Urkesh Ceramic Analysis

Version (1a)

Categorization / Lexicon / Shapes

Shape Codes: Complete Listing

Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati – May 2016, August 2023
Caitlin Chaves Yates – May 2016
Laerke Recht – August 2017

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Total number

Total number of types: 936

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Code a: casseroles (4 types)

Main shape ZcaS1
Type code Type description
acrracrrcasseroles with rounded carination: handmade
acrsaacrsacasseroles with sharp carination: handmade
arta---rtcasseroles with thickened rim: handmade

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Code b: bowls (341 types)

Main shape ZcaS1
Type code Type description
btkrb---tkrbowls with round knobs
btkvb---tkvbowls with oval knobs

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Code bba: Coba bowls (2 types)
bbacupbbacu-pcoba bowl with pointed rim and slight s-curve of upper body
bbasbba--scoba bowl with simple rim

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Code bcr: carinated bowls (2 types)
bcrdebcr--decarinated bowls with depression in center of rim
bcrbcrcarinated bowls

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Code bcrr: carinated bowls with round carination (28 types)
bcrr1bcrr1carinated bowls with round carination: straight toward rim above carination
bcrr2bcrr2carinated bowls with round carination: wide opening compared to height
bcrr3bcrr3carinated bowls with round carination: EDII - straight above carination. Akk, UrIII - Slightly slanted inward above carination. Lower body wall can be rounded or straight.
bcrr4bcrr4carinated bowls with round carination: carination on upper body close to rim
bcrr5bcrr5carinated bowls with round carination: carination on upper body close to rim, s-shaped curve above carination
bcrr6bcrr6carinated bowls with round carination: shallow
bcrr7bcrr7carinated bowls with round carination: deep with thickened rim, unclear shape could be closer to a jar or a pot
bcrr8bcrr8carinated bowls with round carination: small, carination near the rim
bcrr9bcrr9carinated bowls with round carination: small, high carination with wide flat rim (can have painted flat rim)
bcrr10bcrr10carinated bowls with round carination: not currently illustrated
bcrr101bcrr101carinated bowls with round carination: small, high carination, straight side below carination, thickened rim
bcrr102bcrr102carinated bowls with round carination: carination close to base, upper body (above carination) slanted outward
bcrr103bcrr103carinated bowls with round carination: low carination, body above carination straight or slanted inward.
bcrr104bcrr104carinated bowls with round carination: wide body at carination with narrow straight neck
bcrr105bcrr105carinated bowls with round carination: wide body at carination, out-curving above carination
bcrr106bcrr106carinated bowls with round carination: straight towards rim above carination, ring base, ribbing above carination, typical Khabur period gray-burnished bowl
bcrr107slbcr-107slcarinated bowls with round carination: curved upper body and slanted rim
bcrr107bcrr107carinated bowls with round carination: curved upper body
bcrr108bcrr108carinated bowls with round carination: small, carination near base, upper body curving toward rim
bcrr801bcrr801carinated bowls with round carination: wide, high carination, exterior carination only
bcrr802bcrr802carinated bowls with round carination: straight above carination with thickened rim toward exterior
bcrr803bcrr803carinated bowls with round carination: shallow, high carination, carinated on exterior only near rim, squared rim.
bcrr804bcrr804carinated bowls with round carination: carination above mid-body, straight toward rim above carination (similar to earlier bcrr1)
bcrr805bcrr805carinated bowls with round carination: small, carination at mid-body, straight or inturned above carination
bcrr901bcrr901carinated bowls with round carination: slight carination
bcrr902bccr902carinated bowls with round carination: carination on exterior only, thickened rim
bcrr903bcrr903carinated bowls with round carination: high carination with s-curve above carination
bcrrbcrrcarinated bowls with round carination

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Code bcrsa: carinated bowls with sharp carination (40 types)
bcrsa1bcrsa1carinated bowls with sharp carination: shallow, short straight wall above carination
bcrsa2bcrsa2carinated bowls with sharp carination: sharp curve above carination, carination close to rim. Akk- sharp curve above carination, lower body straight, UrIII - straight or sharp curve above carination, lower body straight. Kh- sharp curve above carination, lower body rounded
bcrsa3bcrsa3carinated bowls with sharp carination: high carination, straight wall above carination. Kh - exterior rib above carination
bcrsa4bcrsa4carinated bowls with sharp carination: high carination, sharp-s shape near rim above carination, lower body wall less sharply slanted than bcrsa2
bcrsa5bcrsa5carinated bowls with sharp carination: inward slanted above carination with ribbing
bcrsa6bcrsa6carinated bowls with sharp carination: inward slanted above carination, no ribbing. Lower body wall less sharply slanted than bcrsa2
bcrsa7bcrsa7carinated bowls with sharp carination: not currently illustrated
bcrsa8bcrsa8carinated bowls with sharp carination: high carination, s-curve shape above carination with wide flat rim
bcrsa9bcrsa9carinated bowls with sharp carination: wide and shallow, carination on exterior
bcrsa10bcrsa10carinated bowls with sharp carination: shallow, high carination, only slight curve above carination
bcrsa11bcrsa11carinated bowls with sharp carination: small, shallow, very sharp, pointed carination, slightly curved above carination
bcrsa12bcrsa12carinated bowls with sharp carination: small, slightly curved above the carination (related to bcrsa11, but deeper and less sharp carination)
bcrsa13bcrsa13carinated bowls with sharp carination: shallow, straight above carination, approx. 90 degree angle at carination
bcrsa14bcrsa14carinated bowls with sharp carination: carination on exterior only
bcrsa15bcrsa15carinated bowls with sharp carination: high carination, thickened rim
bcrsa101sbcrsa101scarinated bowls with sharp carination: high carination, carination on exterior only, simple rim
bcrsa102bcrsa102carinated bowls with sharp carination: carination on exterior only, rounded on interior, wide flat rim slanted to exterior
bcrsa801bcrsa801carinated bowls with sharp carination: carination on exterior only, straight body above carination, thickened rim
bcrsa802bcrsa802carinated bowls with sharp carination: similar to bcrsa801 but more rounded on exterior below the carination
bcrsa803bcrsa803carinated bowls with sharp carination: carination mid-body, straight body above carination
bcrsa804bcrsa804carinated bowls with sharp carination: high carination, body slightly slanted inward above carination and wide flat rim
bcrsa805bcrsa805carinated bowls with sharp carination: small, with s-curve above carination
bcrsa806bcrsa806carinated bowls with sharp carination: small, sharp-s shape near rim above carination, can have decorations on wide flat rims
bcrsa807bcrsa807carinated bowls with sharp carination: sharp carination on exterior, rounded on interior, sharp flat rim, slanted to exterior
bcrsa808bcrsa808carinated bowls with sharp carination: sharp carination on exterior, rounded on interior, outturned rim (related to type bcrsa807, but with different rims).
bcrsa809bcrsa809carinated bowls with sharp carination: wide, sharp carination on exterior, no carination on interior, exterior carination not very pronounced.
bcrsa810bcrsa810carinated bowls with sharp carination: carination on exterior but no carination on interior, rounded rim, can be thin-walled above carination (MA)
bcrsa811bcrsa811carinated bowls with sharp carination: wide bowl, carination on exterior only
bcrsa812bcrsa812carinated bowls with sharp carination: shallow bowl, straight above carination
bcrsa813bcrsa813carinated bowls with sharp carination: carination mid-body or higher, straight toward rim above carination, straight body below carination toward base
bcrsa814bcrsa814carinated bowls with sharp carination: shallow bowl, straight body toward base below carination but curved outward body above carination
bcrsa815bcrsa815carinated bowls with sharp carination: high carination, portion above carination straight and slanted back toward interior
bcrsa816bcrsa816carinated bowls with sharp carination: sharp exterior carination and no carination on interior, straight body above carination
bcrsa817bcrsa817carinated bowls with sharp carination: high carination, very short body wall above carination before rim, body slanted inward above carination.
bcrsa818bcrsa818carinated bowls with sharp carination: similar to bcrsa817 but straight above carination (not slanted to interior)
bcrsa819bcrsa819carinated bowls with sharp carination: high carination almost at the rim, wide flat rim slanting toward interior
bcrsa820bcrsa820carinated bowls with sharp carination: high carination, wide flat rim slanting toward exterior
bcrsa821bcrsa821carinated bowls with sharp carination: carination mid body, elongated s-curve above carination
bcrsa822bcrsa822carinated bowls with sharp carination: variation within type, straight body wall above carination
bcrsabcrsacarinated bowls with sharp carination

