Unit Book A15


Processed on 2024-09-15


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! buildup
Best definition 2003-07-21 ms accumulation [Input: ZH825jW.j]
Best image 2003-07-16 !!
v185 [Input: ZH330jW.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Definition 2003-07-12 gh accumulation [Input: N721MS1.j]
Description (summary) 2003-07-12 gh brown red accumulation associated with kilns. Lots of inclusions such charcoal, slag, burnt brick. Encompasses as large area between k13 and k14, and maybe two meters deep. Stops cleanly in s at cut of clay bin, f155. Also bounded by baulk on n and e. Under bricks, f377. [Input: N721MS1.j]


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2022-01-28 jW k13 [Input: ZG128jW.j]
Relays (applicable to elements) 2003-07-14 lf r523 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: SE corner) [Input: N714MS.R]
2003-07-14 lf r524 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: SW corner) [Input: N714MS.R]
2003-07-14 lf r525 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: NE corner) [Input: N714MS.R]
2003-07-14 lf r526 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: NW corner) [Input: N714MS.R]
M#/elev @top 2003-07-21 ms 8886 [Input: ZH825jW.j]

Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: latest events 2022-01-26 jw f416 (pit) cuts f373 (accumulation) [Input: ZG126jW.j]
2022-01-26 jw f428 (cut) cuts f373 (accumulation) [Input: ZG126jW.j]
2021-12-28 jW f453 (cut) cuts f373 (accumulation) [Input: ZFz28jW.j]
2003-07-13 ms f377 (wall) covers f373 (accumulation) [Input: N721MS1.j]
2022-01-26 jw f408 (burial) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: ZG126jW.j]
2021-12-26 jW f415 (fill) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: ZFz26jW.j]
2021-12-26 jW f448 (layer) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: ZFz26jW.j]
2021-12-26 jW f449 (layer) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: ZFz26jW.j]
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2003-07-13 ms i230 (seal) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N808MS1.j]
2003-07-17 lf i231 (clay artifact) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N808MS1.j]
2003-07-23 ms i242 (ceramic vessel) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N808MS1.j]
2003-07-23 ms i243 (ceramic vessel) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N808MS1.j]
2003-07-24 ms i248 (ceramic vessel) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N808MS1.j]
2003-07-15 !! q742.1 (figurine) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N726jw4.j]
2003-07-15 !! q742.2 (kiln waste) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N726jw4.j]
2003-07-16 !! q746.1 (figurine) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N726jw4.j]
2003-07-17 !! q758.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-17 !! q762.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-19 !! q767.1 (bead) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-19 !! q772.1 (tool) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-19 !! q772.2 (brick) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-20 !! q785.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-21 !! q791.1 (lithic artifact) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-21 !! q791.2 (clay lump) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-21 !! q793.1 (clay lump) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-21 !! q802.1 (specimen) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-21 !! q802.2 (lithic artifact) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-13 lf q735 (pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N726jw4.j]
2003-07-15 lf q740 (bones, pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N726jw4.j]
2003-07-15 lf q742 (items, pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N726jw4.j]
2003-07-15 ms q745 (pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N726jw4.j]
2003-07-16 lf q746 (bones, items, pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N726jw4.j]
2003-07-17 ms q758 (bones, pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-17 ms q762 (pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-19 ms q767 (bones, pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-19 ms q768 (pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-19 ms q769 (pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-19 ms q770 (pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-19 ms q772 (pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-19 ms q774 (pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-20 ms q775 (bones, pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-20 ms q778 (bones, pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-20 ms q781 (pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-20 ms q782 (bones, pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-20 ms q785 (pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-21 ms q789 (bones, pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-21 ms q791 (bones, pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-21 ms q793 (bones, pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-21 ms q801 (bones, pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-21 ms q802 (bones, pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-21 ms q803 (pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-21 ms q805 (pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-22 ms q808 (pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-22 ms q810 (pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-22 ms q815 (pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-23 ms q820 (bones, pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-23 ms q821 (pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-23 ms q827 (pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-23 ms q828 (pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-23 ms q829 (bones, pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw.j]
2003-07-24 ii q831 (bones, pottery) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: N915jw1.j]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p1 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p2 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p3 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p4 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p5 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p6 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p7 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p8 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p9 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p10 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p11 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p12 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p13 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p14 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p15 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p16 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p17 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p18 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p19 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p20 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p21 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p22 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p23 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p24 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p25 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p26 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p27 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p29 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p30 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p31 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p32 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p33 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p34 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p35 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p36 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p37 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p38 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p39 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p40 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p41 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p42 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p43 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p44 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q729-p45 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p46 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p47 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p48 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p49 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p50 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p51 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p52 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p53 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p54 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p55 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p56 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p57 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p58 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p59 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p60 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p61 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p62 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p63 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p64 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p65 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p66 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p67 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p68 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p70 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p70.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p70.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p70.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p70.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p70.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p70.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p70.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p70.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p70.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p70.10 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p70.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p70.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p70.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p70.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p70.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p70.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.10 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.18 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.19 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.20 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.21 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.22 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.23 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.24 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.25 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.26 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.27 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.28 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.29 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.30 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.31 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.32 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.33 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.34 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.35 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.36 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.37 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.38 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.39 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.40 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.41 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.42 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.43 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.44 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.45 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.46 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.47 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.48 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.50 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.51 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.52 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.53 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.54 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.55 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.56 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.57 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.58 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.59 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.60 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.61 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.62 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p71.65 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p72 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p72.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p72.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p72.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p72.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p72.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p72.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p72.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p72.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p72.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p72.10 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p72.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p72.19 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p73 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p73.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p73.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p73.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p73.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p73.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p73.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p73.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p73.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p73.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p73.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p73.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p73.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p73.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p73.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p73.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p73.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p73.20 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p74 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p74.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p75 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p76 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p77 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p78 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p79 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p80 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p81 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p82 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p83 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p84 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p85 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p86 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p87 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p88 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p89 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p90 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p91 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p92 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p94 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p95 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p96 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p97 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p98 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q729-p99 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p1 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p2 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p3 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p4 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p5 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p6 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p7 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p8 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p9 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p10 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p11 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p12 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p12.9 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p13 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p14 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p15 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p16 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p17 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p18 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p19 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p20 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p21 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p22 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p23 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p24 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p25 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p26 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q732-p27 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p29 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p30 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p31 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p32 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p33 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p34 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p35 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p36 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p37 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p38 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p40 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p41 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p42 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p43 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p44 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p45 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p46 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p47 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p48 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p49 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p50 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p51 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p52 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p53 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p54 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p55 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p56 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p57 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p59 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p60 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p61 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p62 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p63 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p64 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p65 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p66 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p67 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p68 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p70 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p70.