Unit Book A15

The Reception Area (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-01-22

Date Author Record
2001-06-23 okk The first task for A15 is to remove the backfill which covers the northern and eastern parts of the area. This should be accomplished in a couple of days of work as there are ten workmen assigned to the task. It is still uncertain as to the extent of the backfill, it seems that there is no clear distinction between the surface of the Tel and backfill in the form of sandbags or plastic. [Input: L629OKK.J]
2001-06-23 okk sb and I spoke about a couple of possible strategies for excavation. First, because of the height and extent of decay of the baulks between k1 and A13, and k2 and A13. This could be accomplished by decreasing the area of excavation to 3.5 m, or by moving the baulk from the normal E to the W, but this must be considered by gb. Also there is the possibility of an extra square to the E, either to the east of k11 or k12. This would be to accommodate the possibility of a wall mirroring the wall between H1 and H3. If this is the case, k1 and k2 could be the site of this quarter. [Input: L629OKK.J]
2001-06-24 okk Today bp is laying points for k1, k2 and k11 and k12. K13 and k14 have points that are still in backfill, so we will wait until the backfill is cleared to lay those squares. [Input: L629OKK.J]
2001-06-26 okk Today we will excavate in k1, k11, k4 and possibly k3. [Input: L629OKK.J]
2001-06-26 okk gb, sb and cc had a discussion about the area this morning. In particular we talked about whether we might expect to find the southern boundary of Khabur or phase 5 settlement. gb considers that it is likely to be somewhere in the southern squares of A16, and that A15 might contain outlying buildings. This is analogous to the small village of Mozan where outside of the main locus of the village there are small storage areas and such. The nature of the settlement here might be of a larger scale than originally anticipated, which is indicated by the recent find of a large platfom in A9 of this period. This platofrm is interpreted as being of a public or civic nature. We might also find phase 4 occupation, probably of the Isin-Larsa period. [Input: L629OKK.J]
2001-07-03 okk We began this morning with the consideration of taking photographs to document all of the concepts that we had talked about yesterday with gb, particularly the gully wash and the path of the gully. This secondary path of the gully appears strongly in k3 and k4. [Input: L704okk.j]
2001-06-26 okk gb, sb and cc had a discussion about the area this morning. In particular we talked about where we might expect to find the southern boundary of khabur or phase 5 settlement. gb considers that it is likely to be somewhere in the southern squares of A16, and that A15 might contain outlying buildings. This is analogous to the small village of Mozan where outside the main locus of the village there are small storage areas and such. The nature of the settlement here mgiht be of a larger scale than originally anticipated, which is indicated by the recent find of a large platform in A9 of this period. This platform is interpreted as being of a public or civic nature. We might also find phase 4 occupation, of the Isin-Larsa period. [Input: L708okk.j]
2001-07-07 sb in A16 there are no baulks, it's all phase b. We could do the same, expose all phase b, then photograph and remove. [Input: L709okk.j]
2001-07-13 sb Today we are putting relay tags on the ground to relay all the structures. We already have the plot of the k, although 3 points are wrong. [Input: L713okk.j]
2001-07-11 okk There is a possibility that we might want to take out the northern baulk of k4 and k14, we are now drawing the baulk in case we want to do this. Yesterday Barbara also put in a new vertical control point to the east of k13, so it will make it easier to do elevations in the higher squares. [Input: L722okk.j]
2001-07-14 okk We are taking relays today so we have spent most of the morning doing a relay sketch and putting in the relay tags. This relay sketch will encompass all the significant structures of A15, which include all the structures of Khabur phase 5c. [Input: L722okk.j]
2001-07-22 okk Today we plan to continue excavation in k1,k2,k3,k4 and k92. [Input: L722okk.j]
2001-07-24 okk gb has suggested a shift in strategy for A15 for the last week and a half of excavation. This is to enlarge the excavation by two squares to the south of A15, which would be k5 and k15. The rationale is that after seeing the evidence in k4 of possible rooms which might be phase 2, it appears that more phase 2 structures would be centered to the south. gb has asked jlw if he would conclude excavations in A9 and come over to dig these squares in A15. The A15 team would continue complete excavation of k3, k4, and partial excavation of k1,k2,k93,k94. In k3 and k4 we are planning to further excavate the areas in the south which could be small rooms of the palace. At this point k1 and k2 are considerably higher than k3 and k4, and it is a strategic priority to reach the level of the flagstone floor, which is 3m below current level. So we are planning on excavating only the western half of k1, with the eastern baulk of k91; and the western half of k2, with the eastern baulk of k92. In the northern area this will be an