Unit Book A6


Processed on 2024-09-12

Date Author Record
1992-07-05 sT our strategy for today is to remove the topsoil from k217,218,219; to reach the ac layers underneath and, we hope, to expose any wall if they exist, as we go down. We are using the big pick in these three areas to remove th topsoil. We are not collecting bones from the topsoil. In k168, we are removing f17 layer by layer, so that we can expose the rabbeting wall to the N. The workmen are using small picks in k168. In k169, we are removing f18, the ac level below f6, with the small pick. [Input: C7-1-D.J]
1992-07-05 rK our strategy has to take into consideration the number of workmen and tools available along with the need to analyze the current strata of some loci better before proceeding with much more work there. -- [A] Since k217-219 are being opened for excavation, removal of topsoil there has priority and can be carried with minimal supervision. Currently k217 has been cut into 2 steps since it is on EW downward slope of the tell. The upper (E) half will be made level (the SE quadrant has not been lowered yet) and then soil will be removed for another 30cm throughout (barring unexpected finds). -- [B] It seems to us that further excavation in k167 can help us answer some important questions such as: (1) if the rabbeted face of brick is one side of a doorway, what does it open into? (2) is there a room N of k167 or is what we have the outer wall? note: k117 N of the wall f78 did not contain any significant cultural artifacts, ac, floor, etc. (3) wall A6f16 is >2m broad so that it could very well be an outer wall; (4) digging further down might help us to see if the flat rock, with brick below it, in the NE corner of k167 is part of a structure. So we shall consult with GB about digging down in f5. Perhaps one or two workmen can be assigned here to dig with the small pick. -- [C] The floors of k168,169 need to be scraped, scored before further excavation. -- [D] The remaining workmen shall be assigned to k218 to remove topsoil until k219 is scraped and studied. [Input: C7-1-D.J]
1992-07-09 rK we have two major priorities today. One is to go down in k168 & the associcated closet fast to the level of A1f113. The other is to determine with certainty the face of the wall in k217. So 2 workmen are digging f17 with the large pick. 2 workmen are also digging with the handpick in f23 to expose the faces of the wall. In k217 the main goal is to go the lower levels, barring surprises. [Input: C7-1-D.J]
1992-07-11 rK as previous; specific details to be reviewed with GB. [Input: C7-3.J]
1992-07-11 rK We shall have the sections of the baulks between k168 & 218 and k168 & 169 drawn first so that these can be removed (to open doorway between the latter pair of loci and to examine the burnt bricks in the first baulk for seals) in keeping with the overall goals for the excavation this season. [Input: C7-3.J]
1992-07-12 rK We will not excavate in A6 today. The workers have been assigned to other jobs. This was necessary to catch up on feature tagging, record keeping, photography of area and for RK to discuss these along with findings and stratigraphy with gB. We plan to have a global record generated today which will tell us where the gaps are in the written journal and logs if any exist. RK will also follow up to account for all the items in A6. [Input: C7-3.J]
1992-07-14 RK will open new square k170 (only partially excavated in the previous season); otherwise, as previous. [Input: C7-3.J]
1992-07-15 RK work will proceed as before in a1, k168,169,170 and 217. The remainder of the pedestal in k168 (E of f20, to the same height), will be removed today. [Input: C7-3.J]
1992-07-18 RK We haved decided not to go down in a1/k168/k169 lower than the lowest level now reached. All of the floors will be brought to the same level. This is because of the impracticality of excavating the layer corresponding to A1f113 since we are still about 50 cm away from it in k168 and a gypsum floor most likely intervenes. We shall concentrate most of our energies at this point to define all the walls and doorways within the 7 loci. [Input: C7-3.J]
1992-07-21 RK remove lone baulk consisting of wadi accumulation to the W of k170, barring pedestal for the elevation pole and marker -- dig in well, f66, 20 cm to see if brick is present along the circumference -- excavate to the white coated floor in k168 -- trace the outline of the wall f16 along its E, to the level of the stone [Input: C7-3.J]
1992-07-21 RK for C722 remove N baulk of k171; define wall outline better; level floor [Input: C7-3.J]