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p70.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p70.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p70.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p70.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p70.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p70.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p70.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p70.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p70.10 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.10 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.18 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.19 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.20 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.21 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.23 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.24 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.25 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.26 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.27 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.28 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.29 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.30 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.31 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.32 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.33 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.34 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.35 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.37 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.38 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.39 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.40 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.41 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.42 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.43 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p71.44 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p72 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p72.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p72.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p72.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p72.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p72.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p72.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p72.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p72.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p72.10 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p72.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p72.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p72.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p72.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p72.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p73 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p73.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p73.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p73.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p73.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p74 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p74.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p74.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p75 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p76 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p77 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p78 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p79 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p80 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p81 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p82 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p83 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p84 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p85 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p86 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p87 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p88 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p89 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p90 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p91 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p92 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p93 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p94 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p95 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p97 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q732-p99 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p47 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p48 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p49 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p50 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p51 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p52 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p53 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p54 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p55 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p56 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p57 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p58 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p59 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p60 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p61 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p62 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p63 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p64 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p65 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p66 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p67 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p68 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.10 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.18 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.19 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.20 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.22 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.23 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.24 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.25 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.26 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.27 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.28 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.29 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.30 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.31 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.32 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.35 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.36 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p70.37 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.18 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.20 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.21 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.22 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.23 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.24 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.25 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.26 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.27 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.28 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.29 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.30 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.31 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.32 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.33 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.34 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.35 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.36 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.37 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.38 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.39 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.40 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.41 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.42 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.43 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.44 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.45 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.46 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.47 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.48 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.49 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.50 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.51 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.52 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.53 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.54 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.55 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.56 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.57 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.59 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.60 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.61 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.62 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.63 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.64 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.65 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.66 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.67 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.68 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.69 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.70 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.71 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.72 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.73 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.74 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.75 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.76 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.77 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.78 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.79 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.80 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.81 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.82 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.83 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.84 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.85 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.86 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.87 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.88 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.90 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.91 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.92 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.93 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.94 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.95 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.96 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.97 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.98 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p71.99 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.10 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.18 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.19 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.20 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.21 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.22 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.23 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.24 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.25 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p72.26 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p73 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p73.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p73.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p73.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p73.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p73.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p73.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p73.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p73.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p73.10 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p73.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p73.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p73.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p73.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p73.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p73.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p74 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p74.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p75 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p75.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p76 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p76.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p77 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p78 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p79 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p80 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p81 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p82 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p83 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p84 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p85 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p86 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p87 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p89 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p90 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p91 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p92 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p93 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p94 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p95 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p96 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p97 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p98 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q734-p99 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q735-p1 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q735-p2 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q735-p3 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q735-p4 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q735-p5 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q735-p6 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q735-p7 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q735-p8 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q735-p9 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q735-p10 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q735-p11 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q735-p12 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q735-p13 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q735-p14 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q735-p15 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p16 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q735-p17 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q735-p18 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p19 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p20 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p21 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p22 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p23 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p24 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p25 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p26 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p27 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p28 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p29 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p30 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p31 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p32 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p33 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p34 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p35 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p36 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p37 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p38 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p39 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p40 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p41 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p42 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p43 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p44 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p45 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p46 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p47 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p48 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p49 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p50 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p51 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p52 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p53 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p54 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p55 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p56 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p57 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p58 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p59 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p60 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p61 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p62 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p63 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p64 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p65 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p66 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p67 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p70 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p70.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p70.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p70.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p70.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p70.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p71 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p71.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p71.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p71.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p71.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p71.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p71.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p71.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p71.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p71.