
The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-03-26

Date Author Record
2008-07-06 pC Yesterday pC, gB, fAB, mKB, rE, jW went out to the field to discuss where to lay the squares for J6, J5 and J1. For J6 we decided, before to begin to excavate in the squares, to cut back 1.5 m the high East section in J2 and to draw it, which is k200: this section was creadet by the excavation of 2001 by a german team directed by Peter Pfaelzner (see publication MDOG 134, 2002). This section is important for J6 because shows the stratigraphy we will find in J6.The section is very high (at least 4 m) and for security reasons we decided to cut it from East instead from West for the first 2 m, draw it and then let fall down the remaining part in k200. Then the lower part will be more easy to clean and draw. We decided to put 4 markers next to the section. The new squares for J6 will be at lest 6 in two rows of 3 squares and the first to the North are the old squares of J4, which are k85, k75, k65. The next to the south are k87, k77, k67. [Input: S707PC.J]
2008-07-08 pC today I went out in J6 with bPW to put the control points: the new points are m4688, m4687, m4686, m4682. I decided also to have two markers from the locus k85 in J4. [Input: S707PC.J]
2008-07-13 pC Today is the first day of excavation in J6. All the staff of J6 was present (pC, eA, hB, cJC, dH). We start removing 50 cm from the West baulk in k84, in order to draw it and photograph. The feature number of the baulk is f1. Then I put the workmen to clean all the staircase in J2 and the area J4. After breakfast we start digging in k84. Topsoil is f2 and accumulation under topsoil is f3. We collect all the pottery in the topsoil and in the baulks, but at the end of the day, after mKB looked at it, we throw it away. The pottery bags are: q1 f1 belonging to the baulk, q2 f2, the top soil in k85 and q3 f3, the accumulation under f2. This procedure will be taken for all the pottery from non stratified areas, as the top soil, the baulks and cleaning. [Input: S707PC.J]
2008-07-15 pC Today we continue excavating in k85 and in k75. We keep f6 because is still the same accumulation. In k74 we keep also the same feature as yesterday f7, but after a pick run i decided to change, being the clay more clean, fine in texture as f6 in k85 at the same elevation. [Input: S714PC.J]
2008-07-15 pC today I stayed home at 11 a.m. during one hour to write the daily journal. [Input: S714PC.J]
2008-07-16 pc Today I get new workmen: Riad Omar, Ferid, Taer Mamo, Khaed, Ferhad. I have now 4 pickmen, therefore tomorrow I will have another pick. I organized the teams for each square. aKarim is in k85, Fahed in k75, Shallal and Su'ar in k65. Today we excavated in all the squares. In k85 we went down with f12, in k75 we went down with f9, but before we removed f10, which was an area with more stones and pottery, and in k65 with f14, which is accumulation under topsoil. Today we decided with gB and fAB to take views of all the area of J6 with J4 and J2 together from different ranges. The view from the north will show the relation between the Khabur area in J4, were the glacis and the bin are, and the accumulations to the south in J6, but also visible in the South sections in J4. The view from the south will show how is J6 after 4 days of excavation and at the and of the season we will have the same view of the area, showing the possible wall or structures. The view from West will show the J2 and J4 area, the section of k200 (which is the east section of J2k100) and J6. Today we draw the North section of k85. [Input: S716PC.J]
2008-07-17 pC Today at 5:00 am we took the general views for J6: they show the situation of the excavation area from different view range, showing the context where J6 is located after one week of ecavation. Today after breakfast two shovel man were missing (Saleh and Khaled), therefore the work went slower. aKarim took all the day to remove the north baulk of k85. bPW put new squares to the South: they are k66 k76 and k86. k86 is very small, due to the german trench to the West. [Input: S718PC.J]
2008-07-19 pc Today I have 4 new workmen. Today before breakfast we draw and photograph the West section of k85, because after breakfast we want to remove it. In k84 we removed the West section of k84, which is f1; in k75 we went down for 50cm with f17 and then with f18. In k85 we kept the same feature as yesterday f16. Before breakfast hB went with a team (Su'ar with Khaled and Nicherman) to expose the wall in k100: it is a wall found by Peter Pfaelzner in area C2, but possibly belongs to the temple terrace complex, and therefore we wanted to expose it and relay it: this wall is in the german documentation installation 951 in Schicht C 16, which in our documentation is f23. In front of the wall we found 3 seal impressions: q34.1 and q31.1. After breakfast we continue excavating in k75 were a line of stones and a surface of melted bricks came out: the stones are f21 and the melted brick is f22. aKarim begins to remove the West baulk of k85, which is f19. cJC and dH draw the East section of k85. [Input: S719PC.J]