1992-07-26 RK backfill k217 at the conclusion of MZ7 consisted of several steps, mainly on account of graves that we did not have adequate time to excavate. The details of the locus are noted under k217. The walls and step were covered well with plastic before applying backfill. [Input: C7-3.J]
1992-07-11 rK as previous; specific details to be reviewed with GB. [Input: C7-3.J]
1992-07-11 rK We shall have the sections of the baulks between k168 & 218 and k168 & 169 drawn first so that these can be removed (to open doorway between the latter pair of loci and to examine the burnt bricks in the first baulk for seals) in keeping with the overall goals for the excavation this season. [Input: C7-3.J]
1992-07-12 rK We will not excavate in A6 today. The workers have been assigned to other jobs. This was necessary to catch up on feature tagging, record keeping, photography of area and for RK to discuss these along with findings and stratigraphy with gB. We plan to have a global record generated today which will tell us where the gaps are in the written journal and logs if any exist. RK will also follow up to account for all the items in A6. [Input: C7-3.J]
1992-07-14 RK will open new square k170 (only partially excavated in the previous season); otherwise, as previous. [Input: C7-3.J]
1992-07-15 RK work will proceed as before in a1, k168,169,170 and 217. The remainder of the pedestal in k168 (E of f20, to the same height), will be removed today. [Input: C7-3.J]
1992-07-18 RK We haved decided not to go down in a1/k168/k169 lower than the lowest level now reached. All of the floors will be brought to the same level. This is because of the impracticality of excavating the layer corresponding to A1f113 since we are still about 50 cm away from it in k168 and a gypsum floor most likely intervenes. We shall concentrate most of our energies at this point to define all the walls and doorways within the 7 loci. [Input: C7-3.J]
1992-07-21 RK remove lone baulk consisting of wadi accumulation to the W of k170, barring pedestal for the elevation pole and marker -- dig in well, f66, 20 cm to see if brick is present along the circumference -- excavate to the white coated floor in k168 -- trace the outline of the wall f16 along its E, to the level of the stone [Input: C7-3.J]
1992-07-21 RK for C722 remove N baulk of k171; define wall outline better; level floor [Input: C7-3.J]
1992-07-26 RK backfill k217 at the conclusion of MZ7 consisted of several steps, mainly on account of graves that we did not have adequate time to excavate. The details of the locus are noted under k217. The walls and step were covered well with plastic before applying backfill. [Input: C7-3.J]
1996-07-03 rK Our plan for today, the first day of excavations this season, is 3-part: in k168, two or 3 workmen shall be assigned to remove the floor deposits carefully using small picks; in k217, what remains of the human burial a11 (=f25) will be excavated so as to remove the unexcavated earth on top of wall f78; in k218, the object detected upon removal of backfill and dusting shall be retrieved and the terrace along the E border will be systematically removed to bring everything to the same level in the locus. [Input: G703RK.J]
1996-07-05 rk Our strategy for G706. [1] As regards the main floor of interest, f101, in k168, we shall pursue the following strategy. Comparing absolute elevations on G704 showed us that most of this floor is about 30 cm above the bottom of f137 in A1 (the floor that yielded most of the sealings). The portions so far excavated in k168 during this season have been cut 10-20 cm from this level. So rather than cut into this in search of the floor of interest, we shall proceed as follows. The small section cut in the doorway opening from W into k169 shall be extended past the doorway from k169 to k168. This should yield both a N and E section of what is present. If the section shows stratification, it shall be removed layer by layer. [2] In k218, we shall begin by first removing the "handiron", f104. It shall be renamed as an item. Prior to removal, it shall be triangulated and given axial definition. This is also meant to be a practical exercise for jm and rs. Once this is done, we shall assign 3 pickmen here with support crew to rapidly cut down the E terrace. The ac below this floor has already been assigned a new feature number. We shall scrape the side of the E terrace to view again any stratification present. Once the entire floor of k218 is level, we shall remove the W. baulk (i.e, E baulk of k168) and then proceed systematically to remove the strata. A section is preserved for us on the E border of k168 which is well below this square. [3] The strategy for k217 is as before to remove most of the platform on the wall, leaving only a section for documentation. [Input: G705RK.J]