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p71.10 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p72 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p72.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p73.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p73.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p74.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p74.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p74.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p74.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p74.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p75 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p76 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p77 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p78 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p79 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p80 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p81 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p82 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p83 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p84 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p85 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p86 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p87 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p88 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p89 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p90 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p91 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p92 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p93 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p94 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p95 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p96 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p97 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p98 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-26 lC q735-p99 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p1 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p2 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p3 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p4 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p5 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p6 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p7 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p8 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p9 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p10 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p11 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p12 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p13 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p14 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p15 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p16 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p17 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p18 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p19 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p20 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p21 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p22 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p23 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p24 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hQ q740-p25 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p26 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p27 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p28 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p29 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p30 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p31 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p32 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p33 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p34 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p35 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p36 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p37 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p38 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p39 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p40 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p41 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p42 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p43 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p44 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p45 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p46 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p47 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p48 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p49 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p50 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p51 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p52 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p53 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p54 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p55 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p56 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p57 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p58 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p59 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p60 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p61 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p62 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p63 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p64 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p65 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p66 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p67 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p68 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p70 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p70.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p70.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p70.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p70.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p70.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p70.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p70.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p71 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p71.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p71.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p71.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p71.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p71.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p71.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p71.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p71.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p71.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p71.10 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p71.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p71.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p71.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p71.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p71.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p71.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p71.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p71.18 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p71.19 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p71.20 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p71.21 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p72 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p72.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p72.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p72.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p72.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p72.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p72.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p72.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p72.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p72.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p72.10 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p72.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p72.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p72.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p73 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p73.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p73.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p73.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p73.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p73.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p73.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p73.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p73.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p73.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p73.10 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p73.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p74 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p74.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p75 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p75.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p76 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p76.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p77 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p78 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p79 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p80 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p81 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p82 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p83 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p86 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p87 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p88 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p89 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p90 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p91 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p92 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p93 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p94 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p95 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p96 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p97 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p98 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q740-p99 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q742-p1 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q742-p2 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q742-p3 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q742-p4 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q742-p5 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q742-p6 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q742-p7 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q742-p8 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p9 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p10 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p11 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p12 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p13 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p14 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p15 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p16 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p17 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p18 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p19 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p20 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p21 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p22 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p23 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p24 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p25 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p26 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p27 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p28 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p29 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p30 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p31 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p32 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p33 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p34 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p35 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p36 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p37 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p38 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p39 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p40 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p41 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p42 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p43 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p44 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p45 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p46 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p48 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p49 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p50 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p51 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p52 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p53 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p54 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p56 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p57 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p58 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p59 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p60 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p61 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p63 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p65 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q742-p66 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q745-p1 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q745-p2 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 lC q745-p3 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q745-p4 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q745-p5 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q745-p6 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q745-p7 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q745-p8 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p9 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p10 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p11 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p12 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p13 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p14 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p15 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p16 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p17 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p18 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p19 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p20 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p21 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p22 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p23 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p24 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p25 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p26 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p27 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p28 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p30 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p31 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p32 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p33 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p34 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p35 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p36 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p37 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p38 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p39 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p40 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p41 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p42 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p43 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p44 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p45 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p46 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p47 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p48 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p49 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p50 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p51 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p52 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p53 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q745-p54 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q746-p1 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q746-p2 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q746-p3 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q746-p4 (platter or plate) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q746-p5 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q746-p6 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q746-p7 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q746-p8 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q746-p9 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q746-p10 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q746-p11 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q746-p12 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q746-p13 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q746-p14 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q746-p15 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p16 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 lC q746-p17 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q746-p18 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q746-p19 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q746-p20 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q746-p21 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q746-p22 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q746-p23 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p25 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p26 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p27 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p28 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p29 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p30 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 lC q746-p31 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p32 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p33 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p35 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p36 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p37 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p39 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q746-p40 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p41 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p42 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p43 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p44 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p45 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p47 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p48 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p49 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q746-p50 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p51 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p52 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p54 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p55 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p56 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p57 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p58 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p59 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p60 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p61 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p62 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p63 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p64 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p65 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p66 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p67 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p68 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p70 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p70.