2008-07-20 pC Today I get 20 new workmen at 5:00 am: they worked all day under the supervision of cJC cleaning all the long trench k200. hB continued supervising the area in k100 (in the German excavation area C2), where there is the wall f24. In k85 was removed all the west baulk f19 and also the east baulk f30. We create a slope for the wheelbarrow. In k65 all f16 was removed. [Input: S720PC.J]
2008-07-21 pC Today we finished removing the last 10 cm of the W baulk of k85, f19; we continue excavating in k85 f33 and f35. I decided to put the team of Su'ar in k74: after a pickrun it was a problem for the wheelbarrow to remove the dirt, because k74 is deep (was excavated in 2006 as J4), so I decided to remove the east baulk of k74. In k65 Ibrahim and Fahed continue to remove f31. In k200 cJC continue to supervise the area collecting pottery and giving q-lots. [Input: S721PC.J]
2008-07-22 pC Today we cleaned the surface in k85 f35 and took views. Then we removed it and found a nice surface with a lot of pebbles which is f37 and we exposed it without excavating it. in k75 we looked for the same feature which extends in it f39. In k65 they finished to remove f36 and stopped excavating. We started excavating in k84 and under the surface left in season 2006, we found the same as f37 which is f38. We begin also excavating in k74, were we found also the surface with pebbles. Today we had a meeting in the field with gB, fAB and all J6 staff about the strategy for next days. We will keep going with the same loci to find the wall. After breakfast dH went home to set up some computers. At 12:00 am he came back to draw the sections in k75. [Input: S722PC.J]
2008-07-23 pC Today we removed 3 baulks: in k75 the North and the East baulk; for the east baulk was created a ramp for the wheelbarrow. In k85 was removed the half part of the East baulk. In k84 we continued to excavate until we found a nice floor surface f45. We relay it and took views. We clean k74 removing f43 and we exposed a compacted surface with a lot of sherds embedded [Input: S723PC.J]
2008-07-24 pC Yesterday we continue to remove the baulks (North of k84) and begin to remove the East baulk of k74. There was a lot of dirt to remove and the workmen were doing this all the day. Only in k84 Su'ar continued to excavate, being a very small area and because we want to find the wall as soon as possible, in order to decide the next steps. In k84 we found a very compact floor f46, and under it the beginning of the brickfall f52 and f53. Today after breakfast dH went home to work on the computers. [Input: S725PC.J]
2008-07-28 pc Today I get a new team of 4 workmen, which I put in k75. Today we worked in all squares k74, k75, k84, k85. We finished to remove the brickfall in k85 f55, then we removed the West baulk which coveres the wall f129 and f130. In k85 we removed f37, which we found last week: excavating this feature we collected 7 bags of pottery in one pickrun, then we expose a surface of melted bricks. In k74 we removed f59, which is a natural accumulation and we found a surface of bricks f64 and the accumulation abutting it, f65 with a lot of pottery. In k75 we excavated f61 and under it was a surface of melted bricks. After breakfast dH stayed at home. [Input: S728PC.J]
2008-07-29 pc today we excavated in all loci (k84, k85, k75, k74) and we continued excavating the same feature as yesterday, f65, f69, f60, f68. We also excavated the brickmelt f74, removing the first 10 cm. After breakfast dH and eA stayed at home making object description and templates. Today we begin also to excavate in J7, which is a new Unit West to k200 and is under the supervision of pC and J6 staff. [Input: S729PC.J]
2008-07-31 pc Today we draw the West section and the North section of k85. We took views of it and removed the north baulk f81 and f83. Then we begin to remove the west section f85. Today we found in k64 under f80, a line of large stones f84. We continued to remove f71 and f82 in k75. After breakfast cJC, hB, dH and eA stayed at home to do data entry and templates. After breakfast we cleaned all J6 and J4 [Input: S731PC.J]
2008-08-02 pC Today we cleaned well all the area and take overall views. we excavated in k85 the brickfall f75 and f86, in k75 the brickmelt f82 and removed f78, in k74 we excavated the brickmelt f64 and we found a pit in the Nort-East corner f87. We also finished to remove a small part of baulk in k84 f69, which is the brickfall. Ahuar was cleaning the northern part of the section of k200. [Input: S802PC.J]
