unit J4 > Background
BeadsTypology/ObjectsOther objects from unit J4 > Beads
beginningIntroductionOverview of unit J4 > Beginning of excavations
BinTypology/Built environmentInstallations in unit J4 > Bin installation
bio-archeologyBio-archeologyBio-archeological data for unit J4
bondJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J4 > Bonds
boundary hypothesisPresuppositionsOverall strategy and initial presuppositions > The boundary hypothesis
brickfallTypology/Built environmentLoose materials in unit J4 > Brickfall
brickmeltTypology/Built environmentLoose materials in unit J4 > Brickmelt
built environmentJ4 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentOverview of Built Environment in Unit J4
capJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J4 > Caps
ceramic processingIntroductionErrors in data for unit J4 > 2. Ceramics Processing
ceramicsObjectsObjects from unit J4 > Ceramics
Typology/ObjectsCeramics from unit J4
chariotTypology/ObjectsClay objects from unit J4 > Chariots
chroniclesIntroductionChronicle and History of work in unit J4
chronology: ceramicsTypology/ObjectsCeramics from unit J4 > Chronological implications
clayTypology/ObjectsClay objects from unit J4 > Clay artifacts
clay artifactsObjectsObjects from unit J4 > Clay Artifacts
Typology/ObjectsClay objects from unit J4
Clay paluqueTypology/ObjectsGlyptics from unit J4 > Clay plaque
comparative dataComparativeComparative data for unit J4
conservationConservationConservation in unit J4
conservation: stone architectureConservation/stone architectureStone architecture conservation in unit J4
correlationsTabulationsIntroduction to tabulations > Correlations
coverJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J4 > Covers
cutJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J4 > Cuts
depositionDepositionDepositional processes
depositional processesDepositionDepositional processes
depositional synopsisTabulationsIntroduction to tabulations > Depositional synopsis
discursive presentationToC to Unit J4Table of Contents > Part 2. Discursive presentation of Unit J4
DiscussionJ4 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsFigurines from Unit J4 > Discussion
earlier structuresHistoricalHistorical data for unit J4 > The earlier structure
emplacementIntroductionErrors in data for unit J4
J4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J4
Emplacement for unit J4
Emplacement for unit J4
StratigraphyEmplacement data for unit J4
Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5Ordered aggregation
emplacement: statisticsJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J4
equidsJ4 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsFigurines from Unit J4 > Equids
essaysIntroductionEssays related to unit J4
evidencePresuppositionsOverall strategy and initial presuppositions > The evidence from J4
excavation: endIntroductionOverview of unit J4 > End of excavations as of 2002
excavation: progressIntroductionChronicle and History of work in unit J4 > Progress of excavations
feature listSynthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5Ordered aggregation > Feature List
figurinesJ4 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsFigurines from Unit J4
fillsJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J4 > Fills
first constructionHistoricalHistorical data for unit J4 > The first construction
floating stonesTypology/Built environmentLoose materials in unit J4 > Floating stones
FloorTypology/Built environmentInstallations in unit J4 > Floors
floorsJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J4 > Surfaces defined by soil compaction (floors)
formIntroductionErrors in data for unit J4 > Form
frequenciesTabulationsIntroduction to tabulations > Frequencies
functional areasArchitectureArchitectural data for unit J4 > Functional areas
functional useComparativeComparative data for unit J4 > Functional use
gapHistoricalHistorical data for unit J4 > The great gap
geo-physical dataGeo-physicalGeo-physical data for unit J4
glacisSynthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5Ordered aggregation > Glacis
GlacisTypology/Built environmentInstallations in unit J4 > Glacis
glypticsObjectsObjects from unit J4 > Glyptics
Typology/ObjectsGlyptics from unit J4
goalsIntroductionOverview of unit J4 > Goals
Preface > Goals
Preface to Unit J4Preface > Goals