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p70.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p70.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p70.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p70.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p70.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p70.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p70.10 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p71 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p72 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p72.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p73 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p73.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p73.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p74 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p75 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p76 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p77 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p78 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p79 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p80 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p81 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p84 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p85 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p86 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p87 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p88 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p89 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p90 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p91 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p92 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p94 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p95 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p97 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q746-p99 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 lC q758-p1 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q758-p2 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q758-p3 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q758-p4 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q758-p5 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q758-p6 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q758-p7 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q758-p8 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q758-p9 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q758-p10 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q758-p11 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q758-p12 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q758-p13 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q758-p14 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q758-p15 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q758-p16 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q758-p17 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q758-p18 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q758-p19 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q758-p20 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q758-p21 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q758-p22 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p23 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p24 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p25 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p26 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p27 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p28 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p29 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p30 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p31 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p32 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p33 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p34 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p35 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q758-p36 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p37 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p38 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p39 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p40 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p41 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p42 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p43 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p44 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p45 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p46 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p47 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p48 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p49 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p50 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p51 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p52 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p53 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p54 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p55 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p56 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p57 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p58 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p59 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p60 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p61 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p62 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p63 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p64 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p65 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p66 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p67 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p68 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p70 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p70.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p71 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p71.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p71.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p71.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p71.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p71.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p71.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p71.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p71.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p71.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p71.10 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p71.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p71.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p71.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p71.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p71.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p71.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p71.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p71.19 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p72 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p72.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p72.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p72.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p72.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p72.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p73 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p73.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p73.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p73.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p73.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p73.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p73.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p74 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p74.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p74.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p74.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p75 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p76 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p77 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p78 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p79 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p80 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p81 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p82 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p83 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p84 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p85 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p86 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p87 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p88 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p89 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p90 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p91 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p92 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p93 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p94 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p95 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p96 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p97 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p98 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q758-p99 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q762-p1 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q762-p2 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q762-p3 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q762-p4 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q762-p5 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q762-p6 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q762-p7 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q762-p8 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q762-p9 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q762-p10 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q762-p11 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q762-p12 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q762-p13 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q762-p14 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q762-p15 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q762-p16 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q762-p17 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q762-p18 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q762-p19 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p20 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p21 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p22 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p23 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p24 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p25 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p26 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p27 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p28 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p29 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p31 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p32 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p33 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p34 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p35 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p36 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p37 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p38 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p39 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p40 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q762-p41 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p42 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p43 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p44 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p45 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p46 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p47 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p48 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p49 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p50 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p51 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p52 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p53 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p54 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p55 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p56 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p57 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p58 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p59 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p60 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p61 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p62 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p63 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p64 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p65 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p66 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p67 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p68 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p70 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p70.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p70.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p70.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p70.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p70.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p70.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p70.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p71 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p71.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p71.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p71.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p71.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p71.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p71.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p71.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p71.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p71.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p71.10 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p71.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p71.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p72 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p72.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p72.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p73 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p73.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p73.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p74 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p74.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p74.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p74.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p74.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p74.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p75 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p76 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p77 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p78 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p79 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p80 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p81 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p82 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p83 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p84 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p85 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p86 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p87 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p88 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p89 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p90 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p91 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p92 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p93 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p94 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p95 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p96 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p97 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p98 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q762-p99 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 lC q767-p1 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q767-p2 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q767-p3 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q767-p4 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q767-p5 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q767-p6 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 lC q767-p7 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q767-p8 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q767-p9 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q767-p10 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q767-p11 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q767-p12 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q767-p13 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q767-p14 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q767-p15 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q767-p16 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q767-p17 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q767-p18 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q767-p19 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q767-p20 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q767-p21 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p22 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p23 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p24 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p25 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q767-p26 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p27 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q767-p28 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q767-p29 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p30 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q767-p31 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p32 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p33 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p34 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p35 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p36 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q767-p37 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p38 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p39 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p40 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p41 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p42 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p43 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p44 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p45 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p47 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p48 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p49 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p50 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p51 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p52 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p53 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p54 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p55 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p56 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q767-p58 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p59 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q767-p60 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p61 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p62 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p63 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p64 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p65 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p66 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p67 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p68 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q767-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p70 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q767-p70.