2008-08-03 pC Today we excavated in k85 the brickfall f86 and found in the Southern part of the square a lens of ash f90; in k200 Ahuar finished to clean the section and we took a view of it. in k75 we excavated f93, which is the brickmelt and in k75 we finisched to remove the northern baulk f88 and to dig the pit f87. After breakfast cJC, hQ and dH stayed at home entering data. [Input: S803PC.J]
2008-08-04 pC today we removed f64 in k74, f82 and f97 in k75 and the upper part of the West baulk of k85: f94 and f98. After breakfast dH and eA stayed at home doing object description. We took several views (v48) to show the removing of the west baulk of k85 from J2: this will show the sequence of the removing of the baulk and showing at the end the discovery of the glacis f63 and of the possible wall f130 [Input: S804PC.J]
2008-08-05 pC Today we finished to remove the west baulk of k85 f98, which is brickfall and we continued to take views from West. In k74 we changed feature from f64, the brickmelt to f103 the brickfall. Under the brickfall there is a hard surface sloping South. In k75 we removed all the brickfall f93 and we expose everywhere the ash f97. We decided also to open a new square to the South k86, which is a very narrow square, only 1m wide: it will allow to open the view to the south of the wall f130, and also to remove the East section of k200, which is too high and dangerous. [Input: S805PC.J]
2008-08-06 pC Today we excavated in k85, k75 and k74: we exposed everywhere the glacis, which is probably the same as f63 in k84. Today i realized that we forget to string the northern baulk of k85: we missed ca 40 cm, because the bottom elevation of the last drawing of the North baulk is 90.00 and the top elevation of the actual North baulk is 89.56 (f98 West baulk, which is at the same elevation of the North baulk). Today we begin to excavate in k87, which is not a real locus, but only 1.5m baulk: it is located East of k200 and south of the narrow k86. It will allow to remove the high and dangerous East section of k200, which is partly eroded, being exposed for several years. This will also allow us to have a section which shows the stratigraphy in the area between area C2 and J6. [Input: S806PC.J]
2008-08-07 pC Today we removed the East baulk of k85 and finished to remove the East baulk of k84 f108. We found in f108 a lot of pottery and the head of an animal i4. We continued to remove the East section of k200 in k87 till we found a hard mud surface. I moved the workmen to remove the East section of k200 from k86 [Input: S807PC.J]
2008-08-09 pc Today we finished to remove the East baulk of k85 f114 and the north baulk of k75 f111, which are both brickfall, therefore we assign one feature number to the whole baulk. We cleaned the dirt in k200 with the shaffat coming from k86 and k87 and we collected the pottery as one feature number f900. We reached the mud surface f117 in k86, which is the same as f116 in k87: in this case we collected all the pottery from k86 and we did not push down the dirt in k200. [Input: S809PC.J]
2008-08-10 pc Today we cleaned all J6 area and we expose in all loci the glacis. We removed the remaining part of the North baulk of k75 and the East baulk of k85: being then excavated in all square, f119 and f120 are both brickfall and belong to the 5 cm above the glacis. We removed also the North baulk of k85, after drawing it. In k86 we removed the North baulk; we decided to push down in k200 the dirt. [Input: S809PC.J]
2008-08-14 pC Yesterday we decided to excavate in k74, where we did a small trench to see the glacis under the latest glacis f107. We decided also to create a new locus k101 for this tranch. We encontered several layers of different glacis and we stopped when we found the baqaya glacis. In k85 we removed the glacis f110 and we found directly under it a floor of sherds. We removed the North baulk of k86 and we organized better the work of the removal of the dirt in k200. [Input: S815PC.J]
2008-08-16 pC Today we worked in k87, where we dig f116 and f131. f131 was full of pottery and probably is the same as f37 in k85. At the end of the day we found a surface full of pebbles around the stone f133. We excavated also in k86 the brickfall f136: there are 14 floating stones f137. In k84 we removed the glacis f63 and we found another glacis f132. We removed 40 cm of backfill in J4k100 (k84 North) and we cleaned the east section: there is the beginning of J4f150, which is a red accumulation sloping sharply South and which is one of the reasons to belive that there is a boundary to the South (probably the wall f130). We also found the southern baulk of J4k100, which is now the North baulk of k84. we cleaned the Northern section of J4k100 which is k83 f134. [Input: S816PC.J]
