Urkesh Ceramic Analysis

Version (1a)


Amr Shahat (aS)

Staff profile

August 2020


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I am specialized in ancient Egyptian archaeology and paleoethnobotany. I combine archaeological and life sciences methods including stable isotope biogeochemistry and nano-archaeology to study ancient foodways and ancient food ecology, migration histories related to social-cultural interactions. Particular focus is on the social history of non-elite and under-studied groups of women and children.

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B.A. Archaeological TourismHelwan University
M.A. EgyptologyUniversity of Memphis; Interdisciplinary Museum Studies Certification 2015
UCLA Food Studies Graduate CertificateHosted by UCLA Institute of Environment and Sustainability & Fielding School of Public Health, Graduation May 20, 2020

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Areas of Interest

- Paleoethnobotany
- Ancient Egyptian diet and foodways
- Egyptian ethnoarchaeology
- Egyptian archaeology
- Cultural heritage site preservation

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Archaeological Field Work

2019-2020Deir el Ballas excavation project winter 2020, serving as African and eastern Mediterranean paleoethnobotany specialist, December, 18th-2019-Jan 19, 2020. Project Director, Peter Lacovara
2017-2019Paleoethnobotany and paleodietary analysis from teeth and hair remains for diet and health reconstruction of the population buried in the TT 16, Theban tomb of Panehsy. (Seasons 2016; 2017-2018; winter 2019). Project Director, Suzanne Onstine
2019Paleoethnobotanical analysis of the plant-food remains collection from the Tomb of Kha and Merit, Museo Egizio, Torino, Italy. August, 2019.
2019Field excavation and teaching stable isotope applications in bioarchaeology for dietary reconstruction, St. Lucia Roman Villa site, in Aguilafuente, Segovia, Spain July 7-21, 2019. Team supervisor Jesus Herrerin and Natasa Sarkic.
2012,2017,2018UCLA Fayum excavation project, University of California field seasons (2012; and 2017, summer 2018).
2013,2014,2015Member of the University of Memphis & Université de Montreal à Quebec archaeological mission at the Karnak Hypostyle Hall project in Luxor, Egypt during Summer 2013 & Winter 2014 &2015.
2012Team member Italian Archaeological Mission at the tomb of Harwa at Assasif, Luxor, Egypt Fall 2012.

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Academic Publications

In pressShahat, A. & V. Jensen. In press. Social Archaeology of Food at Deir el Ballas: An Archaeobotanical Study of the Non-Elite Cemetery Food Offerings. In: El Dorry, M.-A. Ed. Feeding a Civilisation: Food and Drink in Egypt and Sudan (Bibliothèque d’Étude. Cairo). – Cairo, Institut français d’archéologie orientale
2019Chloe Berghausen, Elizabeth Dresser-Kluchman, Natasha Fernandez-Perez, Amr Shahat, Alec Apodaca and Venicia Slotten, UC Berkeley McCown Archaeobotany Laboratory Report #88: Field Starch Extraction from Ground Stone: Experiment and Protocol Recommendations. Lab Report.
2015Shahat, Amr and Erika Feleg, 2015, large palimpsest cartouches of Ramesses IV Usurped by Ramesses VI, poster American Research Center in Egypt Annual Meeting, Houston Texas.

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Academic Awards

2020-2021Dissertation Year Fellowship, Graduate Division, University of California Los Angeles
2019Center for the Study of Women Travel Award, for the project "Social history of Women in Ancient Egypt: Paleoethnobotanical and stable isotope Analysis of Food remains and mummies from non-elite cemeteries"
2018UCLA International Institute Fieldwork Fellowship
2018UCLA Graduate Summer Research Mentorship
2018ARCE Annual Meeting Best Student Poster
2017-2018UCLA Cotsen Institute Steinmetz Research Travel Award
2017UCLA Graduate Summer Research Mentorship
2016-2017UCLA Cotsen Institute Steinmetz Research Travel Award

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UCLAUrkesh Project Research assistant, my participation includes website management for Ceramic data, and community archaeology collaborator to help Syrian students from the region.
Simon Fraser UniversityStable isotope in bioarcheology internship at Simon Fraser University, host professor Dr. Michael Richards, Tier 1 Scientist, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver Canada, September 10-21, Summer 2019. Funded by UCLA Canadian Institute.
University of GroningenAdvanced lab training in Archaeobotany, Food from field to Fork summer lab course, Biology-Archaeology Institute, University of Groningen. Host professor Rene Cappers July 2019.
UC BerkeleyStable isotope in ecology, host department, Integrative biology, Life Sciences building, Todd Dawson Stable Isotope Lab UC Berkeley, Spring 2019 (University of California Intercampus exchange program)
UC BerkeleyPaleoethnobotany training in McCown UC Berkeley Archaeobotanical laboratory by Professor Christine Hastorf fall 2018-Spring 2019, University of California Berkeley.
University of Utah, Salt Lake CityStable isotope in Biogeochemistry and ecology, Camp hosted by the University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Intensive course and Lab training. Graduation summer 2018.
University of Groningen and Leiden UniversityPaleoethnobotany training in the University of Groningen and Leiden University by Professor Rene Cappers, Netherlands. Summer of 2017.

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Prof. Dr. Willeke WendrichPh.D., Leiden University, 1999

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