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q767-p70.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p70.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p70.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q767-p70.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p71 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p71.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p71.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p72.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p72.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p77 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p78 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p80 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p81 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p82 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p83 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p84 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p85 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p86 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p87 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q767-p88 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p89 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p90 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q767-p91 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p92 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p93 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p94 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p95 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p96 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p97 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-27 lC q767-p98 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q768-p1 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q768-p2 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q768-p3 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q768-p4 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q768-p5 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q768-p6 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q768-p7 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q768-p8 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q768-p9 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q768-p10 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q768-p11 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q768-p12 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q768-p13 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q768-p14 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q768-p15 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q768-p16 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q768-p17 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q768-p18 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q768-p19 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q768-p20 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q768-p21 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q768-p22 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-31 eN q768-p23 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p24 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p25 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p26 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p27 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p28 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p29 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p30 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p31 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p32 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p33 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p34 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p35 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p36 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p37 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p38 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p39 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p40 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p41 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p42 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-31 eN q768-p43 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-31 eN q768-p44 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p45 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p46 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p47 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p48 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p49 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p50 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p51 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p52 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p53 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p54 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p55 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p56 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p57 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p58 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p59 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p60 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-31 eN q768-p61 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p62 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p63 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p64 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p65 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p66 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p67 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p68 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q768-p70 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p70.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p70.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p70.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p70.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p70.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p70.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p71 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p71.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p71.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p71.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p71.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p71.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q768-p71.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q768-p71.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q768-p71.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p71.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p71.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p71.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p71.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p71.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p71.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q768-p71.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p71.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p71.18 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p71.19 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p71.21 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p71.22 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q768-p71.25 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q768-p71.28 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q768-p71.29 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q768-p71.35 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q768-p71.36 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q768-p71.38 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p72 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q768-p72.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p72.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p72.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p72.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p72.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p72.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p72.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p72.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p72.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p72.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p73 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q768-p73.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p74 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p74.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p75 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p76 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q768-p76.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p77 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q768-p77.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q768-p77.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q768-p77.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q768-p77.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p78 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p79 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p80 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-31 eN q768-p81 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p82 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p83 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p84 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p85 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p86 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p87 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p88 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p89 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p90 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p91 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p92 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p93 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p94 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q768-p95 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lC q768-p96 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q768-p97 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-07-31 eN q768-p98 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-05 lS q768-p99 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q769-p1 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 lC q769-p2 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q769-p3 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q769-p4 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q769-p5 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q769-p6 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q769-p7 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q769-p8 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q769-p9 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q769-p10 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q769-p11 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q769-p12 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q769-p13 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q769-p14 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q769-p15 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q769-p16 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q769-p17 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q769-p18 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q769-p19 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q769-p20 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p30 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p33 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p35 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p37 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p38 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p39 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p41 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p45 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p47 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p48 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p49 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p51 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p52 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p53 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p54 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p56 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p57 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p58 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p61 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p62 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p63 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p64 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p67 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p70.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p70.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p70.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p70.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p71 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p71.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p71.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p71.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p71.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p71.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p71.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p71.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p71.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p71.18 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p71.21 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p71.22 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p71.23 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p71.24 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p71.26 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p71.27 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p71.31 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p71.32 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p71.33 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p71.34 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p71.37 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p72.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p73 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p74 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p74.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p74.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p74.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p74.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p74.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p74.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p74.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p74.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p74.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p76 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p77 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p78 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p80 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p81 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p82 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p83 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p84 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p85 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p87 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p88 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p92 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q769-p94 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q769-p96 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q770-p1 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q770-p2 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q770-p3 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q770-p4 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 lC q770-p5 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 lC q770-p6 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q770-p7 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q770-p8 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q770-p9 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q770-p10 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q770-p11 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q770-p12 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q770-p13 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q770-p14 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q770-p15 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q770-p16 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p17 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q770-p18 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p19 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p20 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p21 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p22 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p23 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p24 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p25 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p26 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p27 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p28 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p29 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p30 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p31 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p32 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p33 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q770-p34 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p35 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p36 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p37 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p38 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p39 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p40 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p41 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p42 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p43 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p44 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p45 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p46 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p47 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p48 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p49 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p50 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p51 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p52 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p53 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p54 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p55 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q770-p56 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p57 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q770-p58 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p59 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p60 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p61 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p62 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p63 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p64 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p65 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p66 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p67 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p68 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p70 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p70.