Urkesh Ceramic Analysis

Version (1a)

Shapes by horizon: Late Calcolithic 3 / Temple Terrace


Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati – January 2014

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Only in the last few years of excavations did we realize the extent and importance of the Late Chalcolithic use of the site, especially that there was a large nitched building, in all likelihood a temple, constructed on the temple terrace about 22 meters above plain level. Late Chalcolithic ceramics have been found both in the plaza in front of the temple terrace and on the summit of the temple terrace where we also discovered a number of container sealings.

The ceramics are, for the most part, typical local LC3 handmade coarse wares with some small wheelmade fine ware vessels. The coarse ware shapes are also typical for this assemblege, so for instance hammer rim bowls, flat plates and a smaller number of jar shapes. Characteristic of many of these vessels is the use of potter’s marks. The publication of the the ceramics and seal impressions from these LC3 contexts can be found in “Mozan/Urkesh in the Late Chalcolithic Period” (2010).

A detailed description of the LC3 shapes by unit of excavation and feature within the unit can be found in Phase 2m - LC3. A description of the LC3 wares can be found under the various individual ware descriptions for the period and are found in the description of the 4th millennium wares.

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