Unit Book A15

The Reception Area (Version 1a)

A15 synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Phase 6sA15A within Unit A15

James L. Walker – March 2024

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Phase 6s comprises the accumulations that lie above the floors and below the walltops of the Khabur settlement. As with the structures themselves, some of these accumulations have been altered or washed away by the wind and water that formed the gullys throughout the unit.

    Only Stratum 240 is in this phase. The features that are contained within this phase are associated with Khabur structures. Other accumulations that were in exposed areas would have been carried away in the gullys. The adjacent image shows the location of accumulation f374, which, although excavated, lay between walls f406 and f378 but above the floor f380, where the reference sticks are located. Because of erosion it is not possible to judge the length of occupation from the height or contents of these accumulations.

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Ceramics and items from these features are fully analyzed and cataloged. These occupation acccumulations are relatively rich in artifacts and give a sense of the activities that occured within.

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