Site Presentation (Version 1)

The panels of the welcome cluster

Giorgio Buccellati – November 2009

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Reproduced below are the individual signs that welcome the visitors, on their arrival,at three points along the route: as they enter the Outer City, as they enter the High Mound, and as they arrive at the Expedition House.

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1. Entering the Outer City

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     This is a large open panel that is situated at the edge of the Outer City, as one enters it along one of the main roads that lead to the tell. Here I show only the panel situated at the northern end, the principal route for visitors coming from the Amuda-Qamishli highway. The other panels are identical, except for the map.

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2. Entering the High Mound

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     This is another large open panel that is situated at the edge of the High Mound, as one begins the climb to the top of the tell.


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3. View to the north

Text (PDF 188K)

     As one arrives at the Expedition House, there is a box that contains the flyers, and a reading stand that locates some of the features visible on the horizon as well as the first sounding carried out at Tell Mozan, in 1934, by Max Mallowan.


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