Roster |
Date |
Author |
Record |
Elements within locus |
1996-07-23 |
rK |
f177 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1996-07-20 |
rK |
i111 (tag but not as thin or flat as the usual tags found in our excavations) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-21 |
rK |
i112 (seal impression), i113 (seal impression) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-22 |
rK |
i114 (seal impression) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-24 |
rK |
i120 (sherd), i121 (docket), i123 (seal impression) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-25 |
rK |
i124, i126 (seal impression), i127 (bowl), i128 (seal impression) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-27 |
rK |
i129 (figurine), i130 (seal impression ?), i131 (clay egg) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-28 |
rK |
i132 (figurine ?), i133, i134 [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-29 |
rK |
i136 (tablet), i137 (seal impression), i138 (seal impression) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-30 |
rK |
i139 [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-21 |
jO |
q512 (items, pottery), q513 (items, pottery), q514 (bones, items, pottery), q516 (pottery), q518 (bones, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-22 |
rK |
q522 (pottery), q524 (bones, pottery), q525 (bones, pottery), q526 (bones, items, pottery), q527 (bones, pottery) [Input: G730RK.J] |
1996-07-23 |
rK |
q533 (bones, pottery), q534 (pottery), q537 (pottery), q538 (bones, items, pottery), q542 (pottery) [Input: G730RK.J] |
1996-07-24 |
rK |
q543 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-24 |
jO |
q551 (pottery), q552 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-25 |
jO |
q554 (bones, pottery), q555 (items, pottery), q564 (items, pottery), q567 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-27 |
jO |
q568 (bones, items, pottery), q569 (pottery), q570 (pottery), q571 (items, pottery), q572 (items, pottery), q573 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-28 |
jO |
q577 (bones, items, pottery), q580 (pottery), q581 (bones, items, pottery), q582 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-29 |
rK |
q588 (items, pottery), q589 (bones, pottery) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-07-30 |
rk |
q595 (bones, items, pottery), q596 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: G802JO.J] |
1996-07-30 |
rrk |
q601 (pottery) [Input: G802JO.J] |
Relays (applicable to elements) |
1996-07-21 |
rk |
r285 (43090 36013 - 8421 / Relay location: NE1) [Input: G731FAB.J] |
1996-07-21 |
rk |
r286 (43137 35902 - 8421 / Relay location: NE2) [Input: G731FAB.J] |
1996-07-21 |
rk |
r287 (43101 35888 - 8421 / Relay location: NE3) [Input: G731FAB.J] |
1996-07-21 |
rk |
r288 (43248 35560 - 8364 / Relay location: NW) [Input: G731FAB.J] |
1996-07-21 |
rk |
r289 (43043 35474 - 8431 / Relay location: W final) [Input: G731FAB.J] |
1996-07-21 |
rk |
r290 (42709 35289 - 8454 / Relay location: SW) [Input: G731FAB.J] |
1996-07-21 |
rk |
r291 (42498 35702 - 8462 / Relay location: NE) [Input: G731FAB.J] |