Site Presentation (Version 1)

The flyers

Giorgio Buccellati – July 2009

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A simple one page flyer is given to visitors at the site, with a short introduction that offers a word of welcome and a brief overall introduction and a simple chronological chart. It lists the stops on the itinerary providing thereby some orientation as the visitors set out on the gravel paths.

At this point we have versions in English, Arabic and French. Given the simple nature of the flyer, it will be a simple matter to have, in the future, translations in several other languages.

We may also choose to provide additional flyers, for instance, with further information about the Urkesh objects that will eventually be on exhibit at the new Museum in Hassaka, or about neighboring sites a visit to which would complement the information obtained at Mozan.

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The current flyers are available online and can be downloaded as desired.

ENGLISH 2009/2019 version
PDF 123 KB
PDF 316 KB
PDF 145 KB
(translation by
R. el-Endari and
Y. Mahmoud
PDF 300 KB
(translation by
M.-C. Trémouille)

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