Urkesh Ceramic Analysis

Version (1a)

Categorization: Lexicon

Overall codes

Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati – May 2016, August 2023
Laerke Recht, Caitlin Chaves Yates – May 2016

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The Ceramics Lexicon is a complete list of the current acceptable inputs for each roster entry. In some cases the entry is given by a specific code, in these cases the explanation of the input code is given as well.

For illustrated examples see the introduction.

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ZcaW: Ware

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ZcaW0: Main ware

BCBi-Color Ware
CHChaff Temper Ware
DBRDark Brick Red Ware
ETCEarly Trans-Caucasian Ware
FCFine Chaff Temper Ware
FPFine Pebble Temper Ware
GGray Ware
HKhabur Ware
IBCImitation Bi-Color Ware
IMImitation Metallic Ware
INCChaff or Fine Chaff Temper Incised
LCLate Chalcolithic
LCHLate Chalcolithic Chaff Temper Ware
LGRLate Chalcolithic Gray Ware
LCFLate Chalcolithic Fine Ware
LCGbGreen-Buff Slip Ware
LCTTan Slip Ware
MMetallic Ware
NINNinevite V Ware
PPebble Temper Ware
RRough Ware
RCRed Orange Calcite Temper Ware
RC1Finer Red-Orange Calcite Temper Ware
SSimple Ware
WSWet Smooth Ware

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ZcaW1: Main Temper

1vegetal: chaff
3quartz (large grains)

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ZcaW2: Other Temper

3red iron ore (bright orange)
4black iron ore (black)

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ZcaW3: Surface treatment (interior)

1plant wiped
2strong wheel marks
6overall slip
7interior slip only

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ZcaW4: Surface treatment (exterior)

1plant wiped
2strong wheel marks
6overall slip
7exterior slip only
8interior slip only

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ZcaW5: Inclusion type

1vegetal: chaff
3quartz (large grains)
4sand (fine grains)
6red iron ore (bright orange)
7black iron ore (black)

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ZcaW6: Inclusion frequency

1abundant (almost no space between, 70-90%)
2 moderate (little space between, 40-70%)
3sparse (much space between, 10-40%)

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ZcaW7: Firing

4over fired

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ZcaW8: Fracture

1sharp, jagged

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ZcaW9: Detail of ware (subfamily)

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ZcaW10: Forming techniques

1wheel made
4part wheel made and part handmade

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ZcaS: Shape

Note. Fields 1-3 require a definition as basic shape (roster code sh, see GRAMMAR, it is repeated here for ease of reference). Field 4 is generally by itself, although in principle it may be added to basic shape plus fields 1-3.

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sh: basic shape

Basic shapes are placed in this position and can occur independently or with family/sub-family codes.

kworked disk/stopper
lplatter or plate

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ZcaS1: Family

This category applies primarily to defining further the shape of the body of the vessel although some exceptions exist (e.g. hr). Many family shapes appear exclusively with one main shape (e.g. conical with cup, goblet foot with cup etc - for a full list of shape code combinations see Main List).

aupper wall angled toward exterior
bacoba (bowl)
cconical (cup)
gglobular body
gffooted goblet
hhole mouth
rround sided
sstraight sided
wwide rim diameter

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ZcaS2: Sub-family

This category further refines the shapes, particularly if the body has more than one defining characteristic. This column is also used to further specify the family category (e.g. short necked, flaring necked, etc.).

cucurved upper body
fflaring (necked)
flflaring body
hshort (necked)
rrounded (carination)
rbrib at juncture
rerestricted necked
rgrestricted necked, corrugation on the interior
rprope decoration
sasharp (carination)
scsharp carination and curved upper wall
smsmooth interior
trhandle near rim
ugcorrugation on interior
wwheel marks
wiwheel marks on interior
wewheel marks on exterior

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ZcaS3: Variation

Numeric codes refer to drawings of pertinent shapes. The sequence starts each time from 1 for the LC, EDII, EDIII, Akkadian and Khabur shapes. The 100 series also applies to this time frame. The 800 and 900 series apply the Mitanni and Middle Assyrian catalogs. For a full list of types see the Main List.

