Unit Book J5

The Mittani Staircase - Version 1a


Processed on 2024-10-14


Roster Date Author Record
Includes other label 2022-09-22 jW f188 (escarpment), f225 (escarpment), f265 (escarpment), f293 (escarpment) [Input: ZG822W.j]
Typological specific label 2022-09-22 jW ^esc1 [Input: ZG822W.j]
Category !! !! installation
Best definition 2022-09-22 !! escarpment [Input: ZG822W.j]
Best image 2022-09-22 jW
v214 [Input: ZG822jW1.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Definition 2022-09-22 jW escarpment [Input: ZG822W.j]
Description (summary) 2022-09-22 jW The first escarpment is composed of a series of rows of big, flat stones (at least four rows), running E-W south to the wall escarpment f189. The material used for this structure, stone, was due probably to the presence of water running along the wall: its aim was to preserve the foundation of f189 and to prevent its collapse. [Input: ZG822W.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Harmonization 2009-09-29 jW The revetment wall, f189, in J5 is 2.4m high, while in J1 it is 3.4m high. The tops are at about the same elevation, implying that the base of the J5 segment must be 1m higher, stepping up between the units. An E-W line of stones atop the baqaya first escarpment in J1 is aligned with, is the same elevation as, and joins the top row of a25 stones in J5. Where is the baqaya in J5? The best answer is that it stops at the point where it abuts the step, while the stones continue on. [Input: ZG822W3.j]
2009-09-29 jW The revetment wall, f189, in J5 is 2.4m high, while in J1 it is 3.4m high. The tops are at about the same elevation, implying that the base of the J5 segment must be 1m higher, stepping up between the units. An E-W line of stones atop the baqaya first escarpment in J1 is aligned with, is the same elevation as, and joins the top row of ^esc1 stones in J5. Where is the baqaya in J5? The best answer is that it stops at the point where it abuts the step, while the stones continue on. [Input: ZG823jW1.j]