Unit Book J4


Processed on 2024-09-12



Roster Date Author Record
Daily notes about recovery of elements 2006-08-23 sC Today we finished to remove the N baulk of k73 (f21, q84). I then moved the team working here [?] and half to k64. [Input: Q823SC.j]
2006-08-26 sC Today we start to remove the E baulk (f48, q103). A small portion is left from today excavation. [Input: Q826SC.j]
2006-08-27 sC Today we start digging again in k73 while bwp put new markers. The new markers are: m4394 (SW corner) and m4401 (SE corner). Since in the last days we have been removing both the E and N baulk in this, as well as in other squares, we assigned a new feature number to the natural accumulation in k73 (f55) in order to avoid possible contamination in the pottery. We treated f55 as a topsoil layer; after one pick run (q111) we change again feature number (f61) in order to avoid contamination with the pottery in the accumulation below. f55 is the same of f13, the accumulation above. f61 is a natural accumulation, same as f55, directly above, and of f57 and f59 in k64, and f56 and f58 in k74. f61 (as well as f55) is characterized by the presence of phytolits. These are spread uniformily within all the square; the soil is characterized by patches of compact and soft soil. f61 is very fine in texture, is a bit clayish (leaves color on fingers) and it is dusty when removed. It is light brown/reddish brown in colour. f61 it is poor in pottery sherds (q116). [Input: Q827SC.j]
2006-09-03 sC Today we started with the cleaning the whole locus. However, we did not expose any ash layer, as expected on the basis of the ashy spots noticed one week ago in the E section of k73. We assigne a new feature number, f89, to the compact and bricky accumulation which characterizes the whole square. We then started to remove the accumulation with the little pick in the N area of k73. Here have been exposed some melted bricks as well as brick still in place, which looks to be part of a wall running SW-NE; these bricks are located 130m W to m4467 and are alligned with two lines of bricks visible in the N section of the square; the grey mortar between them is still preserved and cleary visible. We continued to remove f89 in all the area (q200, q202) it is missing only a little area in the SW corner of the square. At the end of the day k73 is characterized in its whole are by a bricky accumulation. In the NE area of the square, close to the W baulk of the locus some little pebbles have been exposed. They look to be part of a pebble floor, which could be the same as the pebble floor exposed last week in k83. [Input: Q903SC.j]
2006-09-04 sC Today we continued digging f89 in k73 for the whole day (q205, q209). We assigne a feature number to the bricks that looks to be part of a wall. This wall/structure looks to have a rounded shape but, this shape could be due to the fact that most of the bricks on top are very badly preserved, and thus can give a wrong impression. We define this as a wall, altough it could be possible that in the next days we are going to review this definition. By looking at the wall section three lines of bricks and a grey mortar between them are visible. By digging the bricky accumulation around this wall/structure, we exposed, right in the N section of k73 six stones, medium small in dimension; of these, four are long aproximately 40cm each, while two are very small in dimension. They have a W-E allignment, and look to be in line with two large stone exposed in k83. It looks like that these stones are alligned with the revetment wall as it is exposed in J2 (W to the primary and secondary apron). Today we finished to expose, in the NE area of the square, the pebbles, which seem to be part of a small pebble floor (aproximately 80mx70m), which ends in the E in a small natural floor charachterized by the presence of pottery sherds lying horizontally (aproximately 60mx40m). This pebble floor is at the same elvation and it is alligned with the small pebble floor exposed last week in k83. In the SW area of k73, S to the bricky wall/structure, have been exposed only melted bricks and brick fragments, which gave to the soil a brown colour; it is to noticed also that we did not expose any ash layer, as espected on the basis of the asy spots noticed one week ago in the E section of k73. Both in the NE and SE area of the locus, we have been also exposing only soil mixted with melted bricks and large fragments of bricks. In the E section of the square, instead, some bricks have been found, which looks to be again part of a bricky wall/structure running N-W just in/below the E baulk. They are located at 50m S from m4467, and this structure/wall is well preserved for aproximately 120m in lenght. By looking at the E section, we noticed four lines of grey mortar, therefore it is possible that here we have 4 lines of bricks in place. [Input: Q904SC.j]
2006-09-05 sC Today we continued digging f89 in k73 (q217). We reached the bottom of f93, the bricky wall, and exposed the small pebble floor f143, W to the bricky wall. f93 sits on top of stones of small dimensions. gB told us that this bricky could be a bin contruction, as found in houses or temples open areas. As noticed already yesterday, the pebble floor f143 W to f93 is at the same elevation and linked with the small pebble floor of k83 (for this reason we assigne them the same feature number, f143). E of f93 we have been digging surfaces characterized by soil mixed with melted bricks and small fragments of brick. [Input: Q905SC.j]
2006-09-06 sC During the cleaning of top of the E baulk of k73 some bricky fragments have been exposed. They are in line with the bricks noticed yesterday in the E section; they seem to run NW-SE. [Input: Q906SC.j]