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Code bd: deep bowls (92 types)
bdbddeep bowls
bdfl101bd.fl101deep bowls with flaring body: Same as type bd.-15 but with upper portion of body slightly flaring, similar to type bd.-112 but body is flaring rather than conical in shape.
bdfl102bd.fl102deep bowls with flaring body: Same as type bd.-16 but with upper portion of body slightly flaring, similar to type bd.-112 but body is flaring rather than conical in shape.
bdflbd.fldeep bowls with flaring body: upper portion of body slightly flaring, generally these can be categorized as either type 101 or 102
bdrp101bd.rp101deep bowls with rope-type decoration on upper body
bdrp101sbd.rp101sdeep bowls with rope-type decoration on upper body: simple rim
bdrp102bd.rp102deep bowls with rope-type decoration on upper body
bdrp102sbd.rp102sdeep bowls with rope-type decoration on upper body: simple rim, related to type bd.rp101 but with straighter body
bdrpsbd.rp-sdeep bowls rope-type decoration on upper body and simple rim: These types can usually be identified as either type 101 or type 102
bds101bd.s101deep bowls with straight sides: narrow rim compared to body wall, body extending straight down below rim, slight exterior restriction below rim
bds102bd.s102deep bowls with straight sides: narrow rim compared to body wall, body sloped slightly toward interior below rim, slight exterior restriction below rim
bds103bd.s103deep bowls with straight sides: slight exterior restriction below rim
bdsbd.sdeep bowls with straight sides: (rim diameter over 25cm) can have slight depression/restriction below rim - related to regular deep bowls, but with straight sides as a defining characteristic
bd1bd.-1deep bowls: tab or crescent handles on exterior near rim
bd2xlfbd.-2xlfdeep bowls: globular bodies, slightly curved sides, and hole in center of base, sub-type of bd.-2
bd2bd.-2deep bowls: globular bodies, slightly curved sides
bd3bd.-3deep bowls: medium to large size, can have straight or curved body, usually have rib below rim on exterior, flat wide rims, can be slanted toward exterior or ribbed on top
bd4bd.-4deep bowls: restriction right below rim
bd5bd.-5deep bowls: large, straight wall with rope or incised decoration below rim
bd6bd.-6deep bowls: elongated restriction below rim
bd7bd.-7deep bowls: straight sides and outturned rim
bd8bd.-8deep bowls: incurving sides, can have beaked rim
bd9bd.-9deep bowls: not currently illustrated
bd10bd.-10deep bowls: can have flat decorated rims, applied snake decorations
bd11toebd.-11toedeep bowls: straight sided, with exterior oval tab (sub-type of bd.-11)
bd11bd.-11deep bowls: straight sided, exterior tab handles
bd12bd.-12deep bowls: straight sides with uppermost portion of body outflaring
bd13bd.-13deep bowls: straight sides, flaring at uppermost portion with wheelmarks on interior and exterior (related to type bd.-12)
bd14bd.-14deep bowls: straight sides, simple rim
bd15bd.-15deep bowls: large size, uppermost portion of body flaring
bd16bd.-16deep bowls: slightly curving body, restricted below rim
bd17bd.-17deep bowls: restricted below rim on exterior, ribbing below restriction
bd18bd.-18deep bowls: straight side slanting inward, ribbing on top of wide flat rim
bd19bd.-19deep bowls: s-curved body, ribbing on top of rim
bd20bd.-20deep bowls: curved body, rib on upper body
bd21bd.-21deep bowls: straight walled with groove on top of rim
bd22bd.-22deep bowls: elongated restriction below rim, thinner upper body wall, rib at bottom of restricted body portion.
bd23bd.-23deep bowls: curved body, restriction below rim, beaked rim, and applied decoration just below restriction
bd101bd.-101number not assigned
bd102bd.-102deep bowls: very large, straight walled, squared rim with applique decoration on upper portion
bd103bd.-103deep bowls: straight sides, body slanting outward, simple rim
bd104bd.-104number not used
bd105bd.-105number not used
bd106bd.-106deep bowls: large, body wall slanting inward, slight restriction below rim
bd107bd.-107number not used
bd108bd.-108deep bowls: indentation below the flaring rim on exterior
bd109ttibd.-109ttideep bowls: with interior oval handle
bd110bd.-110deep bowls: curving body, restriction just below rim
bd111fbd.-111fdeep bowls: straight sides slanted to exterior, with very wide flat rim
bd111bd.111deep bowls: straight sides slanted to exterior, with very wide flat rim
bd112fbd.-112fdeep bowls: body slanting toward exterior, truncated cone shape with flat rim
bd112gtbd.-112gtdeep bowls: body slanting toward exterior, truncated cone shape with groove on top of rim
bd112ibd.-112ideep bowls: body slanting toward exterior, truncated cone shape with interior grooved rim
bd112bd.112deep bowls: body slanting toward exterior, truncated cone shape (can have various rim types, see below)
bd113bd.113deep bowls: slightly restricted below the rim, slightly flared outward above restriction
bd114bd.114deep bowls: restriction below rim on exterior, thick body wall
bd801bd.-801deep bowls: upper body curved inward, square rims slanting toward interior
bd802bd.-802deep bowls: straight sided, wide flat rim extended to interior and exterior
bd803bd.-803deep bowls: straight or slanted inward (on upper portion), squared rims (compare to bd.-802 with flat rims)
bd804bd.-804deep bowls: inward slanting body (on upper body), wide flat rim, undecorated (similar to bd.-805)
bd805bd.-805deep bowls: upper body slightly curved inwards, wide flat rim - covers a wide range of diameters
bd806bd.-806deep bowls: straight upper body slanted inward, wide flat rims also slanted inward
bd807bd.-807deep bowls: straight upper body slanted inward, with various shapes of rims slanted inward (related to type bd.-806)
bd808bd.-808deep bowls: straight body, wide flat rim
bd809bd.-809deep bowls: curved body, restriction just below rim (mainly on exterior), wide flat rim, some with ribbing on upper body
bd810bd.-810deep bowls: slightly curved upper body, wide flat rim slanted to exterior
bd811bd.-811deep bowls: wide curved rims slanted toward exterior, probably curved upper bodies
bd812bd.-812deep bowls: straight upper body slanted toward interior, squared rim slanted toward interior, (related to whole mouth jars (jh.))
bd813bd.-813deep bowls: projection below simple rim
bd814bd.-814deep bowls: straight sided upper body, wide beaked rim
bd815bd.-815deep bowls: straight upper body, thickened rim
bd816bd.-816deep bowls: rim extended to both interior and exterior, interior notch below rim (related to type bd.-815)
bd817bd.-817deep bowls: straight upper body, with squared rim
bd818bd.-818deep bowls: curved upper body with very wide ribbing on exterior
bd819bd.-819deep bowls: slightly restricted upper body, wide flat rim with ribbing and thickened body wall below rim
bd820bd.-820deep bowls: inward-curving upper body, ribbed rim with restriction below (related to hole mouth jars (jh))
bd821bd.-821deep bowls: upper body inward slanting, restricted on exterior below rim
bd822bd.-822deep bowls: large, upper body inward curving , restricted on exterior below rim
bd823bd.-823see br.-905
bd824bd.-824see br.-906
bd901bd.-901deep bowls: curved upper body, thickened rim
bd902bd.-902deep bowls: slightly flaring uppermost portion of body, slightly thickened rim
bd903bd.-903deep bowls: straight body, elongated squared rim, rib below the rim
bd904bd.-904deep bowls: straight sided upper body, rounded rim with rib below rim
bd905bd.-905deep bowls: straight upper body, slightly flaring near rim, straight rim with applied decoration below rim
bd906bd.-906deep bowls: curved upper body, slight restriction below rim, thickened rim
bd907bd.-907deep bowls: straight upper body, squared rim
bdfbd.--fdeep bowls: with flat rim (These were generally reassigned to type 111 with rim type indicated in code)
bdgtbd.--gtdeep bowls: with groove on top of rim (These were generally reassigned to type 112 with rim type indicated in code)
bdibd.--ideep bowls: with interior grooved rim (These were generally reassigned to type 112 with rim type indicated in code)
bdrebd.--redeep bowls: with slightly restricted rim (These were generally reassigned to type 113 when body was restricted)
bdttbd.--ttdeep bowls: with exterior tab handles

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Code bhe: hemispheric bowls (13 types)
bhewi101bhewi101hemispheric bowls with strong wheel marks on interior: small, slight s-curve to body, pointed rim
bhewi102bhewi102hemispheric bowls with strong wheel marks on interior: wider rim diameters with pointed rim
bhewi103bhewi103hemispheric bowls with strong wheel marks on interior: wheel marks also on exterior, pointed rim
bhewi104bhewi104number not assigned
bhewi105bhewi105hemispheric bowls with strong wheel marks on interior: thick body wall with thinner rim, some wheel marks on exterior
bhewibhewihemispheric bowls with strong wheel marks on interior: generic type, no illustration - see sub-types 101-105
bhe101bhe-101hemispheric bowls: depression on exterior below rim
bhe102bhe-102hemispheric bowls: rounded rim
bhe103bhe-103hemispheric bowls: pointed rim
bhe104bhe-104hemispheric bowls: very slight s-curve in body, pointed rim, some wheel marks on interior
bhe105bhe-105hemispheric bowls: body wall curved inwards towards top, template lines at mid-body
bhe106bhe-106hemispheric bowls: deeper than other bhe- types, pointed bases, upper body decorated with geometric incised decoration
bhebhehemispheric bowls: generic type, no illustration- see sub-types 101-106

