Unit Book A6


Processed on 2024-09-12


Roster Date Author Record
Equals other label 1992-07-04 rK ASk218 [Input: C7-1-D.J]



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 1992-07-28 rK square S of k217 [Input: ZH306lC3.j]
1996-07-03 rk Digging down in f102 revealed something like an endiron (much smaller than a tannur, with no vertical wall on one side). This was labelled f104. Functional relationship between f104 and ash pit f31 (??) [Input: G705RK.J]



Roster Date Author Record
Daily notes about recovery of elements 1996-07-03 rK Re: f102, f104. f102 does not seem to be a floor proper. The emplacement of sherds is not flat. The material presence is not orderly. [Input: G714RK.J]
1996-07-07 rK The N half of the E terrace has been lowered to <10 cm above the W part of the locus. In the S 1/4 of the terrace is located a12, the burial. This has also been significantly lowered. The rest of the terrace (2nd 1/4 from the S) has multiple strata. The top is being collected as f108. This comes down to and includes a band of ashen ac (stones/sherds). Below this band is being named f111, although on G706 it was treated as f108. a12 was in former f108, but would now correspond to f111. [Input: G709RK.J]
1996-07-08 rK The W baulk was prepared for removal by cutting a section along its length and scoring. It was scored as 3 bands. The top sod layer, f116, was removed without collecting sherds or bones. The layer below,f117, had grey accumulation, 14 cm at the S end and widening to 45 cm S of f36, the loose bricks in the NW corner. This was partially removed today. The rest of the baulk as it exists above the present floor of k218 corresponds to f111. [Input: G709RK.J]
1996-07-08 rK almost all of the square is down to the same level. So layer on W baulk has been removed. The grey ac below has been partially removed. a13 has been left in the corner of the locus covered with plastic. a12 was completely removed. [Input: G709RK.J]
1996-07-10 rK The W baulk has been removed. The E half still is about 3 cm higher than the W half of the locus. So the workmen have been assigned to level the floor. [Input: G716RK.J]
1996-07-21 rK Removal of ac at the N 1/3 of locus; new k defined. All of the area in k218 + the area in k217 S of the wall f78 has been now defined as a new locus, k21. f172 was removed; this was a cut into the layers of ac--see view 73, 73a. Recovery of f166 in this part was completed on G720. Below f166, f169 was likewise removed. f174 was defined as the red layer below the first partial gray layer in the section cut in the NW of the locus (f167). f173 was removed today. It was continuous with f169 as well as f174. [Input: G801RK.J]
1996-07-23 rK The layer of stones (f27)--labelled a burial during MZ7--seen at the SE corner under the sod layer actually extends NS and is mostly under the baulk and in k219. Suggests burial of an adult. [Input: G803RK.J]
Strategy (projected or implemented) 1996-07-10 rK On G710 the baulk on the W should be cut down to be level with the remaining floor. The floor should be levelled, divided into four quadrants and excavated. [Input: G716RK.J]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Elements within locus 1996-07-03 rK a12 (burial), a13 (burial) [Input: ZH306lC.j]
1992-07-04 rK f14 (topsoil) [Input: ZG924aMA.j]
1992-07-07 rK f26 (accumulation C), f27 (br) [Input: ZG924aMA.j]
1992-07-08 rK f29 (pit), f31 (pit) [Input: ZG924aMA.j]
1992-07-12 rK f36 (isolated individual brick), f37 (ash layer), f38 (tannur (feature)) [Input: ZG924aMA.j]
1996-07-03 rK f102 (accumulation C), f104 (hearth) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j]
1996-07-04 rK f108 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j]
1996-07-04 jO f111 (accumulation C), f116 (sod ly), f117 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j]
1996-07-09 rK f122 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j]
1996-07-09 jO f124 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j]
1996-07-10 jO f126 (assamblage) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j]
1996-07-13 rK f150 (accumulation C), f151 (ash layer), f152 (accumulation C), f153 (accumulation C), f154 (accumulation C), f155 (accumulation C), f156 (accumulation C), f157 (ash pit) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j]
1996-07-14 rK f158 (accumulation C), f159 (accumulation C), f160 (accumulation C), f161 (fill in primary context) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j]
1996-07-16 rK f162, f163 (accumulation C), f164 (ash layer), f165 (pit), f166 (accumulation C), f167 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j]