effective are of 3m EW by 9m NS. As there are only 9 more days of excavation, we will need to work quickly and it will be necessary to have a supervisor for the northern and southern areas who can be there at all times. sb will be the supervisor for the northern area, and cc for the southern area. This separation is also necessary as there will be a large group of workmen coming from A10 and A9 who need direction. I will concentrate on the larger strategic decisions, operational necessities, and some of the paperwork such as relays and plotting which are time intensive. ed will work as the registrar for both areas, but primarily in the southern area which has a greater number of workmen assigned to it. gb also plans to be in the area for much of the time in order to closely supervise the excavation. [Input: L725okk.j]
2001-07-23 okk We are working in k1,k2,k3 and k4. [Input: L727okk.j]
2001-07-30 jlw the overall strategy is to dig as fast as possible in k5, k13 and k15 to reach the level of the palace, Phase 2. We will document, then remove features as they are encountered. We do not expect to encounter anything of major significance because the loci are in the deep part of the gully that formed after the palace was abandoned. At the levels where we presently are, we are seeing lots of Khabur pottery. [Input: L730jlw.j]
2001-07-30 jlw at the end of the day, gb and jlw updated the excavation strategy for the last few days of the excavation. Discovery of the foundation stones for a large wall just to the west of k13 and several meters below, means that it is even more important to excavate k13 to that level. So, we will temporarily abandon work in k15 and shift the crew to double team the excavation of k13. Excavation of k5 will continue as we are only about a meter above the level of the foundation in that locus. [Input: L730jlw.j]
2001-07-25 jlw we will assist the A15 excavation by working on the tier of loci that are south of the presently excavated set. This may include k95, k5, k15, and k25. The purpose of our work is to explore the possibility of a southern component of the palace that would occupy the south side of a modern gully whose north side has cut and covered portions already excavated. We will only have a little over a week to work, so we must proceed quickly but carefully. In each of the loci there are more than two meters of material that would be covering any palace components. In addition, we expect to find Phase 5 Khabur material not far under the surface if this part of the tell mirrors that to the north. We must also be alert for Phase 4 and Phase 3 components. [Input: L811jlw.j]
2001-07-26 jlw today we will clear the backdirt from k15 and begin excavating. It may be possible to reach a portion of the main entrance or south section wall to the palace, which some applications of symmetry already found to the west lead us to expect here. [Input: L812jlw.j]
2001-07-28 jlw in a meeting on the evening of L727, gb proposed to use A9 excavators to work in k13 and k14 to the north of k15 since there was an indication that the palace wall may well extend into these loci. This would be in lieu of opening up either k25 or k95 to the east and west, respectively of where we are presently working in k5 and k15. okk preferred to use her own workforce for k14, so we will deploy only to k13. It is on the outside perimeter of part of the Khabur settlement further to the north in A15 and A16, but only a doorway and a set of low entrance walls appear along the north baulk of k13, which has been partially excavated this season. [Input: L812jlw1.j]
2001-07-29 jlw overall, we will continue to excavate as fast as is consistent with documentation of features before removing and proceeding to successive strata. [Input: L812jlw2.j]
2001-07-29 jlw a review of progress by jlw and gb at the end of the day, L729, resulted in a decision to concentrate excavation for L730 and beyond at the border of the deep excavations already conducted by A15. This means that we will excavate the north halves of k5 and k15 as well as the west half of k13. [Input: L812jlw2.j]
2001-08-01 jlw gb noted that there was no longer reason to believe that there were significant architectural elements in the portion of k13 that we were excavating. Therefore we will stop digging there, level the locus and shift those resources to other parts of A15 under the direction of okk. There is still a good chance of finding a southward extension of the palace in the portion of k5 we are digging, so we will put extra resources there to expedite removal of the north baulk and to take the north half of the locus the 75cm or so further down to match the palace floor level to the north. [Input: L813jlw.j]
2001-08-28 jlw we will finish several small excavation projects in a number of loci in A15 to prepare for final photographs and to help plan excavations in future seasons. [Input: L828jlw1.j]
2001-08-29 jlw tomorrow we will finish the cleanup and will begin to excavate the fill, f365, of a pit in the far NE corner of k1. This pit cut the stones of the plaza. [Input: L829jlw2.j]
2001-09-15 okk There are a few baulks which we are not going to draw at this point, because they are quite small in size and do not add much more to our understanding of the area. They would better be drawn when further excavation has occurred. These baulks are: E baulk of k13, E baulk of k14, (less than 1/2 meter), N baulk of k13 and the E baulk of k1 (only about 30cm). [Input: L915okk3.j]