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Code bhr: hammer rim bowls (14 types)
bhr101bhr-101hammer rim bowls
bhr101dbhr-101dhammer rim bowls: with divided rim
bhr102bhr-102hammer rim bowls
bhr102ebhr-102ehammer rim bowls: rounded sides and extended rim
bhr103bhr-103hammer rim bowls
bhr103ebhr-103ehammer rim bowls: straight sides and extended rim
bhr104bhr-104hammer rim bowls
bhr104eebhr-104eehammer rim bowls: rounded sides and exterior extended rim
bhr105bhr-105hammer rim bowls
bhr105eebhr-105eehammer rim bowls: straight sides and exterior extended rim, slight indentation on center of rim (related to type bhr-101d but division in rim is not as accentuated)
bhrdbhr--dhammer rim bowls: with divided rim (these were generally reassigned to type 101)
bhrebhr--ehammer rim bowls: with extended rim (these were generally reassigned to types 102 and 103)
bhreebhr--eehammer rim bowls: with slight exterior extension (these were generally reassigned to types 104 and 105)
bhrbhrhammer rim bowls: generic type, no specific illustration - see sub-types 101-105

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Code bm: miniature bowls (4 types)
bmpbm.--psmall bowls with pointed rim
bmrobm.--rosmall bowls with outturned rim
bmslebm.--slesmall bowls with rim slanted to exterior
bmbmsmall/miniature bowls (various types across different catalogs)

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Code bo: other bowls (38 types)
bo1bo.-1other bowls: round sided with slight exterior extension on rim
bo2tkvbo.-2tkvother bowls: oval knob handles on exterior
bo2ttbo.-2ttother bowls: tab handles on exterior
bo2bo.-2other bowls: defined by having exterior tab or exterior oval handle near rim - generally categorized as bo.-2tkv, or bo.-2tt unless no drawing given to determine handle type
bo3bo.-3other bowls: shallow bowl, thick walls, wide flat rim
bo4bo.-4other bowls: ribbing below rim
bo5bo.-5other bowls: indentation on exterior below thickened rim
bo6bo.-6other bowls: small, bulging body walls, template lines on exterior below rim
bo7bo.-7other bowls: straight sided with indentation on exterior and thickened rim.
bo8bo.-8other bowls: internal projection rim
bo9bo.-9other bowls: exterior projection below rim
bo12bo.-12other bowls: not currently illustrated
bo13bo.-13other bowls: not currently illustrated
bo101itbo.-101itother bowls: thin uneven body wall, slightly inturned rim
bo102psibo.-102psiother bowls: pointed rim slanted toward interior
bo103bo.-103other bowls: small, shallow vessel, thick-walled, with thick knob or possibly leg attached to exterior
bo104tchbo.-104tchother bowls: crescent shaped handles on exterior - subtype of bo.-104
bo104tkrbo.-104tkrother bowls: round knob handles on exterior - subtype of bo.-104
bo104tkvbo.-104tkvother bowls: oval knob handles on exterior - subtype of bo.-104
bo104bo.-104other bowls: crescent or knob handles on exterior near rim, can have flaring or relatively straight body
bo801bo.-801other bowls: shallow but some variations are deeper, slanted outward rim. (shape is similar to LC3 hammer rim bowls, but ware and decoration is different)
bo802bo.-802other bowls: slightly inward curved toward top, lower portion of body is straight
bo803bo.-803other bowls: medium sized deeper bowl
bo804bo.-804other bowls: not currently illustrated
bo805bo.-805other bowls: small, rib below rib, wide flat rim with ribbing on top of rim
bo806bo.-806other bowls: medium bowls, wide flat rim and decoration below rim
bo807bo.-807other bowls: medium bowl, thickened rim
bo808bo.-808other bowls: medium bowl, round sided with rope decoration at widest part
bo809bo.-809other bowls: round sided, wide flat rim
bo810bo.-810other bowls: not currently illustrated
bo811bo.-811other bowls: medium bowl, slightly slanted rim
bo901bo.-901other bowls: small, cylindrical, beaker shape
bo902bo.-902other bowls: round sided, thick-walled, heavy rope decoration at widest part of body
bodebo.--deother bowls: light depression on top of rim
boitbo.--itother bowls: slightly inturned rim (generic type, these were primarily reassigned to type 101)
bopsibo.--psiother bowls: with pointed rim slanted toward the interior (generic type, these were primarily reassigned to type 102)
bosbo.--sother bowls: simple rim
boboother bowls

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Code br: round sided bowls (55 types)
br1br.-1round sided bowls: bi-color ware
br2sqbr.-2sqround sided bowls: same as br.-2, but with squared rim
br2br.-2round sided bowls: small to medium bowls. EDIII version with straighter sides and smaller diameters. Akkadian version upper with more rounded sides and generally wider rim diameters. Can have various rims.
br3itbr.-3itround sided bowls: type 3 with inturned rim
br3sqbr.-3sqround sided bowls: type 3 with almost square rim (square on top)
br3xdfbr.-3xdfround sided bowls: type 3 with flat disk base
br3br.-3round sided bowls: EDIII are medium bowls with round or slightly round sides, in Akkadian round sided and curved inward toward rim.
br4robr.-4roround sided bowls: type 4 with out turned rim
br4br.-4round sided bowls: upper part curving, lower body is somewhat hemispherical
br5br.-5round sided bowls: EDIII and Akkadian - shallow, medium bowls with small portion of top curved toward interior, flat base. UrIII - shallow, prominent wheelmarks on interior
br6br.-6round sided bowls: medium, shallow bowl, simple rim, flat bases
br7br.-7round sided bowls: slightly curved sides with overall cylindrical shape, can have outturned rims
br8br.-8round sided bowls: widest part of body is at center or below the center of vessel, simple rim
br9br.-9round sided bowls: shallow, slight depression on exterior below rim, ring base
br10br.-10round sided bowls: slightly hemispherical overall shape but widest part below the center, flat base
br11br.-11round sided bowls: indeterminate type
br12br.-12round sided bowls: not currently illustrated
br14br.-14round sided bowls: not currently illustrated
br16br.-16round sided bowls: wide bowl, ETC ware
br101br.-101round sided bowls: medium bowl, very thick-walled
br102br.-102round sided bowls: thick walls, thinner rim
br103br.-103round sided bowls: small, widest part of body just below rim
br104sqbr.-104sqround sided bowls: type 104 with rims squared on top
br104br.-104round sided bowls: medium bowl, can have inturned rims or squared on top rims
br105itbr.-105itround sided bowls: type 105, with inturned rim
br105br.-105round sided bowls: wide bowl, thickened rim, wheel marks on interior just below rim
br106br.-106round sided bowls: medium bowl, rounded at top with relatively straight side below rounded portion
br107fbr.-107fround sided bowls: type 107, with flat rim
br107br.-107round sided bowls: large, wide flat rim
br108itbr.-108itround sided bowls: type 108, inturned rim
br108br.-108round sided bowls: medium bowl, inturned rim
br109br.-109round sided bowls: small, rounded on lower body, flaring upper portion, rounded base
br110br.-110round sided bowls: globular body, rim slightly extended to exterior
br111br.-111round sided bowls: shallow, beaked rim
br801br.-801round sided bowls: incurving near rim, template line at exterior at body turn
br802br.-802round sided bowls: open shape, subtle change in exterior body wall below rim
br803br.-803round sided bowls: medium bowl with rib below rim
br804br.-804round sided bowls: medium bowl with wide flat rim
br805br.-805round sided bowls: large, shallow bowl with wide flat rim
br806br.-806round sided bowls: wide rim diameter, with rim extended to interior and exterior
br807br.-807round sided bowls: medium, thick body wall, thinner toward rim
br808br.-808round sided bowls: medium bowl, sharply inturned rim slanted toward interior
br810br.-810round sided bows: medium bowl, slightly curved body, wide rim extended to interior and exterior, shape is imitation of hammer rim bowl
br813br.-813number not assigned
br901br.-901round sided bowls: small bowl with high ring base, could also be used as a cup
br902br.-902round sided bowls: medium bowl, rim slanted toward interior, template line below rim
br903br.-903round sided bowls: shallow, medium bowl, exterior ribbing, wheel marks on rim near interior
br904br.-904round sided bowls: small, shallow, slight incurving sides, thinner near rim
br905br.-905round sided bowls: large, slightly curving sides, slightly thickened rim
brdebr.--deround sided bowls: slight depression on top of rim
brfbr.--fround sided bowls: flat rim - see type bd.-107f
britbr.--itround sided bowls: inturned rim - primarily categorized as types br.-105it, br.-108it
brrobr.--roround sided bowls: outturned rim (primarily recategorized as type 4, br.-4ro)
brsbr.--sround sided bowls: simple rim
brsqbr.--sqround sided bowls: almost square rim (can be various body shapes, generally type 104 but also type 2 and 3)