2006-09-12 pC Today we started to remove f21 (q270), the N baulk of k73. [Input: Q912PC.j]
2006-09-13 pC Today we continue digging the N baulk of k73 (f21 q275). f21 is crumby and hard in consistence and it is characterized by the presence of melted and broken bricks; while digging f21 we expose 4 aligned bricks running EW, probably part of a wall, f161: every brick measures 40x40x10cm at the elevation of m4501 +155 -113. [Input: Q913PC.J]
2006-09-14 pC Today we finished to dig f21, that is the feature of the N baulk of k73. f21 (q278) coveres part of the glacis, f127, on the bottom of the baulk. f21 is platy and hard in consistence, has patches of compact and hard soil and patches of softer soil, gived by the presence of melted bricks mixed with the accumulation layer. After removing all f21 we uncovered the glacis and a part of a layer of sherds lying flat. It seems that at the elevation of m4467 the glacis is interrupted by this layer of sherds that continues also in k73. This year we will not investigate more in k72. We did some photos of the sherds floor and the glacis(v74 and 74a), f127 and f154. [Input: Q914PC.j]
Strategy (projected or implemented) 2006-09-04 sC It would be possible that f146, the six stones exposed in the N section of k73, are part of the revetment wall as it is exposed in J2 (W to the primary and secondary apron). We thus decided to stop digging in k63 (considering also that there we did not find any accumulation indicating that that area was used), and to start digging in k72 in order to look for these stones. [Input: Q904SC.j]
Problems in recording 2006-09-05 sC A mistake has been done while digging f89 in k72. We started to remove f89 in the whole square, but once we started to expose f93, the bin, we did not differenciate between the accumulation inside and outside this structure (since its W endind was not preserved, and thus f93 was not fisically separating the two portion of the square). However, this was a mistake. We should have assigned a different feature number for the accumulation inside (N to f93) and outside (S to f93 the bin, although it was the same feature, in order to differenciate a thus have a better record of the pottery. [Input: Q923SC.j]
Notes on recovery 2006-08-12 sC In 2001 during a survery in this portion of the Tell Terrace, a trench running W-E (C10) was dug, and k73, is located partially within the cut of this trench. The area were C10 was dug, interest today the NW portion of k73, in particular, falls within the N baulk of k73. This trench was back-filled for safety reasons at the end of the 2001 excavation season (as it is possible to see in t4, or view 4 (V19d3005) that shows the locus before we start digging in k73). The bottom of the trench was partially covered with pieces of a wide and thick yellow nylon, as reminder of the bottom elevation reached during the investigation carried out in the locus and in view of the trench back-fill. Only a small portion of the N baulk was not back-filled (aprox. 1m W in the NW baulk), as cleary visible in view t4, or view 4 (V19d3005). Furthermore, view v38a (V19d3074), shows, although is a genearl view of k71-74, partially f65 (the baulk, which is moslty the back-fill of the German trench) and the bottom of f60, with a small fragment of nylon visible in v38a, in the NW portion of the locus. [Input: U119SC.j]
2010-03-01 sC The mud-brick structures exposed in locus k73 (in the E baulk and in the SE corner of the locus) were not completely exposed in the 2006 excavation season since -with the exception of f93, the bin structure- have been found at the end of the excavation season; for this reason only the top 'face' of these structures has been exposed. [Input: U301SC.j]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Elements within locus 2006-08-12 sc f3 (topsoil) [Input: Q813PC.j]
2006-08-12 cc f6 (accumulation D) [Input: Q813PC.j]
2006-08-12 sc f9 (accumulation D) [Input: Q813PC.j]
2006-08-15 mnh f13 (accumulation D) [Input: Q815MNH.j]
2006-08-15 sc f21 (mix) [Input: Q815MNH.j]
2006-08-24 as f48 (mix) [Input: Q903PC2.j]
2006-08-27 as f55 (accumulation D) [Input: Q903PC2.j]
2006-08-27 pc f61 (mix) [Input: Q903PC2.j]
2006-09-03 cc f89 (accumulation D) [Input: Q903PC3.j]
2006-09-04 sc f93 (bin) [Input: Q904SC3.j]
2006-09-14 sc f140 (stone installation), f142 (stone installation), f143 (pavement, type c), f148 (stone installation), f149, f152 (tannur (feature)), f153 (isolated stone), f154 (pavement, type c), f155 (stone installation) [Input: Q922PC.j]
2006-09-18 sc f161 (wall), f162 (wall) [Input: Q922PC.j]
2006-08-13 mnh q15 (bones, pottery) [Input: Q823PC.j]
2006-08-14 mnh q17 (pottery) [Input: Q823PC.j]
2006-08-14 vn q20 (pottery) [Input: Q823PC.j]
2006-08-15 cc q25 (pottery) [Input: Q823PC.j]
2006-08-23 vn q84 (pottery) [Input: Q826PC1.j]
2006-08-26 as q103 (pottery) [Input: Q826PC1.j]
2006-08-31 vn q173 (bones, pottery) [Input: Q904PC4.j]
2006-08-31 sc q179 (pottery) [Input: Q904PC4.j]
2006-09-03 cc q200 (pottery) [Input: Q906VN.j]
2006-09-03 pc q202 (bones, pottery) [Input: Q906VN.j]
2006-09-04 cc q205 (bones, pottery) [Input: Q906VN.j]
2006-09-04 pc q209 (bones, pottery) [Input: Q906VN.j]
2006-09-05 cc q217 (pottery) [Input: Q906VN.j]
2006-09-12 sc q270 (pottery) [Input: Q910CC.j]
2006-09-13 sc q275 (pottery) [Input: Q910CC.j]
2006-09-14 cc q278 (pottery) [Input: Q910CC.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of locus

2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]

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