Urkesh Ceramic Analysis

Version (1a)

Categorization: Roster

Ceramic Roster: Codes

Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati – July 2013
May 2023

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ZcaW details of Ware
Cf. section of the "Main Roster": 4. TYPOLOGY/Morphology
ZcaW0 main ware
ZcaW1 main temper
ZcaW2 other temper
ZcaW3 surface treatment, exterior
ZcaW4 surface treatment, interior
ZcaW5 type of inclusions
ZcaW6 frequency of inclusions
ZcaW7 firing
ZcaW8 fracture
ZcaW9 detail of ware (subfamily)

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ZcaS details of Shape
Cf. section of the "Main Roster": 4. TYPOLOGY/Morphology
NOTE: When a basic shape can be recognized, then it is qualified by the three additional roster categories of family/sub-family/type, e.g., a bowl may be deep (family), sharply carinated (sub-family), type as identified by a standardized drawing (7). – Rim, base or handle are generally identified without reference to the preceding categories, although in principle that is possible.
ZcaS1 family
ZcaS2 sub-family
ZcaS3 details
ZcaS4 rim/base/handle
ZcaS9 forming technique

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ZcaD details of Decoration
Cf. section of the "Main Roster": 4. TYPOLOGY/Morphology
ZcaD1 technique
ZcaD2 type

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ZcaCdetails of Color
Cf. section of the "Main Roster": 4. TYPOLOGY/Morphology
ZcaC1 color, interior (name)
ZcaC2 color, interior (Munsell number)
ZcaC3 color, exterior (name)
ZcaC4 color, exterior (Munsell number)
ZcaC5 color, temper (name)
ZcaC6 color, temper (Munsell number)
ZcaC7 painted color background A (i.e. body?)
ZcaC8 painted color background B
ZcaC9 painted color foreground A (i.e., decoration?)
ZcaC10painted color foreground B

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ZcaM details of Measurements
Cf. section of the "Main Roster": 4. TYPOLOGY/Measurements
ZcaM1 percentage of rim – This category defines how large a sherd is vis-à-vis the total circumference of the vessel rim.

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ZcaF details of Function
Cf. section of the "Main Roster": 4. TYPOLOGY/Function
ZcaF1 primary function

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Time assignment

ZcaA details of Time Assignment
Cf. section of the "Main Roster": 3. STRATIGRAPHY/Time sequencing
ZcaA1 typological horizon – This differs from the stratigraphic horizon (I5 of "Main Roster" [see Grammar, under Volume 1, The System, Chapter 1.6, "Main Roster"]), in that it identifies a vessel or sherd on the basis of its typological characteristics, regardless of its emplacement. Thus a painted Khabur sherd would be assigned to the K horizon even if it is found in a later context.
ZcaA10ceramic vessels and sherds within feature (under feature)