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Code bs: straight sided bowls (41 types)
bsw104pbs.w104pstraight sided bowls with strong wheel marks: type 104 with pointed rims, same as type bs-104 but with strong wheelmarks
bsw104bs.w104straight sided bowls with strong wheel marks: same shape as type bs.-104 but with strong wheelmarks
bswbs.wstraight sided bowls with strong wheel marks: generic category, see subtypes for bs.w and bs.wi
bswi101bs.wi101straight sided bowls with strong wheel marks inside: related to conical cups but larger
bswi102bs.wi102straight sided bowls with strong wheel marks inside: conical, convex base
bswi103bs.wi103straight sided bowls with strong wheel marks inside: conical, with curving lower body
bswi104bs.wi104straight sided bowls with strong wheel marks inside: same as type bs.-104 but with strong wheel marks
bswi105bs.wi105straight sided bowls with strong wheel marks inside: conical with curving lower body
bswibs.wistraight sided bowls with strong wheel marks on interior
bs1bs.-1straight sided bowls: tall, cylindrical body, with body slightly wider at rim than at midbody,
bs2bs.-2straight sided bowls: short, cylindrical body, with body slightly wider at rim than at midbody
bs3bs.-3straight sided bowls: tall, cylindrical body, slightly curving body wall (related to type bs.-1 but curved)
bs4bs.-4straight sided bowls: small interior with very thick base
bs5bs.-5straight sided bowls: tall, thin walls, pointed or simple rims
bs6bs.-6straight sided bowls: medium bowl, body slightly rounded, rounded rim
bs7bs.-7straight sided bowls: very straight sides, cylindrical body, slightly outturned rim.
bs8bs.-8straight sided bowls: cone-shaped with thickened rim
bs9bs.-9straight sided bowls: thin walls, outflaring body wall, curved near base, simple rim
bs10bs.-10straight sided bowls: thin walls, pointed or simple rims (related to type bs.-5)
bs11bs.-11straight sided bowls: medium bowl, strong wheelmarks on interior, undulating body wall
bs12bs.-12straight sided bowls: small bowl with double pierced handle
bs14bs.-14straight sided bowls: straight side walls extending slightly outward below rim, flat wide rims extended to exterior
bs101bs.-101straight sided bowls: shallow, conical
bs101pbs.-101pstraight sided bowls: shallow, conical, with pointed rims
bs102bs.-102straight sided bowls: small, conical
bs102pbs.-102pstraight sided bowls: small, conical with pointed rims
bs103pbs.-103pstraight sided bowls, small, conical, with convex base, pointed rims (have some overlap with bs.--p type bowls)
bs104pbs.-104pstraight sided bowls conical, medium bowl, with pointed rims (related to conical cup shapes but with larger sizes).
bs105bs.-105straight sided bowls: small, slightly outturned rim, decoration below rim
bs801bs.-801straight sided bowls: cylindrical, small, tall, slight outflaring rim in various shapes
bs802bs.-802straight sided bowls: straight on upper body slanted toward interior
bs106pbs.-106pnumber not used
bs107bs.-107number not used
bs108bs.-108number not used
bs109bs.-109number not used
bs110bs.-110number not used
bs901bs.-901straight sided bowls: medium, cone shaped, straight sided bowl, ribbing on lower body
bs902bs.-902straight sided bowls: cone shaped, straight sided, ribbing on exterior of wide rim
bspbs.--pstraight sided bowls: with pointed rim, see subtypes bs.-101p, bs.-102p, bs.-103p, bs.-104p
bsbsstraight sided bowls with rim diameter more than 9cm, same shape as conical cups but larger in diameter
bsbsstraight sided bowls

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Code bw: wide rim diameter bowls (9 types)
bw101sbw.-101sbowls with wide rim diameter: subtype of type 101, with simple rim
bw101bw.-101bowls with wide rim diameter: conical body, no handles
bw102ttibw.-102ttibowls with wide rim diameter and interior oval lugs
bw102bw.-102bowls with wide rim diameter: interior oval lugs (not always preserved on remaining portion)
bwttibw.--ttibowls with wide diameter and interior oval lugs (generally recategorized as type 102)
bwbwbowls with wide diameter: generic type
btchb---tchbowls with crescent shaped handles
bw103bw.-103cHANGED TO TYPE 102 - Zz09 cJC
bw103ttibw.-103tticHANGED TO TYPE 102 - Zz09 cJC

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Code c: cups (54 types)

Main shape ZcaS1
Type code Type description
ccrh1cc.rh1rough conical cups: narrow, slightly outflaring upper body, flat thick base

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Code cc: conical cups (21 types)
ccrh2cc.rh2rough conical cups: body wall tapering sharply toward base, wheel marks, rounded flat base
ccrh3cc.rh3rough conical cups: body wall less sharply tapered toward base than type 2, strong wheel marks
ccrh4cc.rh4rough conical cups: wider rim diameters than other rough conical cups, wheel marks on interior
ccrhcc.rhrough conical cups
cc1cc.-1conical cups: up to 10 cm diameter
cc2cc.-2conical cups: rim diameters 11-12 cm
cc3cc.-3conical cups: rim diameters 12-14 cm. short, wider compared to height (compare to type 4 which is taller)
cc4cc.-4conical cups: related to type cc.-3 with 12-14 cm diameters but taller body, proportion between rim diameter and height is different from type 3
cc5cc.-5conical cups: not currently illustrated
cc6cc.-6number not assigned
cc8cc.-8conical cups: not currently illustrated
cc9cc.-9conical cups: not currently illustrated
cc10cc.-10conical cups: not currently illustrated
cc101cc.-101conical cups: small, thick walled, solid base, painted
cc102cc.-102conical cups: interior wheel marks, incised decoration on exterior
cc801cc.-801conical cups: small rim diameter, around 9 cm, pointed rim
cc802cc.-802conical cups: upper body relatively straight below outturned rim
cc803cc.-803conical cups: with large rim diameter, around 14
cc804cc.-804conical cups: not currently illustrated
cc805cc.-805conical cups: small, slightly curved upper body
ccccconical cups

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Code cgf: footed goblets (3 types)
cgf801cgf-801footed goblets: tall cup portion with straight sides, curved only at base, wheel marks
cgf802cgf-802footed goblets: straight body wall, rest of shape unknown, no wheel marks
cgf803cgf-803footed goblets: curved body wall, wheel marks

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Code che: hemispherical cups (5 types)
chechehemispherical cups
che101che-101hemispherical cups: straight sides above widest portion of the body
che102che-102hemispherical cups: opening wide relative to depth, slightly inturned upper body, ring base,
che103che-103hemispherical cups: pointed base
che104che-104hemispherical cups: pointed base, incised decoration covering upper body

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Code co: other cups (22 types)
co1co.-1other cups: slightly curving body wall, simple or outturned rim,
co2co.-2other cups: small with round body
co3co.-3other cups: wide, conical shape, wide bases
co4co.-4other cups: undulating body, ribbing mid-body
co5co.-5other cups: straight body wall above, widest part near base
co6co.-6other cups: slight s-shape body wall, widest part at base, convex base
co7co.-7other cups: miniature, thick flat base, related to type co.-3 but smaller and shorter
co8co.-8other cups: related to hemispheric bowls but smaller and with straighter upper body walls
co9co.-9other cups: not currently illustrated
co101inco.-101inother cups: wide indentation at lip
co102co.-102other cups: inturned below mid-body, body height and rim diameter roughly proportionate
co103co.-103other cups: s-shaped body wall, rounded base
co104xpco.-104xpother cups: small, sharp carination, pointed base
co105xpco.-105xpother cups: small, curved upper body wall, sharp carination, restricted near rim, pointed base
co106co.-106other cups: with rounded carination, rounded body below carination, pointed base
co107co.-107other cups: with sharp carination and pointed base, similar to type 104 but larger diameter
co108co.-108other cups: rounded carination toward upper portion of body
co901co.-901other cups: miniature, sharp carination near base,
co902co.-902number not assigned
co903co.-903other cups: slight restriction below rim, thickened rim
co904co.-904other cups: slightly flared at rim
cocoother cups

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Code cr: round sided cups (3 types)
cr1cr.-1round sided cups
cr101cr.-101round sided cups: with high footed base
cr901cr.-901round sided cups: large with rim diameters around 12-13 cm, heavy wheel marks on interior

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Code d: stands (14 types)