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p71 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p71.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p71.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p71.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p71.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p71.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p71.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p71.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p71.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q770-p71.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p71.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p71.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p71.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p71.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p71.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p71.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p71.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p71.18 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p71.19 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p71.21 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p71.22 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p72 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q770-p72.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p72.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q770-p72.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p72.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p73 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p73.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p74 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q770-p74.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p75 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p75.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p75.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p75.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p75.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p75.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p76 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p76.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p77 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p77.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p77.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q770-p77.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p77.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p77.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p77.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p77.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p77.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p77.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q770-p78 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p79 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p80 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p81 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p82 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q770-p83 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p84 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p85 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p86 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q770-p87 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p88 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p89 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p90 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p91 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p92 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lS q770-p93 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p95 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p96 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p97 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p98 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q770-p99 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p1 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p2 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p3 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p5 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p6 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p7 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p8 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p9 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p10 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p11 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p12 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p13 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p14 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p15 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p16 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p17 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p18 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p20 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p21 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p22 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p23 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p24 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p25 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p26 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p27 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p28 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p29 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p30 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p31 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p32 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p33 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p34 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p35 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p36 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p37 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p38 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p39 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p40 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p41 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p42 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p43 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p44 (cup) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p45 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p46 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p47 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p48 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p49 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p50 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p51 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p52 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p53 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p54 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p55 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p56 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p57 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p58 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p59 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p60 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p62 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p63 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p65 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p66 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p68 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p69 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p70 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p70.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p70.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p70.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p70.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p70.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p70.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p70.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p70.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p70.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p70.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p70.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p70.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p70.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p70.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p70.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p70.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.18 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.19 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.22 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.23 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.24 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.25 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.26 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.27 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.28 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.31 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.32 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.33 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.34 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.35 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.36 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.37 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.38 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.39 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.41 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.42 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.43 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.44 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.45 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.46 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.47 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.48 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.49 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.51 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.52 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.53 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.55 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.56 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.57 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.58 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.59 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.61 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.62 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.63 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.64 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.65 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.66 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.67 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.68 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.69 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.71 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.72 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.73 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.74 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.75 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.76 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.77 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.79 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.81 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.82 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.83 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.84 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p71.94 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p72 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p72.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p72.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p72.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p72.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p72.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p72.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p72.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p72.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p72.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p72.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p72.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p72.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p72.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p72.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p72.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p72.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p72.18 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p72.19 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p72.21 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p72.22 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p72.23 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p73 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p73.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p73.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p73.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p73.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p73.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p73.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p73.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p73.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p73.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p73.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p73.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p73.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p73.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p73.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p73.19 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p73.21 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p73.22 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p73.23 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p73.24 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p73.25 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p73.26 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p74 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p74.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p74.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p75 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p76 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p76.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p76.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q772-p76.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p77 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p78 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p79 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p80 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p81 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p82 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p83 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p84 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p86 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p87 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p88 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p89 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p90 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p91 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p92 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p93 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p94 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p95 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p96 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p97 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p98 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q772-p99 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q774-p1 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q774-p2 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p3 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p4 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p5 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p6 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p7 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p8 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p9 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p11 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p12 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p13 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p14 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p15 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p16 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p17 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p18 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p19 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p20 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p21 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p22 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p23 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p24 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p25 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p26 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p27 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p28 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p29 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p30 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p31 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p33 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p38 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q774-p73.18 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q775-p1 