grinding stones and polishing stonesTypology/ObjectsLithics from unit J4 > Grinding and Polishing Stones
historyHistoricalHistorical data for unit J4
history of the researchGeo-physicalGeo-physical data for unit J4 > History of the research
horizonsSequenceSequencing data for unit J4 > Horizons
horizontal surfacesJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J4
StratigraphyEmplacement data for unit J4 > Horizontal surfaces
indexIndex to Unit J4Index
indicesTabulationsIntroduction to tabulations > Indices
inputIntroductionInput for unit J4
installationsArchitectureArchitectural data for unit J4 > Installations
J4 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentOverview of Built Environment in Unit J4 > Installations
Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5Ordered aggregation > Installations
Typology/Built environmentInstallations in unit J4
intermediate input/formatIntroductionInput for unit J4 > Ordered input (the intermediate format)
intrudeJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J4 > Bonds
Emplacement for unit J4 > Intrude
isolated elementsElementsIsolated elements in unit J4
isolated stonesJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J4 > Isolated Stones
judgementIntroductionErrors in data for unit J4 > Judgment
kilnTypology/ObjectsClay objects from unit J4 > Kiln waste and clay lumps
layersJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J4
Emplacement for unit J4 > Layers
leanJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J4 > Leans on
lionsJ4 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsFigurines from Unit J4 > Lions
lithic artifacsObjectsObjects from unit J4 > Lithic Artifacts
lithicsTypology/ObjectsLithics from unit J4
locationIntroductionOverview of unit J4 > Location
looseJ4 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentOverview of Built Environment in Unit J4 > Loose materials
loose materialTypology/Built environmentLoose materials in unit J4
metal artifactsObjectsObjects from unit J4 > Metal Artifacts
Typology/ObjectsMetal objects from unit J4
methodology: ceramicsTypology/ObjectsCeramics from unit J4 > Methodology
Middle Assyrian HorizonIntroductionErrors in data for unit J4 > 2. Middle Assyrian Horizon
missing sectionsIntroductionErrors in data for unit J4 > 3. Missing Section
Mixed layersJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J4 > Mixed layers
Mudbrick architectureJ4 Synthetic View / ConservationConservation in unit J4
Conservation in unit J4 > Mudbrick architecture
natural accumulationsTypology/Built environmentLoose materials in unit J4 > Natural Accumulations
Object conservationJ4 Synthetic View / ConservationConservation in unit J4
Conservation in unit J4 > Object conservation
object processingIntroductionErrors in data for unit J4 > 3. Objects Processing
objectsComparativeComparative data for unit J4 > Objects
ConservationConservation in unit J4 > Objects
ObjectsObjects from unit J4
objects: otherTypology/ObjectsOther objects from unit J4
ordered aggregationSynthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5Ordered aggregation
ordered inputIntroductionInput for unit J4 > Ordered input (the intermediate format)
ordered organizationStratigraphyEmplacement data for unit J4 > Ordered organization
other artifactsObjectsObjects from unit J4 > Other Artifacts
overlaysJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J4 > Overlays
overviewIntroductionOverview of unit J4
paleobotanySynthetic view/ Typology/ SamplesBotanical data from unit J4
paleo-botanyBio-archeologyBio-archeological data for unit J4 > Paleo-botany
paleo-zoologyBio-archeologyBio-archeological data for unit J4 > Paleo-zoology
pavementsJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J4 > Surfaces defined by discrete components (pavements)
pedologyBio-archeologyBio-archeological data for unit J4 > Pedology
phasesIntroductionOverview of unit J4 > Phases
J4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyPhases for Unit J4
SequenceSequencing data for unit J4 > Phases
physical anthropologySynthetic view/ Typology/ SamplesPhysical anthropological data from unit J4
physiognomyIntroductionOverview of unit J4 > Physiognomy
Preface to Unit J4Preface
primary inputIntroductionInput for unit J4 > Random input (the primary format)
random inputIntroductionInput for unit J4 > Random input (the primary format)
recordIntroductionErrors in data for unit J4 > Record