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ZcaS4: Rim, base, handle

Codes for base are preceded by x, codes for handle are preceded by t, all other codes refer to rims. These codes are primarily used alone when the shape of the vessel is unclear however they also be used in conjunction with other shape codes to further define a type. Drawings of these rims, bases and handles are found in the cross-horizon section or by clicking the headings below, and illustrations by phase are shown in the various catalogs.

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aangular rim
cplain collared
cg collared-grooved
dedepression on top of rim
dpdouble strand (lower one pointed)
drdouble strand (both rounded)
eextened rim
eeextended toward exterior
eiextended toward interior
eieextended to interior and exterior
etexternally thickened
fliflaring with slight interior lip
flrflaring with rib below rim
frflat on top with rounded exterior
fwflat and wide
fweflat, wide and slightly inclined to exterior
geexterior groove
gffolded with interior groove
gddeep groove on interior
gmsimple with interior grrove
grinterior groove with rib below rim
gtgroove on top
iinterior groove or ledge
ilinterior lugs
inindentation on rim
ipinterior projection
liinterior lip
pspointed rim slanted
psepointed rim slanted to exterior
psipointed rim slanted to interior
rbribbed on top and exterior of rim
rccurved toward exterior
riribbed on top of rim only
rrribbed below rim
rtthickened rim
shsimple with horseshoe handle
sleslanted toward exterior
slislanted toward interior
sqesquare rim on exterior edge
sqersquare rim on exterior edge, slightly restricted
srsimple with rope decoration

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ttype unspecifed
tdpdouble pierced lugs
tkrround knob
tkvoval knob
tosoval in section
trsdouble-strand round
tssemi-circular, exterior
tsisemi-circular, interior
tspsingle pierced lug
tststrap, rectangular in section
ttexterior tab
ttiinterior tab

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xtype not specified
xdcdisk base, slightly concave
xdcwdisk base, convex, wide
xdfdisk base, flat
xdxdisk base, slightly convex
xdwdisk base, wide
xelexterior ledge
xfcflat, slightly concave/slight depression in center
xfxflat, slightly convex
xhfhigh footed
xhgconvex footed
xlfholed in center of base
xrdcround base, type c
xrdsround base, type s
xrhhigh ring
xrllow ring
xsbstring cut bowl
xscstring cut cup
xsfsolid footed
xsfcsolid footed, convex
xsflsolid footed, low
xsfvsolid footed, slightly concave

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ZcaS9: Forming techniques

1wheel made
4part wheel made, part handmade

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ZcaD: Decoration

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ZcaD1: Technique


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ZcaD2: Detail

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A. Appliqué and pinched
A1Rope, 1 line
A2Rope, 2 lines
A3Rope, 3 lines
A4Combined rope and combed decoration
A7Snake and scorpion
A8Snake, scorpion and combed decoration
A9Snake and combed decoration

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B. Bitumen decoration and treatment
B3Neck and rim
B4Amorphous design on body
B5Large dots on shoulder or upper body
B6Bitumen repair
B7Bitumen inside for waterproofing
B8Bitumen painted on body

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I. Incised, including combed and template
I1Horizontal lines
I2Wavy lines
I3Wavy lines between horizontal lines
I4Parallel lines alternating with dotted lines made with the comb end
I5Running Xs between horizontal combed lines
I6Running triangles between horizontal combed lines
I7Template line(s)
I9Potter's mark
I10Wavy and oblique lines between parallel lines

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K. Khabur Painted
K1Solid paint on rim and part of neck
K2Solid neck
K3Solid neck with parallel stripes below
K4Parallel straight lines
K5Running triangles filled with parallel lines
K6Running hatches triangles below rim
K7Running hatched lines
K8Parallel stripes on top of flat rim
K9Solid rim only
K10Solid rim with triangles below
K11Solid rim and parallel straight lines
K12Solid rim and neck, incised wavy line over parallel straight line
K13Amorphous design between upper and lower straight borders
K14 Other (describe in notes)