Main shape ZcaS1
Type code Type description
d1d--1stands: body wall with continuous curve, simple rim and base
d2d--2stands: not currently illustrated
d3d--3stands: not currently illustrated
d5d--5stands: not currently illustrated
d101d--101stands: flat side walls, flaring rim and base, height and width roughly proportional
d102d--102stands: curved side walls, simple rim and rim/base with indentation on middle of rim, painted geometric decoration on entire body
d103d--103stands: wider than tall, curved sides, rims/bases with indentation on center of rim, painted and incised
d104d--104stands: flaring narrow-bodied, slight rib below rim
d105d--105stands: straight sides and flaring rim/base with cut arrow shape decoration
d106d--106stands: small, tube-shaped, incised
d801d--801stands: curved sides, rib below rim, thickened rim, incised decoration only at mid-body,
d802d--802stands: deep ribs on exterior
d803d--803stands: "pie-crust" rim, straight sides

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Code g: pitchers (3 types)

Main shape ZcaS1
Type code Type description
g1g--1pitchers: slightly concave base, elongated globular body, elongated rounded handle
g2g--2pitchers: globular body with rounded handle, slightly concave base
g3g--3pitchers: striations on handle, short neck, ovoid body

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Code h: lid (1 type)

Main shape ZcaS1
Type code Type description

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Code j: jars (311 types)

Main shape ZcaS1
Type code Type description
jflj---fljars with flaring rim
jflij---fliflaring rim jars with a slight interior lip
jfrj---frjars with rim flat on top and rounded on exterior
jipj---ipjars with internal projection to hold lid
jrj---rjars with rounded rim

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Code ja: jars with upper wall angled toward the exterior (1 type)
ja101ja.-101jars with upper wall angled toward the exterior

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Code jg: globular jars (12 types)
jgdm101jg.dm101globular jars with double mouth
jg101sjg.-101sglobular jars: type 101 with simple rim
jg101jg.-101globular jars: small, simple rims
jg102jg.-102globular jars: related to type 101 but has thickened rim and wider body.
jg103fdjg.-103fdglobular jars: medium, folded rim
jg104gdjg.-104gdglobular jars: medium, deep interior groove rim, can have capacity marks
jg105ijg.-105iglobular jars: interior groove or ledge on rim
jgfdjg.--fdglobular jars: folded rim
jggdjg.--gdglobular jars: deep interior groove rim
jgijg.--iglobular jars: interior groove rim
jgpjg.--pglobular jars: pointed rims
jgsjg.--sglobular jars: simple rims

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Code jh: hole mouth jars (58 types)
jh1eijh.-1eihole mouth jars: type 101, with rim extended toward interior
jh1jh.-1hole mouth jars: upper body slanted inward, rim extended to interior and exterior
jh2jh.-2hole mouth jars: slight restriction below the rim, ovoid body
jh2tspjh.-2tsphole mouth jars: type 2 with single pierced lug handles
jh3jh.-3hole mouth jars: upper body slanted toward interior, can have restriction near rim in some cases
jh4eijh.-4eihole mouth jars: side walls outcurving away from rim, type 4, with rim extended toward the interior
jh4sjh.-4shole mouth jars: side walls outcurving away from rim, simple rim
jh4shjh.-4shhole mouth jars: side walls outcurving away from rim, simple rim and horseshoe shaped handle
jh4toejh.-4toehole mouth jars: side walls outcurving away from rim, oval exterior tab handle
jh4jh.-4Hole mouth jars: side walls outcurving away from rim, multiple variations of this type with different rims and handles (s, sh, toe) - see subtypes
jh5jh.-5hole mouth jars: rim slightly raised above body wall
jh6jh.-6hole mouth jars: wide rim diameter
jh7ttjh.-7tthole mouth jars: type 7 with exterior tab handle
jh7jh.-7hole mouth jars: restricted below thickened rim - can have exterior tab handles
jh8jh.-8hole mouth jars: slight restriction at or below rim, various rim types
jh9jh.-9hole mouth jars: restriction below rim, cylindrical body, outturned rim
jh10jh.-10hole mouth jars: not currently illustrated
jh11jh.-11hole mouth jars: not currently illustrated
jh12jh.-12hole mouth jars: not currently illustrated
jh13jh.-13hole mouth jars: wide flat rim extended toward exterior
jh101jh.-101hole mouth jars: globular upper body, rim diameter small compared to body diameter
jh102bjh.-102bhole mouth jars: type 102 with beaked rim
jh102jh.-102hole mouth jars: small, body curving outward, hole mouth much smaller than body diameter.
jh104rjh.-104rhole mouth jars: type 104, with rounded rim
jh104jh.-104hole mouth jars: body curving outward below rim, internal ribbing
jh105rtjh.-105rthole mouth jars: type 105 with thickened rim
jh105jh.-105hole mouth jars: straight upper body slanted toward interior, usually has thickened rim
jh107jh.-107hole mouth jars: rim is slightly raised away from body, outcurved rim
jh801jh.-801hole mouth jars: straight upper body slanted toward interior, rim extended to exterior
jh802jh.-802hole mouth jars: straight upper body slanted toward interior, flat rim extended to exterior with ribbing on top
jh803jh.-803hole mouth jars: upper body slanted toward interior, rim raised only slightly above body, body extends well beyond mouth opening, rim thickened to outside
jh804jh.-804hole mouth jars: upper body slanted toward interior, rim slightly extended to exterior
jh805jh.-805hole mouth jars: restriction below rim, body curving outward under rim, rim extended to interior and exterior
jh806jh.-806hole mouth jars: body curves away under rim, some examples have more cylindrical bodies than others, rim extended to exterior and interior
jh807jh.-807hole mouth jars: large, straight body wall slanted toward exterior, rim extended to exterior and interior,
jh808jh.-808hole mouth jars: body slightly curving up toward rim with slightly restricted rim, body extends out wider than hole mouth
jh809jh.-809hole mouth jars: globular body, hole mouth opening only slightly smaller than body width, rim similar to collared rim
jh810jh.-810hole mouth jars: body extends straight down from rim, slightly thinner body wall below rim, rim extended to interior and exterior
jh811jh.-811hole mouth jars: body wall straight below rim, slight interior rib below rim, beaked rim
jh812jh.-812hole mouth jars: upper body slightly slanted inward, rim extended to exterior
jh813jh.-813hole mouth jars: upper body slanted inward, rounded can be extended toward exterior, can have exterior rib below the rim
jh814jh.-814hole mouth jars: body curving outward, thickened rim
jh815jh.-815hole mouth jars: upper body slanted inward, restricted below rounded rim
jh816jh.-816hole mouth jars: body curving outward from rim, wide body, rounded rim
jh901jh.-901hole mouth jars: upper body slightly curved inward below rim, rib at widest part of body, large squared rim
jh902jh.-902hole mouth jars: upper body slightly slanted toward interior, square rim
jh903jh.-903hole mouth jars: straight body above inward slanted body, flat rim slightly extended toward exterior.
jh904jh.-904hole mouth jars: medium, rim raised slightly above body at a slight internal angle, body curves outward below rim, tab handle at rim
jheijh.--eihole mouth jars: with rim extended toward the interior
jhfjh.--fhole mouth jars: with flat rim
jhijh.--ihole mouth jars: with interior groove on rim
jhrjh.--rhole mouth jars: with rounded rim
jhrojh.--rohole mouth jars: with outturned rim (may also be casseroles but rest of shape unclear)
jhrrjh.--rrhole mouth jars: with rib below rim
jhrtjh.--rthole mouth jars: with thickened rim
jhsjh.--shole mouth jars: with simple rim
jhshjh.--shhole mouth jars: with simple rim and horseshoe shaped handle on upper part of exterior
jhslejh.--slehole mouth jars: with simple rim slightly slanted toward the exterior
jhsqjh.--sqhole mouth jars: with squared rim

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Code jm: small/miniature jars (5 types)
jmtrjm.trsmall/miniature jars: with handle on body near rim
jmeijm--eismall/miniature jars: with slight interior extension (cooking vessel)
jmfljm--flsmall/miniature jars: with flaring rims
jmpsejm--psesmall/miniature jars: with pointed rim slanted toward the exterior
jmjmsmall/miniature jars:

