Roster |
Date |
Author |
Record |
Elements within locus |
1996-07-03 |
rK |
a12 (burial), a13 (burial) [Input: ZH306lC.j] |
1992-07-04 |
rK |
f14 (topsoil) [Input: ZG924aMA.j] |
1992-07-07 |
rK |
f26 (accumulation C), f27 (br) [Input: ZG924aMA.j] |
1992-07-08 |
rK |
f29 (pit), f31 (pit) [Input: ZG924aMA.j] |
1992-07-12 |
rK |
f36 (isolated individual brick), f37 (ash layer), f38 (tannur (feature)) [Input: ZG924aMA.j] |
1996-07-03 |
rK |
f102 (accumulation C), f104 (hearth) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1996-07-04 |
rK |
f108 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1996-07-04 |
jO |
f111 (accumulation C), f116 (sod ly), f117 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1996-07-09 |
rK |
f122 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1996-07-09 |
jO |
f124 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1996-07-10 |
jO |
f126 (assamblage) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1996-07-13 |
rK |
f150 (accumulation C), f151 (ash layer), f152 (accumulation C), f153 (accumulation C), f154 (accumulation C), f155 (accumulation C), f156 (accumulation C), f157 (ash pit) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1996-07-14 |
rK |
f158 (accumulation C), f159 (accumulation C), f160 (accumulation C), f161 (fill in primary context) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1996-07-16 |
rK |
f162, f163 (accumulation C), f164 (ash layer), f165 (pit), f166 (accumulation C), f167 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1996-07-20 |
rK |
f168 (ashy layer), f169 (hard ac), f170 (accumulation C), f171 (accumulation C), f172 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1996-07-21 |
rK |
f173 (accumulation C), f174 (accumulation C), f175 (accumulation C), f176 (accumulation C) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1996-07-29 |
rK |
f200 (wa) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1996-08-04 |
rK |
f209 (burial) [Input: ZGx10aMA.j] |
1996-07-06 |
rK |
i49 (handiron), i50 (head of skeleton), i52, i53, i54 (jewelry item), i55 (jewelry item) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-08 |
rK |
i56 (figurine) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-10 |
rK |
i58 (various), i59 (pot) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-14 |
rK |
i76 (lithic artifact), i78 (clay artifact), i79 (wheel), i80 (clay artifact) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-14 |
jO |
i82 (seal impression), i83 (weapon) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-15 |
rK |
i84 (seal impression), i85 (seal impression), i86 (seal impression), i87 (jar or bottle stopper), i89 (bead) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-16 |
jO |
i90 (seal impression) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-17 |
jO |
i99 (wheel), i102 (jar sealing?), i103 (tag) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-18 |
jO |
i104 (seal impression) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-20 |
jO |
i106 (seal impression) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-22 |
rK |
i115 (seal impression) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-23 |
rK |
i116 (seal impression) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-24 |
rK |
i122 (lithic artifact) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-08-06 |
jO |
i176 (bead) [Input: ZGx25aMA.j] |
1996-07-03 |
jO |
q304.1 (pot) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-03 |
rK |
q320.1 (i), q323.1 (pot), q324.1 (i), q325.1 (i), q326.1 (pot) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-04 |
jO |
q353.1 (i) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-09 |
jO |
q360.1 (pot) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-09 |
jo |
q367.1 (i), q367.2 (i) [Input: G720JO.J] |
1996-07-08 |
jO |
q381.1 (i) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-10 |
jO |
q387.1 (i), q403.1 (clay artifact), q408.1 (i), q411.1 (i), q413.1 (pot), q416.1 (i), q416.2 (i) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-13 |
jO |
q426.1 (pot) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-18 |
jO |
q487.1 (f) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1992-07-04 |
rK |
q2 (pottery), q4 (pottery), q5 (pottery), q6 (pottery), q7 (pottery), q11 (pottery), q15 (pottery), q16 (pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j] |
1992-07-05 |
sT |
q18 (pottery), q23 (pottery), q28 (pottery), q32 (pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j] |
1992-07-05 |
rK |
q34 (pottery), q36 (pottery), q37 (pottery), q42 (items, pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j] |
1992-07-06 |
rK |
q44 (pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j] |
1992-07-06 |
aP |
q50 (pottery), q54 (pottery), q58 (pottery), q65 (pottery), q66 (pottery), q70 (items, pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j] |
1992-07-07 |
rK |
q73 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j] |
1992-07-07 |
aP |
q79 (items, pottery), q81 (pottery), q82 (pottery), q83 (pottery), q84 (bones, items, pottery), q88 (pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j] |
1992-07-07 |
sT |
q89 (items) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j] |
1992-07-08 |
