Unit Book J4

The Eastern Top of the Main Staircase (Version 1a)

J4 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Emplacement for unit J4
Types of contact among features
1. To cut or to intrude

Yasmine Mahmoud – June 2023

Back to top: Emplacement for unit J4 Types of contact among features 1. To cut or to intrude


The type of contact “to cut or intrude” occures only 6 times in J4. The type of event can occure naturally when a feature is cut by naturally enduced elements, like rain watter that can carve a channel in an natural deposit layer, or as a result of uman activities, as it is the case in all the 6 cuts that occured in this unit. threeout of these cuts are the result of digging a trench by the German team which was filled back and later on excavated again to continue the expansion of the excavated area. The other three cuts are the result of digging two pits in the antiquity. The low number of cuts coincides with the nature of this area and the lack of heavy human activities there. and giving the fact that it is very close to the temple, it makes sence to not have many building and digging activities even during the final stages of Urkesh, as the temple remaind a sacred space.

Back to top: Emplacement for unit J4 Types of contact among features 1. To cut or to intrude


     6 cuts were recorded. Two were associated with a pit a3 and one with f85

Back to top: Emplacement for unit J4 Types of contact among features 1. To cut or to intrude


     No intrusions were recorded in this unit.

Back to top: Emplacement for unit J4 Types of contact among features 1. To cut or to intrude