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Code jn: flaring necked jars (133 types)
jnf1fwjn.f1fwflaring necked jars: flat wide rim
jnf1fwejn.f1fweflaring necked jars: flat wide rim inclinedded to exterior
jnf1jn.f1flaring necked jars: EDIII- UrIII - often have double strand rims. Khabur version have simple rims and are generally smaller
jnf2jn.f2flaring necked jars: small, widest part of body wider than rim diameter, simple rims
jnf3jn.f3flaring necked jars: small, rib on top of widest part of body
jnf4gtjn.f4gtflaring necked jars: type 4 with groove on top of rim
jnf4jn.f4flaring necked jars: tall, ovoid body
jnf5jn.f5flaring necked jars: s-shaped profile, pointed base
jnf6jn.f6flaring necked jars: small, elongated shape with neck slightly flaring
jnf7jn.f7flaring necked jars: bag shaped jar - examples from J1 with different shape
jnf8jn.f8Flaring necked jars: elongated s-profile, just below the rim can have short portion slanted toward exterior
jnf9jn.f9flaring necked jars: small, globular bodies, rim diameter close to widest body diameter
jnf10jn.f10flaring necked jars: ovoid body, widest body diameter wider than rim, ribbing on shoulder, flat base
jnf11gfjn.f11gfflaring necked jars: type 11 with folded rim and interior groove
jnf11ijn.f11iflaring necked jars: type 11 with interior groove or ledge
jnf11jn.f11flaring necked jars: flaring neck and rim, interior groove rims, folded rim
jnf12jn.f12flaring necked jars: not currently illustrated
jnf13jn.f13flaring necked jars: large, smoothly-curved profile, simple rim
jnf14jn.f14flaring necked jars: not currently illustrated
jnf15jn.f15flaring necked jars: indeterminate type
jnf17jn.f17flaring necked jars: flaring double strand lower pointed rims
jnf101fdjn.f101fdflaring necked jars: wider at base of neck than at rim, folded rim
jnf101jn.f101flaring necked jars: wider at base of neck than at rim, folded rim
jnf102fdjn.f102fdflaring necked jars: type 102 with folded rim
jnf102jn.f102flaring necked jars: thick body wall, relatively narrow neck, folded rim
jnf103jn.f103flaring necked jars: short neck and only slight flare, flat on exterior of rim
jnf104jn.f104flaring necked jars: small, thinner body wall where neck meets body, interior grove rim.
jnf105jn.f105flaring necked jars: thinner wall near top of rim, beaked rim
jnf106jn.f106flaring necked jars: slight flare to neck, globular body below the flaring neck
jnf107jn.f107flaring necked jars: sharp bend at neck/shoulder join, rib on upper body
jnf108cjn.f108cflaring necked jars: thin wall on body, thicker at rim, with plain collared rim
jnf801jn.f801flaring necked jars: small, straight body slanted below neck
jnf802jn.f802flaring necked jars: slight flare, simple rims slightly inclined toward exterior
jnf803jn.f803flaring necked jars: flared at upper part of neck, rib on bottom of flared rim
jnf804jn.f804flaring necked jars: small, slight flare, rib below rim, ribbing on neck
jnf805jn.f805flaring necked jars: above the curve for the flare the neck is straight, rib below flare
jnf806jn.f806flaring necked jars: sharp curve, straight above curve
jnf807jn.f807flaring necked jars: slight flare, beaked rim
jnf808jn.f808flaring necked jars: slight flare, thin body wall just below rim, rounded rim
jnf901jn.f901flaring necked jars: strong flare, wide flat rim, possibly a stand
jnf902jn.f902flaring necked jars: middle portion of neck straight, flared at top near rim, double pointed rim
jnf903jn.f903flaring necked jars: flared at upper part, flat rim extended to exterior
jnffdjn.f-fdflaring necked jars: folded rim
jnfjn.fFlaring necked jars
jnh101jn.h101short necked jars: short flaring necks, can have globular bodies
jnh102jn.h102short necked jars: flaring rim, can have exterior groove on exterior of rim.
jnh103jn.h103short necked jars: small, curved neck, slightly flaring and beaked rims, can have globular bodies
jnh104jn.h104short necked jars: only slightly curved neck and simple rims
jnh105jn.h105short necked jars: small, outturned rim
jnh106jn.h106short necked jars: neck slightly flared outward, restricted slightly at base of neck, neck and rim much smaller diameter than widest part of body.
jnh107jn.h107short necked jars: slightly flared rims, body diameter wider than rim diameter but not as pronounced as type 106
jnh108jn.h108short necked jars: body wall significantly thicker than neck and rim, slightly outflared rim
jnh109jn.h109short necked jars: slightly flared rim, body slightly flaring with straight body wall below neck
jnh110jn.h110short necked jars: with straight neck, beaked flat rim
jnh111jn.h111short necked jars: small, curved neck with flared rim
jnh112jn.h112short necked jars: slightly restricted on interior below rim, rim thinner than neck wall, neck straight (no curve)
jnh113jn.h113short necked jars: relatively straight neck, flat rim slightly inclined to exterior
jnh114flrjn.h114flrshort necked jars: restricted neck, with rib at juncture of body and flaring rim
jnh114jn.h114short necked jars: restricted neck, with rib at juncture of body
jnh115jn.h115short necked jars: straight neck, beaked rim, possible globular body
jnh116jn.h116short necked jars: sharp flare outward, rib below rim
jnh117jn.h117short necked jars: small, globular body, handle at neck.
jnh118gtjn.h118gtshort necked jars: small, globular bodies, groove on top of rim, related to jg.-101 and jg.-102 but with grooves on rim.
jnh119gtjn.h119gtshort necked jars: restricted neck, globular body, groove on top of rim, can have thick body wall
jnhfljn.hr-flshort necked jars: with flaring rim
jnhgtjn.h-gtshort necked jars: groove on top of the narrow rim
jnhst or fljn.h-st/flshort necked jar with straight or slightly flaring rim
jnhjn.hshort necked jars
jnre1jn.re1restricted necked jars: sharp restriction, cylindrical body, body diameter same as rim diameter, outturned above restriction
jnre2fljn.re2flrestricted neck jars: type 2 but with rim flared out more, flaring rim
jnre2jn.re2restricted necked jars: sharp restriction, body can be ovoid or globular, only slightly outturned above restriction
jnre3jn.re3restricted necked jars: sharp restriction, narrow neck at restriction, body slanting straight outward below restriction, slight outturn above restriction
jnre101gfjn.re101gfrestricted necked jars: type 101 with interior groove and folded rim
jnre101jn.re101restricted necked jars: curved restriction, cylindrical body, flared outward above restriction, rib below rim (can be interior and/or exterior rib)
jnre102gfjn.re102gfrestricted necked jars: type 102 with interior groove and folded rim
jnre102grjn.re102grrestricted necked jars: type 102 with interior groove and rib below rim
jnre102jn.re102restricted necked jars: curved restriction, cylindrical body, body diameter same as rim diameter at widest, interior groove rims, can have folded rims as well combined with interior grooves,
jnre103pjn.re103prestricted necked jars: with pointed rim, for EDIII narrower rim diameter than in LC3 and with less sharp restriction but seems there is some continuity in the shapes.
jnre103jn.re103restricted neck jars: with pointed rim, for EDIII narrower rim diameter than in LC3 and with less sharp restriction but seems there is some continuity in the shapes (see jn.re103p)
jnre104pjn.re104prestricted necked jars: type 104 with pointed rim
jnre104jn.re104restricted necked jars: sharp restriction on interior, slight indentation on exterior of rim, pointed rims (see jn.re104p)
jnre105slijn.re105slirestricted necked jars: type 105 with rim slanted toward interior
jnre105jn.re105restricted necked jars: sharp restriction, outflaring and straight above restriction, grooves on the interior above the restriction, rim slanted to interior
jnre106jn.re106restricted necked jars: flaring above curved restriction, globular body, rim extends high above restriction.
jnrefjn.re-frestricted necked jars: flat rim
jnregfjn.re-gfrestricted necked jars: restricted neck with interior grooved rim
jnregf or gmjn.re-gf/gmrestricted necked jars: simple or folded rim with interior groove
jnreijn.re-irestricted necked jars: with interior groove rim
jnreijn.re-irestricted necked jars: with wide grooves on the interior of the neck
jnrepjn.re-prestricted necked jars: pointed rim
jnresjn.re-srestricted necked jars: simple rim
jnreslijn.re-slirestricted necked jars: rim slanted toward the interior
jnrejn.rerestricted neck jar
jnrgjn.rgrestricted necked jars: corrugation on the interior of the neck
jns1jn.s1straight necked jars: straight necks, tall necks, EDIII - mainly flat rims of various shapes, UrIII - mainly double pointed rims, globular bodies - these jars are related to double-pointed rim jars of EDIII period, Kh - more cylindrical body
jns2jn.s2straight necked jars: medium to large, neck angled outward
jns3sjn.s3sstraight necked jars: type 3 with simple rim
jns3tsjn.s3tsstraight necked jars: type 3 with exterior semi-circular handles
jns3jn.s3straight necked jars: small, short, globular bodies, simple rims
jns4jn.s4straight necked jars: ovoid body, tall relative to width, rims double pointed in UrIII, flaring outward in all phases
jns5jn.s5straight necked jars: globular body, necked extends straight up with flared rim only
jns6jn.s6straight necked jars: height and width relatively proportionate, flared rims, flat base
jns7jn.s7straight necked jars: tall, slight shoulders, flat bases
jns8jn.s8straight necked jars: necked straight up above a wide shoulder
jns9jn.s9straight necked jars: small, ovoid body, necked only slightly slanted outwards
jns10jn.s10straight necked jars: very large, neck slightly flared outward near rim, rim extended to exterior
jns11jn.s11straight necked jars: ovoid body, necked slightly slanted inward, outward flaring rim
jns12jn.s12straight necked jars: straight, only slight shoulder, no flare at rim
jns13jn.s13straight necked jars: with wide flat rim extended to exterior (rare type)
jns14jn.s14straight necked jars: not currently illustrated, rare type
jns15jn.s15straight necked jars: not currently illustrated, rare type
jns16jn.s16straight necked jars: ribbed on top of rim, rare type
jns17jn.s17straight necked jars: not currently illustrated, extremely rare type
jns18jn.s18straight necked jars: not currently illustrated
jns19jn.s19straight necked jars: not currently illustrated
jns20jn.s20number not used
jns21jn.s21straight necked jars: not currently illustrated
jns22jn.s22straight necked jars: not currently illustrated
jns801jn.s801straight necked jars: straight necks with only slight flare outward, flat rims extended to the exterior
jns802jn.s802straight necked jars: neck slanted to exterior, rim extended to exterior
jns803jn.s803straight necked jars: neck slightly flared, rims extended to interior and exterior
jnsjn.sstraight necked jars
jn101jn.-101necked jars: restricted, body wall slanted away from rim. Possibly a base.
jn901cjn.-901cnecked jars: slight restriction below collared rim
jn902cjn.-902cnecked jars: straight neck, collared rim
jn903cjn.-903cnecked jars: neck slightly inward slanted, collared rim
jnajn--anecked jars: angular rim
jncjn--cnecked jars: plain collared rim
jngejn--genecked jars: exterior grooved rim
jnijn--inecked jars: interior grooved rim
jnrcjn--rcnecked jars: rim curved toward the exterior
jnsjn--snecked jars: simple rim
jnjnnecked jars: type unspecified