1996-07-13 rK Work resumed in all 3 loci today although in k217 just one pickman has been assigned to expose the N face of the wall, f78. Then this is done sufficiently to establish the limits, we will confine the excavation to the S side of the wall. The construction + ac on f78 remains as an 80 x 140 pedestal and will be removed. The S. side of f78 will be excavated as a single floor with the k218 area once k218 is brought down to its level. In k168, the excavation continues as removal of the top 1/3 of the ac f128. [Input: G718RK.J]
1996-07-15 rK We shall continue to remove the rest of f158. The bottom of pit f299 has not been reached contrary to our surmise yesterday. So it shall be excavated further. Also the sides of f29 shall be checked for brick or other lining. We have been following the section in the N in removing f158. Once this is done over the entirety of the locus, we shall scrape and observe in order to proceed. In k168,169, detailed photographs were taken to show strata and contacts with walls. Any wadi deposit adjacent to the section shall completely removed before proceeding to remove f115. [Input: G720RK.J]
1996-07-18 rK [1] Verification of relay accuracy and markers. [2] Excavation of k218: f166--no clear distinction between f160 and f166. Both had packed red dirt. Relatively few objects or features are present in them. The retrieval of 2 nice looking seal impressions from about 30 cm below the top of f166 made us more cautious in the excavation of this accumulation. A 170 x 100 cm section on the N face is being cut at the NW corner of this locus. The limits of this section was triangulated. [Input: G720RK.J]
1996-07-18 rK We shall cut the NW section while continuing to excavate f166 in parts of the locus. The main concern is to look for any evidence of floors. The lower level of f166 is close to (but still above) the bottom of f299 which had a floor. If we cannot find a floor in section we shall remove f166 to the current depth cut and then proceed from the floor level of f29. [Input: G720RK.J]
1996-07-20 rK In k218 we shall remove the lowest level of k166 another 5 cm, till the gray changes to red. This will be advanced S.ward as far as the section cut in the NW corner. Then new feature numbers will be assigned to the strata below and we will cut a uniform section EW to draw. This might require digging on the parts of the current surface of k217 to a uniform level, S of f78. The last 5 cm of f116 are to be removed with the small pick. If this does not yield anything significant, we will remove hard red ac with the large picks. [Input: G720RK.J]
1996-07-22 rK Our current strategy in k21 is to lower the entire square to approx. 320 cm W of f78 uniformly, clarify the section to the S, draw it, and excavate to that depth at least as far S as the S limit of A8 now being excavated. If time permits we shall excavate all of k21. Otherwise, we shall maintain the same S limit as A8 and seek to reach the original floors. [Input: G801RK.J]
1996-07-23 rK Remove backfill in k169. Section @ N of k218 being completed. Thereafter we will go down in k21 with the large pick. [Input: G801RK.J]
1996-07-24 rK finish section of k218N which was mostlyy done on G723. k218 S being levelled to be cut down with the large pick. We have 4 pickmen on the lower part of k21 in f177 digging Eward with the handpick. In k219 the excavation has begun. [Input: G803RK.J]
1996-07-30 rK In k21, once the locus is level we shall advance a section from the W by cutting in 20 cm Eward to the depth of 30-35 cm that exists between the bottom of f177 and the top of the brick platform f142 in the N-S doorway a14. [Input: G806RK.J]
1996-08-05 rK We formerly cleared all of f177 and f211 has been cut down once throughout the locus. A strip across the middle of the locus went also through a second cut which removed all of what we shall call f211. The accumulation below sitting on a floor at the level of f142 shall be labelled f215. We shall remove all of the f211 that remains and advance f215 first as a cut, to the exposed width of the wall f210, going from W to E toward it. A little bit of the accumulation has been left at the W end of f78, by the doorway, because it had a lot of ash and evidence of burning activity. This shall likewise be removed after we photograph it. [Input: G806RK.J]