2003-07-12 ms cleaned and scraped entire area to get a sense of what is going on. This area, A15 k3, k4, k5, k13, k14, k15 has not been dug since MZ14. Meeting with gb, jw and ms on N711 to discuss strategy for the season. It is unclear what is going on between ph 2, 3 and 4. Do we have a long ph3, or reuse of ph2 with the same layout but different usage. Three goals this season: 1. A15S: understand area; take down to level of walls. 2. A15N: k1, come down to level of palace and understand structure. 3. A15E: new squares continuation of A18 down, time permitting. Sense of A15: four distinct occupational definitions. There was probably a wadi here because there are no houses. The houses are higher up and this could be an explanation of why the wadi was there. Same situation as in AK, no houses in lower elevations. Phases: 6:Wadi 5:Outside of houses, kilns and burials. This is the talus of the settlement - outside of the settlement. Also no large pits as in A16 settlements. 4 and/or 3: Sherd pavement and good cement pavement. Clearly not palace. Possible relation to A9. Ph3 building as it was without changes. Ph4, no palace and rebuilding. 2: Palace might begin to 'lurk' with stones, pavement and well. [Input: N712MS.j]
2003-07-16 ms meeting with gb, fab, jw, jo and ms to discuss situation in A15. There are two new questions. Why is ph5 so low in 15S? And, what is the original boundary of the gray material to the south of the 'clay bin'? A15S phases: Ph5a is the coarse dump from the kilns. 5b is the clay bin and kilns. There is less dumping. 5c is the structure seen in section, f377. Ph4 is the small stone structure and street. In A15N ph3 is the melting down of palace walls, blocking and destruction/tear down. ph 4 is layering not linked to anything in particular. 15S baulk seems to be boundary of the kiln area. Strategy is to remove the 15N baulk and the k5 baulk. Try to find gray area boundaries. [Input: N717MS1.j]
2003-07-22 ms we will consult with gb regarding k5. Will continue going down as usual in otehr areas. There was no time for gh to draw the n section of k3 k13 before she left. [Input: N722MS.j]
2003-07-24 ms meeting with gb, fab, jo, jw, ms. Decide to take down gray accumulation seen in section of north kiln in k13. Will see where red level goes. In k5 we will leave jars in the ground until entire room is exposed. This requires taking down the baulk. MKB suggest we stop exposing vessels until entire room is exposed. [Input: N725MS.j]
2003-07-26 ms meeting with gb, fab, jo, jw, ms to discuss next steps. We know the kln fill f373 goes very deep. It is strange how low this ph5 is. We will cut a trench into f373 parallel to the e baulk to see if it continues there. We know it is in section at the we section of k13 and k14. The ph3 street is right there at the w portion of k14 and k13 and assumed to be ph3. It is extremely important to see where this kiln fill ends and what relationship to ph3 and any ph4 there is. This will also help with speedier dirt removal since we do have a long way to go. We decided also to put a trench in k15 to see what is below. We have about a meter of dirt to remove toget to the level of a34, f411, the jars in k5 w of the baulk. We will not remove the jars until we come down to the presumed other side of the room. We must also remove the n baulk of k13, k3. [Input: N726MS.j]
2003-08-03 jw gb, fab, ms, jw, and jo met at the site to analyze the stratigraphic implications of the material being excavated in k2, k13, k14 and k15 in light of the working hypothesis about the distinct phases of occupation of Tell Mozan. Late Khabur houses are just below the ground and can be seen in section high in the east baulk of k13 to k15. They were built atop a massive dump of kiln waste (early Khabur) to the north and a cleaner fill to the south. Particularly in the south, we found some evidence of Phase 4 occupation, namely a large paved surface (f451) and a stone/sherd deposit (fin k15. Pits for the kiln waste were dug into reddish material seen clearly in sections of the east and north baulks of k13. Yesterday we found a stone and sherd pavement (f467) just below the bottom of the northernmost of two pit kilns excavated in MZ14. It is at elevation 8634, approximately the same as the elevation of the stone and sherd pavement in front of a cache of large jars in k5 (8645), which are probably Phase 3. The k13 pavement was covered by a reddish layer resembling brickmelt (f469) and this in turn was covered by a thinner clean, brown accumulation (f468). The sections of k13 and k2 show the deep red associated with brick walls in the Phase 2 palace. jw suggested that a sequence of post-palace occupation consisting of immediate re-use of the open areas in Phase 3 while the walls were extant, followed by abandonment of this region of the tell during which the walls melted over the Phase 3 structures may explain what we see. At a later time, limited Phase 4 occupation was established (seen in k15 and possibly destroyed by the Phase 5 pits in k13 and k14). In the next few days we will carfully remove the melt in k2 and k13 (a blend of red and fine-grained brown material) to look for the walls whose possible presence is indicated by disturbed foundation stones in line with extant foundations and the deposits of deeper red, which include some bricks and the crumbly red matrix from which they are made. [Input: N803jw1.j]