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Code jo: other jars (64 types)
jo1jo.-1other jars: slight shoulder, short flaring neck, taller than wide
jo2jo.-2other jars: slight shoulder, short neck flaring toward top of neck with flat rim, flat base
jo3jo.-3other jars: slightly restricted at neck, cylindrical body, rim slanted toward exterior and thickened
jo4jo.-4other jars: not currently illustrated
jo5jo.-5other jars: wide body diameter, decorated on upper portion of body
jo6jo.-6other jars: narrow neck, globular body, decoration at base of neck
jo7jo.-7other jars: small, straight sided above sharp carination
jo8jo.-8other jars: small, short neck, ovoid body shapes
jo9jo.-9other jars: small, restricted near rim
jo10jo.-10other jars: curved neck, ovoid body, flaring rim
jo11jo.-11other jars: slight restriction near rim, body wall curved out below restriction, ribbing on upper body, flaring rims
jo12jo.-12other jars: straight sides above curved body wall, widest part of body approximately equal to rim diameter, ribbing on exterior of rim and neck, related to jo.-13 and jo.-14
jo13jo.-13other jars: globular bodies,straight neck, ribbing along exterior of rim and neck, related to jo.-12 and jo.-14
jo14jo.-14other jars: ribbing on interior, straight neck above curved body, rim ribbed on top and exterior, related to jo-13 and jo.-12
jo15jo.-15other jars: short neck with slight curve, handle from rim to shoulder
jo16jo.-16other jars: sloped shoulders, short straight neck with ribbing below rim
jo17jo.-17other jars: applique snakes and/or scorpions on rim
jo18jo.-18other jars: thick body wall, slightly flared rim/neck with ribbing on exterior of rim
jo19jo.-19other jars: sharp carination on exterior of body, upper body sharply slanted inward above carination
jo20jo.-20other jars: elongated ovoid shape with ribbing below rim
jo21jo.-21other jars: small, slight restriction below rim, curved body wall, rib on top of rim.
jo22jo.-22other jars: small, straight neck, ovoid body shape, body slightly rounded outward below neck, ribbing on exterior of rim, smaller than type 23, related to type jo.-12, jo.-13, jo.-14
jo23jo.-23other jars: medium, straight neck, ovoid bodies, slightly curved shoulder below neck (larger than type 22), ribbing on exterior of rim, related to type jo.-12, jo.-13, jo.-14
jo24jo.-24other jars: grooves on a short neck above an interior carination, outward curved body below neck, folded rim
jo25jo.-25other jars: ovoid body, folded rim
jo26jo.-26other jars: straight short neck with flat rim slighted extended to exterior, ribbing on neck, sharp turn where neck meets body, body outward slanted below neck
jo27jo.-27other jars: slightly curved upper body, squared rim
jo101fdjo.-101fdother jars: ovoid body, restricted below rim, with folded rim
jo102jo.-102other jars: small, outward sloped straight sides, flaring rim
jo103jo.-103other jars: flared outward near rim, rim slightly squared
jo104jo.-104other jars: straight near rim with exterior handle attached to rim and just below rim
jo105fdjo.-105fdother jars: ovoid body, folded rim almost flat on top
jo106fljo.-106flother jars: curved flaring neck, flaring rim extended to exterior
jo107fljo.107flother jars: extended flaring rims, globular or cylindrical body
jo108fljo.108flother jars: extended flaring rim, body slanted inward below rim
jo109ipjo.-109ipother jars: with internal projections at rim, this is a recognized subtype of j---ip
jo110pnjo.-110pnother jars: small, pinched rim
jo111rjo.-111rother jars: straight body sloped away from rounded rims, related to casseroles type
jo112sqerjo.-112sqerother jars: straight body sloped away from rim, squared rim on exterior edge, slightly restricted rim
jo113jo.-113other jars: ovoid body, relatively small (approx. 8cm high)
jo114jo.-114other jars: small with wide body
jo117rjo.-117rother jars: straight body sloped away below rim, rounded rim, may be upper part of a casserole
jo118jo.-118other jars: large, with capacity marks, can have rounded or squared rims
jo801jo.-801other jars: straight short neck, body curving upward, flat rim
jo802jo.-802other jars: body curving upward from body into neck, rib on upper body, flat squared rim
jo803jo.-803other jars: body much wider than rim diameter, rim slightly flared outward
jo804jo.-804other jars: body width not much wider than rim, wide flat rim extended to exterior
jo805jo.-805other jars: body slanting toward exterior below rim, curved thickened rim, depression on center of rim
jo806jo.-806other jars: curved body wall, rounded rim
jo807jo.-807other jars: small, restricted neck, cylindrical body
jo809jo.-809other jars: restricted neck, cylindrical body, thick body wall, slightly thinner where neck meets body
jo810jo.-810other jars: restricted neck, folded rim
jo811jo.-811other jars: restricted neck, bent above the restriction, rib on outside of rim
jo812jo.-812other jars: very small with handle
jo813jo.-813other jars: small, curved neck, simple rim
jo814jo.-814other jars: straight above slightly outward curved body, ribbing on rim, decoration on upper body and rim
jo815jo.-815other jars: straight neck with ribbing, body slightly slanted outward below rim, related to jo.-13, 14, 15, 22, 23
jo816jo.-816other jars: slightly flaring neck, rim slanted to exterior
jo817jo.-817other jars: straight neck, deep ribbing on exterior of rim
jo818jo.-818other jars: straight neck slanted toward interior below the rim, with rib below rim, flared rim
jo819jo.-819other jars: globular body, restricted neck, handle on curved upper body
jo901jo.-901other jars: ribbing on body above widest part, painted at widest part of body and below, painted on rim, similar to jo-21 from Khabur catalog,
jotspjo--tspother jars: single pierced lug handles
jovjo--vother jars: with various rim shapes

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Code js: straight sided jars (4 types)
js101js.-101straight sided jars: small, cylindrical body, rim extended to exterior
js102js.-102straight sided jars: medium, cylindrical body, wide flat rim extended to exterior, possibly stands
js102js.-103straight sided jars: tall oval body flattened on outside, incised where neck meets body, ring base
jsjsstraight sided jars

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Code jsh: shouldered jars (27 types)
jsh1jsh-1shouldered jars: not currently illustrated
jsh2jsh-2shouldered jars: tall, sharp ribbing on interior and exterior of upper part of neck, ovoid body, rib at base of neck
jsh3jsh-3shouldered jars: wide sloping shoulders, can have ribs at base of neck, extended rims (to interior, exterior or both), can have rims with depressions in center
jsh4jsh-4shouldered jars: mixed type, Akkadian - wide, short neck, sharper curve to shoulder on upper body than below curve. Khabur - range of shouldered jars from very small examples to medium shapes decorated on upper body.
jsh4xfcjsh-4xfcshouldered jars: mixed type, concave base
jsh5jsh-5shouldered jars: small narrow necks, wide shoulders
jsh6jsh-6shouldered jars: wide shoulder, straight short neck with pointed rim
jsh7jsh-7shouldered jars: small, horizontal ovoid bodies
jsh8jsh-8shouldered jars: small, horizontal ovoid bodies with sharp join where top and bottom meet
jsh9jsh-9shouldered jars: globular body
jsh10jsh-10shouldered jars: large, short restricted neck, rib at base of neck, rounded rim
jsh11jsh-11shouldered jars: less pronounced shoulder, restricted neck, squared rim
jsh12jsh-12shouldered jars: short neck slightly inclined to interior, thickened rim with rib on top of rim
jsh13jsh-13shouldered jars: short neck with rim extended to exterior, shoulder slopes gently
jsh14jsh-14shouldered jars: not currently illustrated
jsh15jsh-15shouldered jars: not currently illustrated
jsh16jsh-16shouldered jars: not currently illustrated
jsh17jsh-17shouldered jars: not currently illustrated
jsh101jsh-101shouldered jars: with sharp extended shoulder and horizontal ovoid bodies.
jsh102jsh-102shouldered jars: ovoid body with shoulder on upper one third of body, ribbing right above shoulder
jsh801jsh-801shouldered jars: shoulder sloping, slightly restricted, flat rim inclined to exterior
jsh802jsh-802shouldered jars: rib on interior below neck, rib on top and outside of rim,
jsh803jsh-803shouldered jars: short neck, rib at base of neck, with rim inclined to interior
jsh804jsh-804shouldered jars: curved neck, rim flat on exterior
jsh805jsh-805shouldered jars: sharp join at shoulder and rim, very short neck, double pointed rim,
jsh806jsh-806shouldered jars: shoulder extending sharply away from raised rim
jsh807jsh-807shouldered jars: rib where neck meets shoulder, wide rim extended to exterior