1997-06-17 dns white tags to be used for pottery in k22, for easy identification by MKB for analysis this year. [Input: H616DNSD.J]
1997-06-16 rK We have two major goal to focus on for the season MZ10. (1) The excavation the low-floor deposits in sector D. This was begun during MZ9. At the end of that season, the floor was left cut at two levels. Accumulation f215 existed along the N and S borders of the room and it was removed in a rectangular strip EW along the middle exposing a lower layer, f220. We shall begin by removing the rest of f215 and then excavting f220, as part of the effort to recover the floor deposits. (2) The NE corner of the sector has an unexcavated area, less than 4m x 4m. Our second goal this season is to excavate this at least to the level of the walls of the building AK. This unexcavated locus should preserve the kind of stratigraphy we encountered in k217 during MZ7 and also preserve the secondary wall (f44) that was found built over the wall f78 of the AK building. Systematic removal of these deposits down to the levels of the AK building walls should answer several questions such as: (i) Do walls f78 and f210 meet? and how? (ii) Is there a doorway to the E through f210 in this area? We would also be able to review the stratigraphy of the second millennium deposits in this area. [Input: H616RK.J]
1997-06-17 rK We continue excavation in both loci in A6 with the intention of completing the removal of f215 in k22 today, and going further down and leveling the surface in k30. Excavation in k30 will also trace whether the bricks found are part of any structure and whether the stones seen are also arranged (perhaps over a pit). Since the two loci are quite separate because of the difference in elevation, dns and bsh will give more attention to one or the other area. [Input: H616RK.J]
1997-06-19 rK For the week starting H621: (1) Excavate deposits abutting f306, to the N and E. (2) Excavate the deposits abutting f303 to the SE. (3) Clarify the foundation of the stone wall to see whether it is associated with both the floor f310 and the lower floor f313. (4) Remove deposits on floor f313 to clarify the foundation of the brick wall f303. (5)When we are able to clearly associate the walls with their original strata, we shall remove them to excavate the earlier levels. [Input: H620RK.J]
1997-06-17 dns white tage to be used for pottery in k22, for easy identification by MKB for analysis this year. [Input: H627DNS.J]
1997-06-25 rK We shall continue excavation of f358 in the room D2 (k22). four pickmen shall work there with the small pick. In k30, we will look at the section before determining the next action. [Input: H627RK.J]
1997-06-25 bsh the plan is to follow f364, uncovering it with the continued removal of f358 (first and second cuts). [Input: H629BSH.J]
1997-06-26 bsh postpone any further uncovering of f368 until the oven is more exposed and the floor surfaces are better defined. The present itinerary is to continue following f365. [Input: H629BSH.J]
1997-06-28 bsh continued pursuit of f365. The sherd section is to be left--the dirt throughout this area is to be removed and the items left in place in order to see how they are arranged. Photographs will be taken of these items and their proximity to each other as soon as possible as the risk of damaging them (e.g., by stepping on them) is high. [Input: H629BSH.J]
1997-06-28 rK In discussion GB suggested that when removing the accumulation at the SW corner of the room (k22), we should check if the ash layer goes all the way to the wall, or to a layer of plaster (this would allow verification of the existence of plater on the wall which we have found on f78 to the N). [Input: H630RK.J]
1997-07-01 bsh the floor surface removed in pursuit of f364 should be left for the remaining removal of f372 and followed W by NW around the oven to see if in fact it is to be identified with f369. [Input: H701BSH.J]
1997-06-29 rK For the rest of this week: (1) k30-- goals: (a) improve access to the working area in the locus by cutting more steps. (b) Remove the S baulk, leaving only enough t prevent spillage of excavated earth to the floor below. (c) Remove the tannur and the associated red "brick". (d) Complete the physical tagging of features. (e) Straighten out the E section (which is at this point somewhat crooked). (f) Begin the drawing of the E section. (g) Draw the E face of the W section. (h) Lower the floor by 100 cm. (2) k22--Here we will continue removal of the floor surface to reveal any structures or paths of use. Ultimately we want to expose the gypsum floor. [Input: H708RK.J]