2003-08-03 ms based on meeting with gb, fab, jo, jw, ms, we will remove the red bricky areas throughout k13 as some of this may be kiln transition. We will then scrape well the area and see if anything comes to light. [Input: N803MS.j]
2003-08-05 ms meeting with gb, fab, jo, jw and ms to discuss the rest of the season. Our options were to stay at ph3 and wait for A18 to also get there so we would have ph3 across the board, or to keep going to ph2. The problem would be waiting for A18 and since there are time constraints it was decided that we will remove any ph3 and get down to ph2. [Input: N805MS.j]
2003-08-09 ms paying extremely close attention to all the interconnections among the features is of the utmost importance now as we are out of phase 5 and coming down to ph4, ph3 and maybe even the top of a ph2 wall. [Input: N809MS.j]
2003-08-14 jw as we enter the final scheduled week of excavation, we must resolve the phasing in k14 and k15 so that we can clear the destruction debris to the west in k3, k4, k93 and k94 which was uncovered in MZ14 but not fully excavated. It is the overall goal this season is to expose the Phase 2 architecture in this part of the unit. [Input: N815jw2.j]
2003-08-17 jw gb, ms and jw met late in the day to discuss the strategy for the last days of work and to review resources and schedules. In k15/k5, we need to remove the rest of the f521 accumulation and finish defining the extents of wall f508. Then, after special photography by the specialists from Rome and an overhead photograph, the jars will be removed and conserved. We will clear the rest of k15 to the elevation of the floor associated with the jars and stop there for the season. In k14 we must continue excavating accumulation f518 until we reach the floor associated with walls f483 and f520. We also need to find the north face of wall f483, the north face of wall f457, and the west brick face or at least the underlying stones of wall f518. In k14, after photographing the building foundation f214 and the associated street to the east of it, we will remove both and begin to search for additional elements of Phase 2 architecture below. In k3, we will excavate from west to east to remove the accumulation f510 to the west of the expected lower portions of wall f520 in k14. It is not certain whether we will encounter a floor or if so, whether it will be that of a covered or an open space. We will also excavate from east to west, approaching the well in the SE corner of k93 to find if there is a large Phase 2 surface associated with a drain in the southern part of k93 that shares the same elevation as a small platform inside the well that was found by jw in MZ14. In k2 we must finish removing the plaster coating from the underside of fallen wall f489, then excavate what lies beneath to reach what we anticipate is a Phase 2 floor associated with the major N-S wall f492/f494. Portions of vertical plaster coating can be seen. With respect to resources, more pickmen and dirt removal personnel will be required. If they can be made available on N818, we have a good chance of finishing on schedule at the end of the week, perhaps with afternoon work sessions. This is particular true if we can close A17 at the end of N818. [Input: N817jw.j]
2003-08-17 ms early in the day meeting with gb, mkb, fab, ms and jw. Four days left of digging. Priorities are to find the other half of the jar installation and remove all of the jars. Also want, if possible to find wall faces of maybe associated first floors. Want to take down square stone area, f214. It's assumed this is Phase 3 so we will be looking for Phase 2 below. There are stones to the west of f214 that seem to make no sense so perhaps we would have a better understanding after removal. Also attempting to find Phase 2 floor by removing accumulation in k2 and moving up to Phase 2 wall. [Input: N817jw.j]
2003-08-18 jw gb, ms and jw met several times during the day to refine the work plan for the next several days. It is most important to establish a firm link between what has already been excavated and confirmed to be part of the Phase 2 palace and the architecture we are finding in A15. The most likely place to resolve the issue in the time that remains is in k2. Wall 492/494 has a vertical plaster face and is most likely associated with an E-W wall which joins it on the south. The space bounded by these walls must have an associated floor, which can provide the information we seek. In addition we need to try to resolve the issue of whether the wall f214 and the stone and sherd path immediately to the east are Phase 4 or Phase 3. By removing the wall and clearing the area of debris, we should be able to better understand the sequence of occupation here. We will photograph f214 from above, overlaying the picture on an AutoCAD plot and using Feehand to make the final drawing. [Input: N818jw.j]