ToC to Unit J4Table of Contents > Part 4. The Record as a system
relations to J6PresuppositionsOverall strategy and initial presuppositions > The shift to J6
restJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J4 > Rests on
resultsGeo-physicalGeo-physical data for unit J4 > The results
IntroductionOverview of unit J4 > Main results
sacral areaHistoricalHistorical data for unit J4 > The long duration of the sacral area
samples: otherTypology/SamplesOther samples from unit J4
Sealings and seal impressionTypology/ObjectsGlyptics from unit J4 > Sealings and seal impressions
sequence: chartSequenceSequencing data for unit J4 > Chart
sequencing dataSequenceSequencing data for unit J4
shapes/codesTypology/ObjectsCeramics from unit J4 > Shapes and codes
shell artifactsTypology/ObjectsOther objects from unit J4 > Shell artifacts
sit inJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J4 > Sits in
site presentationConservationConservation in unit J4 > Site presentation
sitewideIntroductionPreface > Preface to Sitewide
Preface to Unit J4Preface > Preface to Sitewide
specular hypothesisPresuppositionsOverall strategy and initial presuppositions > The specular hypothesis
spreadsheetsTabulationsIntroduction to tabulations > Spreadsheets
staffIntroductionStaff for unit J4
staff turnoverIntroductionErrors in data for unit J4 > 4. Staff Turnover
statisticsIntroductionOverview of unit J4 > General statistics
statistics: stationary elements (features)J4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J4
statistics: types of contactJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J4
stone architectureConservation/stone architectureStone architecture conservation in unit J4 > Stone architecture
J4 Synthetic View / ConservationConservation in unit J4
Conservation in unit J4 > Stone architecture
stone installationTypology/Built environmentInstallations in unit J4 > stone installation
strataJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyStrata for Unit J4
SequenceSequencing data for unit J4 > Strata
strata definition chart (J4)J4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyStrata for Unit J4 > The strata definition chart (J4)
strategyPresuppositionsOverall strategy and initial presuppositions
stratigraphic summariesDepositionStratigraphic summaries
structuresArchitectureArchitectural data for unit J4 > Structures
J4 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentOverview of Built Environment in Unit J4 > Structures
Structures in Unit J4
table of contentsIntroductionTopics > Table of contents
tabulationsTabulationsIntroduction to tabulations
ToC to Unit J4Table of Contents > Part 3. Tabulations for J4
tabulations: introductionTabulationsIntroduction to tabulations > General
TannurTypology/Built environmentInstallations in unit J4 > Tannurs
ToCToC to Unit J4Table of Contents
tokenTypology/ObjectsClay objects from unit J4 > Token
topical indexIndex to Unit J4Index > Topical index
topsoilJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J4 > Topsoil
types of contactsJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J4
Emplacement for unit J4
Emplacement for unit J4
Emplacement for unit J4
Emplacement for unit J4
typological columnSequenceSequencing data for unit J4 > The typological column
UGRToC to Unit J4Table of Contents > Part 5. The Global Record in practice: J4 Constituents
useJ4 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentOverview of Built Environment in Unit J4 > Use areas
use areasJ4 Synthetic View / Typology / Built EnvironmentUse areas in Unit J4
versionsGeneral IntroCurrent version of Unit J4
vertical buildupStratigraphyEmplacement data for unit J4 > Vertical buildup
vessel figurinesJ4 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsFigurines from Unit J4 > Vessle figurines
volumetric materialJ4 Synthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for unit J4 > Volumetric Material
wallsSynthetic View / StratigraphyEmplacement for Unit J5Ordered aggregation > Walls
wares/functionTypology/ObjectsCeramics from unit J4 > Wares and function
weightTypology/ObjectsClay objects from unit J4 > Loom weight
wheelsTypology/ObjectsClay objects from unit J4 > Clay wheels
worked stonesTypology/ObjectsLithics from unit J4 > Small worked stone
zoologySynthetic view/ Typology/SamplesZoological data from unit J4
zoomorphic figurinesJ4 Synthetic View / Typology / ObjectsFigurines from Unit J4 > Zoomorphic figurines