aP |
q90 (items), q93 (pottery), q99 (bones, pottery), q100 (items, pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j] |
1992-07-10 |
rk |
q102 (pottery) [Input: ZGx21aMA.j] |
1992-07-09 |
aP |
q108 (bones, pottery), q110 (items, pottery), q114 (items) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J] |
1992-07-19 |
rk |
q187 (pottery) [Input: MZ7QLOG.J] |
1996-07-03 |
jO |
q307 (pottery), q308 (pottery), q309 (bones), q312 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-03 |
rK |
q313 (pottery), q317 (pottery), q318 (pottery), q319 (pottery), q321 (pottery), q322 (pottery), q329 (items), q330, q333 (items), q334 ( ?) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-04 |
jO |
q345 (pottery), q346 (bones), q350 (pottery), q353 (items), q354 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-06 |
jO |
q358 (bones, pottery), q359 (bones, items, pottery), q360 (bones, items, pottery), q364 (items, pottery), q365 (pottery), q367 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-07 |
jO |
q368 (bones, items, pottery), q371 (bones, items, pottery), q373 (bones, pottery), q376 (items, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-08 |
jM |
q377 (bones, pottery), q378 (p,b,v) [Input: G720JO.J] |
1996-07-08 |
jm |
q381 (items) [Input: TEST.J] |
1996-07-08 |
jM |
q382 (pottery), q383 (pottery) [Input: G720JO.J] |
1996-07-10 |
jo |
q386 (p,b,l), q387 (bones, pottery), q391 (bones, pottery), q396 (pottery), q398 (bones, pottery), q399 (bones, pottery), q402 (bones, pottery), q403 (pottery), q404 (p,l), q405 (pottery), q407 (bones, pottery), q408 (p,b,cl), q409 (pottery), q410 (pottery), q411 (p,b,l,cl), q412 (pottery) [Input: G720JO.J] |
1996-07-11 |
jm |
q413 (bones, pottery), q414 (pottery), q415 (bones, pottery), q416 (bones, pottery) [Input: G720JO.J] |
1996-07-13 |
jO |
q419 (bones, pottery), q420 (bones, pottery), q421 (pottery), q422 (pottery), q423 (pottery), q425 (pottery), q426 (cl), q428 (pottery) [Input: G720JO.J] |
1996-07-11 |
jo |
q432 (bones, pottery) [Input: G720JO.J] |
1996-07-14 |
jm |
q435 (p,b,cl), q439 (p,b,l), q441 (p,b,l) [Input: G720JO.J] |
1996-07-14 |
jO |
q445 (pottery), q446 (items, pottery), q447 (pottery), q448 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-15 |
rK |
q449 (items, pottery), q450 (bones, pottery), q451 (bones, pottery), q452 (items, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-15 |
jO |
q454 (items, pottery), q457 (bones, items, pottery), q458 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-14 |
jM |
q461 (bones, items, pottery), q462 (bones, pottery), q464 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-17 |
jO |
q466 (bones, items, pottery), q467 (bones, items, pottery), q470 (items, pottery), q471 (bones, items, pottery), q472 (bones, pottery), q473 (items, pottery), q476 (pottery), q477 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-18 |
rK |
q478 (items, pottery), q479 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-18 |
jO |
q482 (bones, items, pottery), q483 (bones, items, pottery), q484 (bones, items, pottery), q486 (pottery), q489 (items, pottery), q490 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-20 |
jO |
q494 (bones, items, pottery), q495 (bones, pottery), q496 (bones, pottery), q497 (bones, pottery), q498 (pottery), q499 (bones, pottery), q500 (pottery), q501 (bones, pottery), q502 (bones, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-21 |
rK |
q506 (pottery), q507 (items, pottery), q508 (items, pottery), q509 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-21 |
jO |
q517 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-22 |
rK |
q521 (pottery), q523 (pottery), q528 (pottery) [Input: G730RK.J] |
1996-07-23 |
rK |
q531 (pottery), q532 (bones, items, pottery), q535 (bones, items, pottery), q536 (pottery), q541 (bones, pottery) [Input: G730RK.J] |
1996-07-24 |
rK |
q544 (items, pottery), q548 (items, pottery) [Input: G721JO.J] |
1996-07-25 |
jO |
q558 (pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
1996-07-28 |
jO |
q584 (items, pottery) [Input: ZGx18aMA.j] |
Relays (applicable to elements) |
1996-07-10 |
rk |
r147 ( - 8501 / Relay location: mid locus) [Input: G715RK-R.J] |
1996-07-10 |
rk |
r148 ( - 8491 / Relay location: SW quadrant) [Input: G715RK-R.J] |
1996-07-10 |
rk |
r149 (42851 35862 - / Relay location: NE corner) [Input: G715RK-R.J] |
1996-07-10 |
rk |
r150 (42493 35705 - / Relay location: SE corner) [Input: G715RK-R.J] |
1996-07-10 |
rk |
r151 (42567 35613 - / Relay location: SW corner) [Input: G715RK-R.J] |
1996-07-10 |
rk |
r152 (42890 35728 - / Relay location: NW corner) [Input: G715RK-R.J] |
1996-07-18 |
jm |
r244 (42931 35891 - 8467 / Relay location: NE) [Input: G731FAB.J] |
1996-07-18 |
jm |
r245 (43099 35530 - 8438 / Relay location: NW) [Input: G731FAB.J] |
1996-07-18 |
jm |
r246 (42709 35315 - 8460 / Relay location: SW) [Input: G731FAB.J] |
1996-07-18 |
jm |
r247 (42511 35706 - 8471 / Relay location: SE) [Input: G731FAB.J] |
Length of two sides |
1992-07-28 |
rK |
400N [Input: ZH306lC3.j] |
1992-07-28 |
rK |
400W [Input: ZH306lC3.j] |
Notes on volumetric localization |
1992-07-28 |
GB |
final elevations -- step at E: m1248-64 -- floor: see under f26 [Input: C7-3.J] |