2008-08-17 pC Today we excavated in k84 the glacis f132 and under it were 3 different features: f141, a dark brown soil, f140 a pavement of sherds and f142, an ash acumulation which was sitting in a kind of shallow pit. We removed the brickfall in k86 f136 and we exposed to the north an ashy layer f139. Under the brickfall we found the latest glacis: this is the same situation we found in k85. In k87 we removed f131, which had a lot of pottery and pebbles and under it there was the brickfall f143 and probably a wall. Today we continued to push the dirt into k200 and take it with the shaffat and the crane. [Input: S817PC.J]
2008-08-18 pC Today we continued to excavate in k84 f140, in k86 we removed all the brickfall f136 and the ash f139 which covered the glacis f138, in k85 we removed the West baulk wich is almost composed of brickfall and the ash, which is f145. In k87 was excavated f143 which is the brickfall. Before breakfast we spend the morning cleaning all the excavation [Input: S818PC.J]
2008-08-19 pC Today we finished to dig in k86 and k87: we decided to do this in order to focus on k84 and k85, where we hope to reach the goal for this season: founding the wall f130. We finished to remove the North baulk of k86, which is f146 and then we changed the feature number in f148 which is the ashy layer. We then begin to dig in k85, where Suár and Fahed are the pickmen. we removed the floor f135 and the glacis f110 and the accumulation under it f148. in k84 we continued to dig as yesterday the ash f142. [Input: S819PC.J]
2008-08-19 cVP At k85 the W baulk was removed yesterday (features f136 and f139), letting the surface at the level of the glacis, that still slope down to the west. There are two big stones alone. In the morning today we clean and do photo, and then dig everything up. Underneath,a brown soft soil. [Input: S819PC.J]
2008-08-20 pC Today we excavated in k85 f148 which is a natural soft accumulation. Under it there is f154 which is a surface compacted naturally. In k84 we removed all the ash f142 and the small corner f150. We then excavated in all the square with f151, a natural accumulation [Input: S820PC.J]
2008-08-23 pC Today we removed the north baulk of k84, which is mostly the pit f142. Then we cleaned all the section of J4k100 and saw if J4f150 is continuing in section in k84, but is sloping sharply and we still did not reached it. Then we removed the West baulk of k84, excavating it in different features: before we removed the glacis f63 and we found under it a sherd floor same as f135 in k85 and f140 in k84. In k85 we still are removing natural accumulations f154 [Input: S823PC.J]
2008-08-25 pC Yesterday we excavated in k85 the baulk f161 and in k84 we finished to remove the west baulk f162 till the red layer f164, where we exposed stone f163. We then dig f164 in a small trench inside k84 [Input: S826PC.J]
2008-08-27 pC Today we removed the North baulk of k87 f175. We finished to remove the North baulk of k85 f162 and f168, which are the same feature. We then dig only in k84 and we exposed f174, which is a floor surface south of wall f130. Today all the relays and elevations were taken by hB. Today cVP continued to dig in k74 wall f166 [Input: S826PC.J]
2009-07-20 yM today was the first day of excavation, so we spent the whole day cleaning the erea in which we are going to be excavating. We also cleaned the erea around J6 and the german trench k200. yM screaped the winter accumulatin layer that was sitting on top of f190 in k84, east of wall f129. We decided to give a new feature number to this accumulation, eaven if it was already partly excavated in the previous season. We also found in this layer a piece of an animal figurine q294.1. The afternoon work period will be dadicated to some work on the UGR and recovering the last features numbers from last seasons excavation, and doing object description. [Input: T722YM.J]
2009-07-21 yM we started the second day of excavation by cleaning the khabur wall excavated by the german team in area C2 in k100, then we stareted removing the winter accumulation layer from k84 and k85: we decided to assign the same feature number f189, even if located in different loci. the second work period was spent scraping and cleaning the sections. [Input: T722YM.J]
2009-07-22 yM today we started removing the brick fall layer f190 in k84; we found a broken grinding stone that we made in to a q item. Then we removed the following feature f191 whish is a thik layer of accumulations. [Input: T722YM.J]
