Site Presentation (Version 1)

5. The Temple of the Lion

Giorgio Buccellati – November 2009

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Signpost (PDF 123K)

     This was the place of our first excavation at Tell Mozan, in 1984. We were then very surprised to find third millennium material immediately below the surface, so near the very top of the tell. While we suspected that the Temple would originally have stood atop some sort of artificial structure, we could not anticipate the monumentality of the Temple Terrace we now have under our feet...

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Back to top: 5. The Temple of the Lion

The lions of Tish-atal (PDF 595K)

     Even though the Temple was so close to the surface, we could not only date its main stratum, but also identify the depositional history of the subsequent strata. And offer an intriguing suggestion about the possible lcoation of two famous bronze statues...

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The beginning of the end (PDF 738K)

     Half way up to the Temple, as we look back, we gain a sudden new understanding of the dramatic depositional history of the complex. For now, it is the broad view of a massive brickfall that retains our attention. The full explanation will come at the end of our tour...

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