2003-08-19 jw ms and jw met several times during the day with gb and mkb to plan the work schedule for N820. We will stop and clean the room a36 in k14 for final photographs. In k5, it appears that we may have reached the floor in the room that contained the collection of jars a34. We will continue to excavate carefully there and anticipate finishing that tomorrow. In k2 we will finish removing the accumulation that was below the fallen wall f489 and will seek to define the limits of the room a38 whose east and south wall faces are seen in the SE corner of the locus. In the SW corner of the locus there is a line of stones f537 that were once thought to be reused. Now, they appear to be in line with an E-W line of plaster coating wall f536 that is perpendicular to wall f536 along the eastern edge of the locus. Now that the material f533 contained by platform f214 has been removed, we will systematically remove f214, starting from the north and working south, then from the east and working west. We will put all available resources on this to finish and clear to the next organized surface beneath by the end of the day. As resources permit we may detail individuals to A17 to finish removing the north and south baulks there. [Input: N819jw.j]
2003-08-20 jw ms and jw met several times during the day to adjust plans for the last days of excavation. gb proposed that we work three more days; Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The work during the added time will focus on clarifying the relationship among the various Phases represented by the architecture. The walls and possible associated floors in k2, k3, k4, k93 and k94 will receive the most attention. We must attempt to define the space confined on the east by wall f439 and on the south by wall f537 (which we originally believed to be a line of stones). In k3, we need to determine if the wall f544, whose SW corner is defined by baked bricks, stones and sherds is deeply founded and therefore is a candidate for inculusion into the Phase 2 wall system. In k4 we must remove platform f214 and explore the material below it. In k93 and k94 there are a number of large stones whose function is unclear. ms and jw will provide a list of workmen needed to perform these tasks. [Input: N820jw.j]
2003-08-21 jw gb, mkb, fab, ms and jw met several times during the day to revise the excavation strategy. Tomorrow we must remove the temporary backdirt pile in k4 so that we can continue to explore the organization of the numerous large stones which are lying in the open space created by previous excavations and runoff from the gully above. We will continue to excavate around and eventually remove the platform f214. The stones beneath its south wall are large, well cut and arranged in a line, which suggests Phase 2 use. We will continue to excavate in k2 and continue to look for a major E-W wall which should lie along the north baulk of k93. As time and resources permit, we will explore the area around the well to determine the phases in which it was used. [Input: N821jw.j]
2003-08-22 jw now that we are relatively confident that we have two Phase 2 floors, we must explore the extent of the brick floor to the south and east. In particular, we must try to find and identify the walls that bound that surface. To that end we will continue to remove the remnants of the platform f214. Beyond these anticipated boundaries, we need to resolve the ambiguities presented by the presence of grouped and scattered stones, some of which may be wall tops and others that may be reuse of robbed Phase 2 stones in later phases. The biggest dilemmas are to the south and east of the platform. We will make a final determination as to whether the stones comprising platform f208 are deeply founded, and if not we will remove them. [Input: N822jw.j]
2003-08-23 jw gb met several times during the day with ms and jw to revise plans for the final day of excavation. Our efforts will focus on defining the possible architecture in the southen part of k4 that is linked to the brick paving f558. To do that we will follow the floor to its southern, western and eastern limits. We must remove a small lump of accumulation atop a N-S line of stones which may form the western boundary for the paving. We will contine to define the southern face of the E-W line of stones f550 which we believe bound the paving on the south. We will follow the paving to the north to see whether it is bounded by wall f520 or by the wall whose foundation is f562. We will follow the stones of f520 to the south to see where that wall turns and the function, if any of the narrow bricky strip, f433. [Input: N823jw.j]
2003-08-24 jw a limited amount of touch-up work is necessary to close the unit for this season. We need to expose better the south side of wall f550. It may clarify a construction discontinuity at the west end where baked bricks were roughly laid in about a two meter strip on the north side and the stones here are not cut smooth at the top like the eastern part. There is a hint that this may be the entrance to this room a42, which was plugged in later Phases. However, there may not be enough time to explore this possibility in MZ16. We must contine to clean the SW corner of k94 and clean its south baulk which, although deteriorated, provides protection to the underground structure in A12 directly to the south. We must also finish searching for the plaster on the west face of wall f568. [Input: N824jw.j]
2003-08-26 jw jw contacted jjj to arrange for final photographs on N827. [Input: N825jw2.j]