2009-07-23 yM Today we started working by removing the glacis layer f193, same as f63 in k84, next to wall f129; it was a very thick layer on the south but on the norther portion was thinner. We found an ash pit in the western portion of the square, which seems cutting into the red glacis f164. We removed then the fill of the pit f192. While two of our pick man where doing that, the third continued cleaning and scraping the sections in k200 and k85. We cleaned then the bin f192. [Input: T722YM.J]
2009-07-25 pC Today I was in the field and could follow the excavation. until today yM kept the record in the field and ugr [Input: T725PC.J]
2009-07-29 pC We continued to remove the stones f201, part of the bin a7 and we found the glacis layer f206 and under it the pit f192. We had a meeting in the field with fAB and we discussed the strategy for the next days. While we did not found the East-West running revetment wall, that we expected to find under the line of stones f201, we looked for other possible structures which could be the eastern boundary of the temple terrace. Mohammed Omo suggested that the line of stones f218 under the northern baulk of k82 and visible only in section could be the revetment wall. Therefore we looked at the stepped installation f219 in k71 and we decided to expose its southern face. Before exposing it we cut back the north section of k72 and removed the floating stone f215 with the accumulation underneath f216. [Input: T731PC.J]
2009-08-01 yM Today we continued excavating the pit f192 which we are approaching from the south to the north very slowly in an attempt to follow the red layer that runs under it f164. we also found a broken tannur f220 within the pit fill that was removed after taking a picture of it. pC and sD drew the north section of k72 before we started removing the baulk in order to uncover the line of stones f219 in k71: removing the baulk will allow to uncover the wall wich turns here to the north. We presume that this wall could be the continuation of the revetment wall as m Omo suggested. this change of strategy is going to give us the chance also to follow the glacis layer that was discovered last season. it will also allow us to find out if this presumed wall is in fact the eastern boundary of temple terrace. during the second work period, the excavation of the pit f192 continued in k104 until reaching f200 which is also filling of the pit. on the other hand in k71 we started removing the surface of the baulk f223 which is a natural accumulation. In k73 we scraped the northern section which is a mud brick wall: sD and yM drew it because we are planning to remove the baulk and therefore the mud brick wall, part of bin a7. [Input: T801YM.J]
2009-08-02 pC Today we dig in k71 and k104. In k71 we removed natural accumulation f223 in front of stone structure f219 and removed floating stones f225, after taken relays and photo. In k104 we removed f226, a bricky lens and we found under it a wall f227. [Input: T802PC.J]
2009-08-03 pC Today we continue to dig in k104 and k71. in k104 we removed all f226 and f231, and finally exposed all the bottom of the pit; we then removed the southern portion of the section of k104; in k71 we continue digging in front of f219 and removed the floating stones after taking pictures and relays, but we did not still reached the level of the second millennium glacis [Input: T803PC.J]
2009-08-04 pC today we did not excavated and had a ugr documentation day [Input: T804PC.J]
2009-08-02 yM we continued excavating in k71. we removed 2 stones f225.1 and f225.5. we also removed the accumulation pile that was sitting on. Tomorrow we continue with the same strategy of uncovering the wall f227 in k104 and removing the floating stones f225 k72 [Input: T804YM3.J]
2009-08-03 yM Today we are continuing the excavation of the bricky material layer f231 in k104 until we reached the bottom of the fill or the pit cut, which is not leveled in a way that it is much higher on the eastern part then the western part. On the other hand in k71 we removed the accumulation layer f230 under f223 and we also removed stones f225.9, f225.10, f225.6. Having done that we are now able to see the second row of stones under the visible one f219. During the second work period we continued removing stones in k71. We removed f225.11, f225.12 to uncover the wall further more. Then we leveled the east section of k104 to be leveled with the east section of k85, k84. In order to do that we removed a stone from the section f197.6, belonging to a7 and cut it back 10cm. We did the same thing for the norther section of k84 (south section of k104), we removed a stone f236 and leveled it down until the presumed ^glacis5 level. Cutting back around 20cm. [Input: T804YM4.J]
