Roster |
Date |
Author |
Record |
Elements within locus |
1996-07-03 |
jO |
a11 (burial) [Input: ZH306lC.j] |
1992-07-04 |
rK |
f13 (topsoil) [Input: ZG924aMA.j] |
1992-07-06 |
rK |
f23 (accumulation C) [Input: ZG924aMA.j] |
1992-07-07 |
rK |
f25 (br) [Input: ZG924aMA.j] |
1992-07-12 |
rK |
f39 (br) [Input: ZG924aMA.j] |
1992-07-13 |
rK |
f44 (wa), f45 (accumulation C) [Input: ZG924aMA.j] |
1992-07-14 |
rK |
f50 (wa) [Input: ZG924aMA.j] |
1992-07-16 |
rK |
f54 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1992-07-18 |
rK |
f56 (pit) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1992-07-20 |
rK |
f64 (br), f65 (bowl) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1992-07-21 |
rK |
f70 (br) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1992-07-26 |
rK |
f78 (brickwall), f79 (brickwall) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1996-07-03 |
rK |
f103 (layer), f105 (layer) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1996-07-04 |
rK |
f106 (layer), f107 (layer) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1996-07-04 |
jO |
f112 (layer), f118 (layer) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1996-07-10 |
jO |
f127 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1996-07-10 |
rK |
f129 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1996-07-14 |
jO |
f140 (accumulation C), f141 (pit) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1996-07-23 |
rK |
f178 (pedestal) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1996-07-13 |
rK |
i73 (clay artifact), i74 (lithic artifact), i75 (tablet ?) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-09 |
jO |
q315.1 (i) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-03 |
rK |
q327.1 (i), q328.1 (i) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-04 |
jO |
q351.1 (i) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-09 |
jO |
q361.1 (i), q372.1 (pot) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-07 |
jO |
q375.1 (i), q375.2 (i) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-08 |
jO |
q384.1 [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-10 |
jO |
q388.1 (i), q395.1 (i) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1992-07-04 |
rK |
q1 (pottery), q8 (items, pottery), q10 (pottery), q12 (pottery), q14 (pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j] |
1992-07-05 |
sT |
q17 (pottery), q22 (items, pottery), q24 (pottery), q26 (items), q27 (pottery), q31 (pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j] |
1992-07-05 |
rK |
q33 (items, pottery), q35 (pottery), q38 (pottery), q40 (pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j] |
1992-07-06 |
rK |
q41 (pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j] |
1992-07-06 |
aP |
q49 (pottery), q51 (pottery), q57 (items, pottery), q64 (bones, items, pottery), q67 (pottery), q69 (items, pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j] |
1992-07-07 |
rK |
q72 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j] |
1992-07-07 |
aP |
q78 (pottery), q85 (pottery), q87 (items, pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j] |
1992-07-08 |
aP |
q91 (items, pottery), q101 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j] |
1992-07-09 |
aP |
q103 (bones, pottery), q113 (pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J] |
1992-07-11 |
rk |
q118 (bones, items, pottery), q119 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J] |
1992-07-13 |
rk |
q125 (bones, pottery), q126 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J] |
1992-07-14 |
rk |
q135 (bones, items, pottery), q138 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J] |
1992-07-15 |
rk |
q145 (bones, pottery), q146 (bones, pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J] |
1992-07-16 |
rk |
q158 (items, pottery), q159 (bones, pottery), q162 (pottery), q163 (pottery), q164 (pottery), q165 (pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J] |
1992-07-18 |
rk |
q175 (bones, items, pottery), q176 (pottery), q177 (pottery), q179 (bones, pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J] |
1992-07-19 |
rk |
q182 (bones, pottery), q183 (pottery), q194 (pottery), q202 (bones, pottery), q203 (bones, pottery), q205 (bones, pottery), q206 (pottery), q207 (items), q208 (bones, pottery), q209 (bones) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J] |
1992-07-14 |
rk |
q213 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J] |
1992-07-21 |
rk |
q214 (pottery), q215 (bones, pottery), q236 (items, pottery), q238 (bones) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J] |
1992-07-21 |
rK |
q239 (items) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j] |
1992-07-22 |
rk |
q249 (items, pottery), q250 (pottery), q251 (pottery), q254 (bones), q255 (pottery), q259 (items), q260 (items) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J] |
1992-07-23 |
rk |
q261 (bones, pottery), q267 (bones), q268 (pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J] |
1992-07-23 |
rK |
q269 (pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j] |
1992-07-23 |
rk |
q270 (items, pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J] |
1992-07-26 |
rk |
q274 (pottery), q275 (pottery), q276 (bones, items, pottery), q278 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J] |
1996-07-03 |
rK |
q314 (pottery), q315 (pottery), q316 (items), q323 (items), q331 (pottery), q332 (bones) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-04 |
jO |
q340 (pottery), q341 (bones), q342 (items), q343 (bones), q344 (items), q348 (items), q352 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-06 |
jO |
q361 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-07 |
jO |
q372 (bones, items, pottery), q375 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-08 |
jM |
q379 (pottery), q384 (p,b,cl,f) [Input: G720JO.J] |
1996-07-10 |
jo |
q388 (p,b,cl), q389 (bones, pottery), q392 (p,b,cl,l), q395 (pottery), q397 (p,b,cl,ch), q401 (pottery) [Input: G720JO.J] |
1996-07-13 |
jO |
q418 (p,b,cl), q427 (bones, pottery) [Input: G720JO.J] |
1996-07-11 |
jo |
q430 (bones, pottery), q431 (bones, pottery) [Input: G720JO.J] |
1996-07-14 |
jm |
q434 (p,b,cl), q440 (bones, pottery) [Input: G720JO.J] |
1996-07-22 |
rK |
q529 (bones, pottery) [Input: G730RK.J] |
1996-07-23 |
rK |
q530 (pottery), q539 (bones, items, pottery), q540 (pottery) [Input: G730RK.J] |
Length of two sides |
1992-07-28 |
rK |
400N [Input: ZH306lC3.j] |
1992-07-28 |
rK |
400W [Input: ZH306lC3.j] |
Notes on volumetric localization |
1992-07-26 |
RK |
at time of backfill the elevation of the flooralong the E baulk -- NE corner: m1242-300 -- SE corner: m1233-270 -- mid-NS: m1242-240. -- The following are the dimensions of the areas dug lower than the central step, f44: along S, 100 cm wide for the first 150 cm from E, 170 cm for the next 100 cm; along N, 80 cm for the first 150 cm from E, narrower thereafter. [Input: C7-3.J] |
1992-07-28 |
GB |
top of step (on f44) at highest point: m1233-140; -- E pt. 70 cm from E baulk, -140 cm from sod layer [Input: C7-3.J] |