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M. Mittani Painted
M1Alternating solid bands and lines on rim, neck and body
M2Thin line on rim with solid paint on neck
M3Parallel lines on neck and body
M4Solid paint on rim with parallel lines on neck and body
M5Alternating parallel dark solid areas and lines on rim, neck and body as background for white dotted circles/half circles decoration
M6Red or black solid paint as background for white painted animal figures
M7Red or black solid paint as background for running white half oval shapes decoration, (the opening of the oval shapes are either at top or bottom)
M8Running crosshatched triangles
M9Running crosshatched triangles alternating with star decoration bordered with solid paint
M10Alternating parallel solid bands and lines on rim, neck and body as background for wavy line decoration with parallel lines on top of rim
M11Alternating parallel solid bands and lines on rim, neck and body as background for triangles and dotted circles decoration with parallel lines on top of rim
M12Paint on both edges of a flat rim with some dark painted stripes highlighting negative space on top of the rim
M13Crosshatched band bordered with straight lines
M14Fingerprints on top of the rim
M15Solid paint covering entire vessel in the interior and exterior
M16Solid paint covering the exterior of the vessel up to interior edge of the rim
M17Triangles and dots on the body
M18Solid paint on rim exterior
M19Parallel stripes on top of a flat rim
M20Solid Paint on the interior
M21Spiral design painted on the interior of the base
M23Ribbed band with painted stripes
M24Drip spots on interior or exterior / drip spots on handle
M25Solid paint on rim and on the upper body
M26Dark painted band with white vertical zig-zags as a second layer of paint
M27Red edged bowls or plates
M28Rope type decoration 1 or 2 lines (no longer in use)
M29Parallel solid black painted band with white design on the upper band and a star on the second band
M30Alternating oblique parallel lines and dots on top of a flat rim
M31Combined decorations (no longer in use)
M32Checkerboard pattern

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S. Stamped
S1Concentric circles
S2Half circles
S3Wheat pattern

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ZcaC: Color

ZcaC1: Interior Name
Munsell name

ZcaC2: Interior Number
Munsell number

ZcaC3: Exterior Name
Munsell name

ZcaC4: Exterior Number
Munsell number

ZcaC5: Temper Name
Munsell name

ZcaC6: Temper Number
Munsell number

ZcaC7: Painted Background A
Munsell name

ZcaC8: Painted Background B
Munsell number

ZcaC9: Painted Foreground A
Munsell name

ZcaC10: Painted Foreground B
Munsell number

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ZcaM: Measurement

ZcaM1: Percentage of rim.

Gives actual percentage number.

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ZcaF: Function

ZcaF1: Primary function

1Closed form, can be held in one hand, contents can only be poured out. Rim diameter smaller than 10 cm
2Closed form, can be held in one hand, contents can be poured or scooped out. Rim diameter 10-14 cm
3Closed form, can be held in two hands, contents can only be poured out, i.e. narrow necked jars. Rim diameter smaller than 10 cm
4Closed form, can be held in two hands, contents can be poured or scooped. Rim diameter 15-20 cm
5Closed or Open form, vessels cannot easily be moved, contents can only be scooped out. Rim diameter for closed forms, greater than 20 cm. Rim diameter for open forms greater, than 30 cm
6Open form, can be held in one hand, contents can only be poured out. Rim diameter smaller than 10 cm
7Open form, can be held in one hand, contents can be poured or scooped out. Rim diameter 10-14 cm
8Open form, can be held in two hands, contents can only be scooped out. Rim diameter 15-30 cm

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ZcaA: Time assignment

ZcaA1: Horizon

LCHLate Chalcolithic
(blank)Third Millennium
MAMiddle Assyrian

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