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q775-p2 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q775-p3 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q775-p4 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q775-p5 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q775-p6 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q775-p7 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q775-p8 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q775-p9 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p10 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p11 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p12 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p13 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p14 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p15 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p16 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p17 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p18 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p19 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-21 lC q775-p20 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p21 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p22 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p23 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p24 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p25 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p26 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p27 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p28 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p29 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p30 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p31 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p32 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p33 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p34 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p35 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p36 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p37 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p38 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p39 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p40 (other) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p41 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p42 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p43 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p44 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p45 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p46 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p47 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p48 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p49 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p50 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p51 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p52 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p53 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p54 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p55 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p57 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p58 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p59 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p60 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p61 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p62 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p63 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p64 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p65 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p66 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p67 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p68 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p70 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p70.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p70.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p70.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p70.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p70.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p70.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p70.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p70.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p70.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p70.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p70.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p70.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p70.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p70.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p70.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p70.18 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p70.19 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.19 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.21 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.22 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.23 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.24 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.26 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.27 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.29 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.31 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.32 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.33 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.34 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.35 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.36 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.37 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.38 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.39 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.41 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.42 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.43 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.44 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.45 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.46 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.47 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.48 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.49 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.51 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.52 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.53 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.54 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.55 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.56 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.57 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.58 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.59 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.61 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.62 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.63 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.64 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.65 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.66 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.67 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.68 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.69 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.71 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.72 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.73 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.74 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.75 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.76 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.77 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.78 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.81 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.82 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.83 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.84 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.85 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.86 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.87 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.88 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.89 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.91 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.92 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.93 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.94 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.95 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.96 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.98 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p71.99 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p72 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p72.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p72.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p72.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p72.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p72.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p72.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p72.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p72.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p72.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p72.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p72.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p72.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p72.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p72.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p72.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p72.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p72.18 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p72.19 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p72.21 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.18 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.19 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.21 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.22 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.23 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.24 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.25 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.26 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.27 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.28 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p73.29 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p74 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p74.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p74.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p75 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p75.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p76 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p76.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p77 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p77.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p77.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p78 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p78.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p79 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p79.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p79.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p80 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p80.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q775-p80.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p81 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p82 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p83 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p84 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p85 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p86 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p87 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p88 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p89 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p90 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p91 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p92 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p93 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p94 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p95 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p96 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p97 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p98 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q775-p99 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p1 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p2 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p3 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p4 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p5 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p6 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p7 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p8 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p9 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p10 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p11 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p12 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p13 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p14 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p15 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p16 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p17 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p18 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p19 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p20 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p21 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p23 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p24 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p25 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q778-p26 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p27 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p28 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p29 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p30 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p31 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p31.36 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p32 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p33 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p34 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p35 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p36 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p37 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p38 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p39 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 IH q778-p39.3 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 IH q778-p40 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p41 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p42 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p43 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p49 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p52 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p54 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p55 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 IH q778-p56 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p57 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p62 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p63 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p67 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p68 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 IH q778-p70.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 IH q778-p70.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.18 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.19 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.21 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.22 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.23 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.24 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 IH q778-p70.26 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.27 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.28 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.29 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.31 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.32 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.33 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.34 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.35 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 IH q778-p70.36 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.37 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.39 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.41 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.42 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.43 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.44 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 IH q778-p70.45 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.47 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 IH q778-p70.48 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 IH q778-p70.49 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.51 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.52 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.53 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 IH q778-p70.54 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.55 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p70.56 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 IH q778-p70.57 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 IH q778-p70.59 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p71 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p71.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p71.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p71.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 IH q778-p71.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p71.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p71.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p71.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p71.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p71.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p71.18 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p71.19 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p71.21 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p71.22 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p71.23 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p71.24 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p71.25 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-08 lC q778-p71.26 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p71.27 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p71.28 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p71.31 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p71.36 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-08 lC q778-p71.37 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p71.38 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p71.74 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p72 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p72.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p72.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p72.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p72.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p72.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p72.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p72.18 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p72.32 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p74.