1996-07-20 rK f168 (ashy layer), f169 (hard ac), f170 (accumulation C), f171 (accumulation C), f172 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j]
1996-07-21 rK f173 (accumulation C), f174 (accumulation C), f175 (accumulation C), f176 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j]
1996-07-29 rK f200 (wa) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j]
1996-08-04 rK f209 (burial) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j]
1996-07-06 rK i49 (handiron), i50 (head of skeleton), i52, i53, i54 (jewelry item), i55 (jewelry item) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]
1996-07-08 rK i56 (figurine) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]
1996-07-10 rK i58 (various), i59 (pot) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]
1996-07-14 rK i76 (lithic artifact), i78 (clay artifact), i79 (wheel), i80 (clay artifact) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]
1996-07-14 jO i82 (seal impression), i83 (weapon) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]
1996-07-15 rK i84 (seal impression), i85 (seal impression), i86 (seal impression), i87 (jar or bottle stopper), i89 (bead) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]
1996-07-16 jO i90 (seal impression) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]
1996-07-17 jO i99 (wheel), i102 (jar sealing?), i103 (tag) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]
1996-07-18 jO i104 (seal impression) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]
1996-07-20 jO i106 (seal impression) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]
1996-07-22 rK i115 (seal impression) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]
1996-07-23 rK i116 (seal impression) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]
1996-07-24 rK i122 (lithic artifact) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]
1996-08-06 jO i176 (bead) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j]
1996-07-03 jO q304.1 (pot) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-03 rK q320.1 (i), q323.1 (pot), q324.1 (i), q325.1 (i), q326.1 (pot) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-04 jO q353.1 (i) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-09 jO q360.1 (pot) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-09 jo q367.1 (i), q367.2 (i) [Input: G720JO.J]
1996-07-08 jO q381.1 (i) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-10 jO q387.1 (i), q403.1 (clay artifact), q408.1 (i), q411.1 (i), q413.1 (pot), q416.1 (i), q416.2 (i) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-13 jO q426.1 (pot) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-18 jO q487.1 (f) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1992-07-04 rK q2 (pottery), q4 (pottery), q5 (pottery), q6 (pottery), q7 (pottery), q11 (pottery), q15 (pottery), q16 (pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j]
1992-07-05 sT q18 (pottery), q23 (pottery), q28 (pottery), q32 (pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j]
1992-07-05 rK q34 (pottery), q36 (pottery), q37 (pottery), q42 (items, pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j]
1992-07-06 rK q44 (pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j]
1992-07-06 aP q50 (pottery), q54 (pottery), q58 (pottery), q65 (pottery), q66 (pottery), q70 (items, pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j]
1992-07-07 rK q73 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j]
1992-07-07 aP q79 (items, pottery), q81 (pottery), q82 (pottery), q83 (pottery), q84 (bones, items, pottery), q88 (pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j]
1992-07-07 sT q89 (items) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j]
1992-07-08 aP q90 (items), q93 (pottery), q99 (bones, pottery), q100 (items, pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j]
1992-07-10 rk q102 (pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j]
1992-07-09 aP q108 (bones, pottery), q110 (items, pottery), q114 (items) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J]
1992-07-19 rk q187 (pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J]
1996-07-03 jO q307 (pottery), q308 (pottery), q309 (bones), q312 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-03 rK q313 (pottery), q317 (pottery), q318 (pottery), q319 (pottery), q321 (pottery), q322 (pottery), q329 (items), q330, q333 (items), q334 ( ?) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-04 jO q345 (pottery), q346 (bones), q350 (pottery), q353 (items), q354 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-06 jO q358 (bones, pottery), q359 (bones, items, pottery), q360 (bones, items, pottery), q364 (items, pottery), q365 (pottery), q367 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-07 jO q368 (bones, items, pottery), q371 (bones, items, pottery), q373 (bones, pottery), q376 (items, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-08 jM q377 (bones, pottery), q378 (p,b,v) [Input: G720JO.J]
