
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)

J6 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Phase 7dJ6A within unit J6

Patrizia Camatta – September 2011

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This phase is very long in J6. There is a general reorganization of the space and construction of new structures.

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A hollow it2 cuts f151. The pit is very similar to it3.

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‘Memory Stones’ and glacis

The entire area of J6 is reorganized: a hard surface ^glacis1 and ^glacis2 covers all the area, east and south of ^wall6. This surface follows the preexisting slope of this area, which is southwest. Probably there are structures to the east which grew rapidly in the previous phases (see ^wall7) and created this slope. Together with the glacis new stones f127 are laid on top of ^wall6, probably because the wall was covered and was loosing the function of boundary and of flank wall to the staircase.

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A mudbrick structure a7 is built on top of the glacis and it functions probably as storage.

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A small jar i11 and a seal impression q231.2 were found in pit fill f142. A cut seal i17 was found under stone ff101. A bronze pin i7 was found in ^glacis1.

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