2009-08-05 yM Today we continued leveling the northern section of k84. then we excavated f238 in k71 which is an accumulation above the floor f240 then we removed this floor and reached a glacis layer f242. We also removed a stone f245 that was sitting on top of it. In k82 we removed stones from the north east corner of the square f244 and the accumulations under them and then we removed floating stones f212 form k82 and the accumulations underneath f241 until we reached a lens that contains a lot of flatly laid sherds. The second work period was spent mostly cleaning and we stopped working at 12 am because gB gave the workmen a lecture about the site. [Input: T805YM2.J]
2009-08-11 yM Today we started excavating in k82 by removing f265 which is the natural accumulations under f243. We continued going down until reaching the level of the water channel cut f269 which is to the east from f243. Then we went down further more to the level of the red material that we see against the section f274 to the north that we also removed later during the second work period after drawing it and photographing it. This way we are now able to see the red material coming against the wall f218. We also removed the floating stones f254 east of the staircase f255 and we removed the natural accumulations under them f272 uncovering another stone underneath the accumulations that continues the line of stones that was uncovered earlier f247. On the other hand in k84 we continued removing the accumulations f268 reaching the level of the surface in front of the obelisks which is a floor f271, then we dug further down removing this feature as well. Tomorrow we will continue the removal of feature f273 which is a floor. [Input: T811YM.J]
2009-08-13 yM today we continued removing the fill of the pit f192 in k82 using the big pick now that we can see the limits of it. we also emptied the ashy lens f278 also in k82. excavating the pit fill further to the north we came across what looks like another pit f283, more circular in shape, after removing the fill f282 from inside of it we saw that it is more shallow that the pit f199 and it also cuts in to the red glacis f164. last thing we did in k82 was reaching f200 and uncovering new small stones on top of the wall f227 that they are going to be further excavated on Saturday. In k106 which is the number assigned to the new locus in front of the obelisks f177 and f100, we removed the flat laid sherds of the pavement and then we removed the layer that was laying underneeth. tomorrow we will continue going down in that square until reaching by the end of the season the salmon layer that we can see in J02 and that we think it is associated with the construction of the staircase and the apron. In k105 we removed top soil f281 and we scraped the section. Then we removed the floor surface under it f285 that was partially covering f284 that slopes down towards the south east. While removing this feature we found a seal impression that we made in to an item i28. tomorrow we will continue going down in that area. [Input: T815YM.J]
2009-08-25 yM we decided to excavate the bricks f324 in the north west corner of k82, in the corner between wall f218 and wall f129, thinking that it might be a foundation box. After excavating 20cm of these bricks we found that they might continue deeper then we thought, so in order to understand the situation better we excavated a small 80 by 75cm square next to the bricks east from wall f129 and south from wall f218. We then removed the accumulation layer f328, then the surface under it f327 which had some bricks in it. excavating f327 further more, at a certain point we came across a different material in the same level, so we removed it as f330 that turned out to be only a lens, because it only covered a small part of f327. we then decided to enlarge the square that we are digging to 1x1 Meter: in this way we can understand better f327 and also to see if the two walls f218 and f129 continue down, since it is very clear that the bricks f324 go under the stones of the wall f218. Wall f218 goes deeper, but for wall f129 we could not see any more stones at the level we reached. Tomorrow we will continue excavating f327. We are also looking very carefully at the face of the bricks to see if they have some sort of inscription. We took a soil sample for further analysis of the brick composition [Input: T827YM.J]
2009-08-26 yM Today we continued excavating f327. Then we did a nail test trying to get a conclusive proof weather the bricks f324 are a foundation box or not. It was very clear from the nail test that there is no empty space behind the bricks, therefore it is not a foundation box. Due to the fact that the situation is very complicated and hard to understand, we decided to leave this as an open question for next years excavation. [Input: T827YM.J]