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-08 lC q778-p74.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p74.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p74.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-08 lC q778-p74.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-08 lC q778-p74.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-08 lC q778-p75 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p75.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p75.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p75.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p75.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p75.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p75.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p75.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p75.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p75.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p75.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p76.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p76.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p76.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p76.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p76.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p76.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p76.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p76.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 IH q778-p76.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p76.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p76.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p76.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p76.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p76.25 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p77 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p77.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p79 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p80 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p81 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 IH q778-p89 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p90 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p95 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lC q778-p96 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 IH q778-p97 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q781-p1 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q781-p2 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 hH q781-p3 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p4 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p5 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p6 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p7 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p8 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p9 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p10 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p11 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p12 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p13 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p14 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p15 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p16 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p17 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p18 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p19 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p20 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p21 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p22 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p23 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p24 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p25 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p26 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p27 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p28 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p29 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p30 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q781-p31 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q782-p1 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q782-p2 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q782-p3 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q782-p4 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q782-p5 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q782-p6 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q782-p7 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q782-p8 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q782-p9 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q782-p10 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q782-p11 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q782-p12 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q782-p13 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q782-p14 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q782-p15 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q782-p16 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q782-p17 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q782-p18 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q782-p19 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q782-p20 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q782-p21 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p22 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p23 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p24 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p25 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p26 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p27 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p28 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p29 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p30 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p31 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p32 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p33 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p35 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p36 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p37 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p38 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p39 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p40 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p41 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p42 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p43 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p44 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p45 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p46 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p47 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p48 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p49 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p50 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p51 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p52 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p53 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p54 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p55 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p56 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p57 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p58 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p59 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p60 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p61 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p62 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p63 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p64 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p65 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p66 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p67 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p68 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p70 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p70.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.16 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.17 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.18 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.19 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.21 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.22 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.23 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.24 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.25 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.26 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.27 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.28 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.29 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.31 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.32 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.33 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.34 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.35 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.36 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.37 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p71.38 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p72 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p72.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p72.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p72.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p72.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p72.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p73 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p73.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p74 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p74.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p75 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p75.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p75.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p75.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p75.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p75.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p75.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p75.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p75.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p75.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p76 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p76.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p76.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p76.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p76.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p76.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p77 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p78 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p79 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p80 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p81 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p82 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p83 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p84 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p85 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p86 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p87 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p88 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p89 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p90 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p91 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p92 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p93 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p94 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p95 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p96 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p97 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p98 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q782-p99 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q785-p1 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q785-p2 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q785-p3 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q785-p4 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q785-p5 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q785-p6 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q785-p7 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q785-p8 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q785-p9 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q785-p10 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q785-p11 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q785-p12 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q785-p13 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q785-p14 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q785-p15 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q785-p16 (cup) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q785-p17 (cup) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p18 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p19 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p20 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p21 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p22 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p23 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p24 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p25 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p26 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p27 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p28 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p29 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p30 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p31 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p32 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p33 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p34 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p36 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p37 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p38 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p39 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p40 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p41 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p42 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p43 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p44 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p45 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p46 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p47 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p48 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p49 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p50 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p51 (worked disk or stopper) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p52 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p53 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p54 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p55 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p56 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p57 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p58 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p59 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p60 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p61 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p62 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p63 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p64 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p65 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p66 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p67 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p68 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p70 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p70.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p71 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p71.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p71.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p71.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p71.4 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p71.5 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p71.6 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p71.7 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p71.8 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p71.9 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p71.11 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p71.12 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p71.13 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p71.14 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p71.15 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p72 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p72.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p72.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p73 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p73.1 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p73.2 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p73.3 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p74 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p75 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p76 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p77 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p78 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p79 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p80 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p81 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p82 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p83 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p84 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p85 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p86 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p87 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p88 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p89 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p92 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p93 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p94 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p95 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p96 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p97 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-14 lC q785-p98 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-15 lH q785-p99 (body sherd) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15cbZHy03rL.TP]
2023-09-17 rL q789-p1 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q789-p2 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q789-p3 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q789-p4 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q789-p5 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q789-p6 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q789-p7 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q789-p8 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q789-p9 (bowl) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q789-p10 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q789-p11 (rim) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q789-p12 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q789-p13 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q789-p14 (base) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q789-p15 (jar) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]
2007-08-16 hH q789-p16 (pot) sits in f373 (accumulation) [Input: A15csZHy03rL.TP]