1996-07-08 jm q381 (items) [Input: TEST.J]
1996-07-08 jM q382 (pottery), q383 (pottery) [Input: G720JO.J]
1996-07-10 jo q386 (p,b,l), q387 (bones, pottery), q391 (bones, pottery), q396 (pottery), q398 (bones, pottery), q399 (bones, pottery), q402 (bones, pottery), q403 (pottery), q404 (p,l), q405 (pottery), q407 (bones, pottery), q408 (p,b,cl), q409 (pottery), q410 (pottery), q411 (p,b,l,cl), q412 (pottery) [Input: G720JO.J]
1996-07-11 jm q413 (bones, pottery), q414 (pottery), q415 (bones, pottery), q416 (bones, pottery) [Input: G720JO.J]
1996-07-13 jO q419 (bones, pottery), q420 (bones, pottery), q421 (pottery), q422 (pottery), q423 (pottery), q425 (pottery), q426 (cl), q428 (pottery) [Input: G720JO.J]
1996-07-11 jo q432 (bones, pottery) [Input: G720JO.J]
1996-07-14 jm q435 (p,b,cl), q439 (p,b,l), q441 (p,b,l) [Input: G720JO.J]
1996-07-14 jO q445 (pottery), q446 (items, pottery), q447 (pottery), q448 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-15 rK q449 (items, pottery), q450 (bones, pottery), q451 (bones, pottery), q452 (items, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-15 jO q454 (items, pottery), q457 (bones, items, pottery), q458 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-14 jM q461 (bones, items, pottery), q462 (bones, pottery), q464 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-17 jO q466 (bones, items, pottery), q467 (bones, items, pottery), q470 (items, pottery), q471 (bones, items, pottery), q472 (bones, pottery), q473 (items, pottery), q476 (pottery), q477 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-18 rK q478 (items, pottery), q479 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-18 jO q482 (bones, items, pottery), q483 (bones, items, pottery), q484 (bones, items, pottery), q486 (pottery), q489 (items, pottery), q490 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-20 jO q494 (bones, items, pottery), q495 (bones, pottery), q496 (bones, pottery), q497 (bones, pottery), q498 (pottery), q499 (bones, pottery), q500 (pottery), q501 (bones, pottery), q502 (bones, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-21 rK q506 (pottery), q507 (items, pottery), q508 (items, pottery), q509 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-21 jO q517 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-22 rK q521 (pottery), q523 (pottery), q528 (pottery) [Input: G730RK.J]
1996-07-23 rK q531 (pottery), q532 (bones, items, pottery), q535 (bones, items, pottery), q536 (pottery), q541 (bones, pottery) [Input: G730RK.J]
1996-07-24 rK q544 (items, pottery), q548 (items, pottery) [Input: G721JO.J]
1996-07-25 jO q558 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
1996-07-28 jO q584 (items, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j]
Relays (applicable to elements) 1996-07-10 rk r147 ( - 8501 / Relay location: mid locus) [Input: G715RK-R.J]
1996-07-10 rk r148 ( - 8491 / Relay location: SW quadrant) [Input: G715RK-R.J]
1996-07-10 rk r149 (42851 35862 - / Relay location: NE corner) [Input: G715RK-R.J]
1996-07-10 rk r150 (42493 35705 - / Relay location: SE corner) [Input: G715RK-R.J]
1996-07-10 rk r151 (42567 35613 - / Relay location: SW corner) [Input: G715RK-R.J]
1996-07-10 rk r152 (42890 35728 - / Relay location: NW corner) [Input: G715RK-R.J]
1996-07-18 jm r244 (42931 35891 - 8467 / Relay location: NE) [Input: G731FAB.J]
1996-07-18 jm r245 (43099 35530 - 8438 / Relay location: NW) [Input: G731FAB.J]
1996-07-18 jm r246 (42709 35315 - 8460 / Relay location: SW) [Input: G731FAB.J]
1996-07-18 jm r247 (42511 35706 - 8471 / Relay location: SE) [Input: G731FAB.J]
Length of two sides 1992-07-28 rK 400N [Input: ZH306lC3.j]
1992-07-28 rK 400W [Input: ZH306lC3.j]
Notes on volumetric localization 1992-07-28 GB final elevations -- step at E: m1248-64 -- floor: see under f26 [Input: C7-3.J]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of locus
1992-07-04 rK [Input: ZH306lC2.j]
1992-07-07 AP [Input: ZH306lC2.j]
1992-07-18 RK [Input: ZH306lC2.j]
1992-07-26 RK [Input: ZH306lC2.j]
1996-07-04 rK [Input: G802JO.J]
1996-07-06 rk [Input: G802JO.J]
1996-07-08 rk [Input: G802JO.J]
1996-07-13 rk [Input: G802JO.J]
1996-07-18 rK [Input: G802JO.J]
1996-07-29 rk [Input: G802JO.J]
1996-07-29 rk [Input: G802JO.J]