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Code k: disk/stopper (1 type)

Main shape ZcaS1
Type code Type description
kkworked disk or stopper

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Code l: plates/platters (32 types)

Main shape ZcaS1
Type code Type description
l1l--1plates: curved body walls, inturned rims, can be flat on top of rim
l2l--2plates: thick walled with thick base
l3l--3plates: small, concave base
l4l--4plates: straight sides, can have tab handles on exterior
l5l--5plates: straight sides, can have tab handles on exterior, deeper than l--4
l6l--6platters: straight sides, shallow, wide diameter
l101el--101eplatters: handmade, curved sides, with thickened extended rims
l102fl--102fplates: handmade, flat rims slanted to exterior, ribbing on outside of rim
l103lil--103liplates: handmade, curved sides, interior lip
l104sl--104splatters: handmade, curved sides, with simple rims
l801l--801plates/platters: medium, curved sides, flat rims slanted to exterior or extended to exterior
l802l--802plates: round sided, rims slightly inclined to exterior
l803l--803plates: straight sides, rims slightly extended to interior
l804l--804plates: straight sides, thick wall, simple rim
l805l--805plates: straight sides, decorated near rim - typical Mittani red-rim plates
l806l--806platters: large, very shallow, simple rim
l808l--808plates: curved sides, shallow
l809l--809plates: prominent ribbing on outside of rim, curved body
l816l--816plates/platters: not currently illustrated
l818l--818plates/platters: not currently illustrated
l901l--901plates: straight sides, rims extended to exterior and rounded, with pointed edges on inside of rim
l902l--902plates: curved sides, squared rim
l903l--903platters: straight sides, uneven body wall, rim slightly extended to interior and exterior
l904l--904plates: small, straight sided, thick body wall, flat rim with interior groove
l905l--905plates: small, shallow, round profile
l906l--906plates: straight sided, extended rim
l907l--907plates: round profile, groove on interior and exterior
lel---eplates/platters: with extended rims (see also l--101e)
lfl---fplates/platters: with flat rim (see also l---102f)
llil---liplates/platters: with interior lip (see also l--103li)
lsl---splates/platters: with simple rim (see also l---104s)

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Code o: other vessels (12 types)

Main shape ZcaS1
Type code Type description
o2o--2other vessels: not currently illustrated
o3o--3other vessels: not currently illustrated
o4o--4other vessels: cylindrical type body, y-shaped rim
o5o--5other vessels, flat bottom and flaring sides, short, shallow, thick walled
o6o--6other vessels: cylindrical with ribs on interior, hole in center of base
o7o--7other vessels: ribbing, various body shapes, impressed oval decoration on ribbing
o8o--8other vessels: ribbed on exterior and interior, widest part of body near base, hole in center of base,
o9o--9other vessels: cylindrical body with flat base
o10o--10other vessels: "fruit bowl", high footed base
o101trso--101trsother vessels: small, with double strand round handle
o102o--102other vessels: possibly jar rim or stand base, flat extended rim slanted to interior
o103o--103other vessels: EDII 'fruit stand' type bases, solid footed base with exterior ribs

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Code p: pots (26 types)

Main shape ZcaS1
Type code Type description
p1p--1pots: small, round sided, disk or ring bases, outturned rim
p2p--2pots: Akkadian - s-profile, flaring rims, Khabur - carinated bodies and decorated on upper body
p3p--3pots: ribs on outside of shoulder/carination
p4p--4pots: slight restriction, straight extension above restriction, ribbing on area above shoulder, related to jo.-23 and jo.-24 but smaller and with sharper carination.
p5xfcp--5xfcpots: type 5, concave base
p5p--5pots: carinated at mid-body, flaring rims above slight restriction, flat base
p6number not assigned
p7p--7pots: not currently illustrated
p8p--8pots: round sided, flaring rim
p9p--9pots: small, widest part of body next to base, rounded rim with shallow interior indentation
p10p--10pots: medium, round carinated body, ribbing and decoration on upper body and near rim
p101p--101pots: medium, round sided, handle from rim to upper body
p102p--102pots: straight neck and flat rim extended to exterior
p103p--103pots: sharp carination on exterior on upper part of body, restricted below rim, flaring rim
p104p--104pots: small/miniature pots
p105p--105pots: upper body curved inward, ribbing on upper body
p106fwp--106fwpots: slightly restricted below rim, rounded bodies, flat wide rim
p107spp--107sppots: round sided, short spout
p108tpp--108tppots: rim extended to interior, with pierced lug handle
p801p--801pots: slightly restricted, straight neck above restriction, upper body can be carinated
p802p--802pots: elongated s-profile, slightly flared above slight restriction
p803p--803pots: carinated on lower body, straight necks up to simple rims
p804p--804number not assigned
p805p--805pots: carination on lower half of vessel, slightly flaring neck, decorated rib approximately center of vessel
ptdpp---tdppots with double pierced lugs

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Code s: strainers (13 types)

Main shape ZcaS1
Type code Type description
s1s--1strainers: round profile, slightly inturned at rim
s2s--2strainers: hemispherical body, flat rim
s3s--3strainers: shallow, round profile
s4s--4strainers: upper portion slightly incurved, rim slanted to interior
s5s--5strainers: deep, straight sides with uneven wall
s6s--6strainers: miniature, hemispheric shape
s7s--7strainers: thick flat base with holes in base
s8s--8strainers: round-sided with similar shape to round sided cups, rounded rim
s9s--9strainers: shallow, straight sides, rim slanted toward interior
s101ins--101instrainers: carinated on interior near rim, indentation on top of rim
s901s--901strainers: shallow, slight restriction near rim, outflaring rim
sins---instrainers: slight indentation on rim

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Code t: bottles (19 types)

Main shape ZcaS1
Type code Type description
t1t--1bottles: tall, tall flaring neck
t2t--2bottles: tall, tall straight neck, ribbing on neck, round sided body, flaring rim
t3t--3bottles: tall, globular body, straight neck
t4t--4bottles: not currently illustrated
t5t--5bottles: not currently illustrated
t6t--6bottles: not currently illustrated
t7t--7bottles: not currently illustrated
t8t--8bottles: not currently illustrated
t101t--101bottles: short, short flaring neck, globular body, disk base
t102t--102bottles: small, short neck, widest part at mid-body, slightly restricted at base of neck
t801t--801bottles: tall, ovoid body, flaring neck, incised on upper body
t802t--802bottles: tall, flaring neck, flat rim
t803t--803bottles: flaring neck, restricted at base of neck, ribbing on exterior of neck
t804t--804bottles: straight neck, rim slightly extended to exterior, prominent rib toward base of neck
t805t--805bottles: carinated body, tall cylindrical neck
t806t--806bottles: straight side walls from base of neck to near base, slightly restricted neck, pointed base
t807t--807bottles: straight sided, carination at base of neck with ribbing, and carination near base, straight neck above slightly inturned upper body. high ring base
t808t--808bottles: globular body, short flaring neck, disk base

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Code x: particulars (108 types)

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Code x: rims (57 types)
Main shape ZcaS1
Type code Type description
xa----arims: angular rim
xb----brims: beaked rim
xc----crims: plain collared
xcg----cgrims: Collared-grooved
xci----cirims: Collared-incised
xd----drims: divided rim
xde----derims: depression on top of rim
xdp----dprims: double strand lower pointed
xdr----drrims: double strand lower rounded
xe----erims: extended
xee----eerims: rim extended toward exterior, can have notch on interior
xei----eirims: rim extended toward interior
xeie----eierims: rim extended toward interior and exterior
xet----etrims: externally thickened
xf----frims: flat
xfd----fdrims: folded rim
xfl----flrims: flaring rim
xfli----flirims: flaring rim with slight interior lip
xflr----flrrims: flaring rim, rib below rim
xfr----frrims: flat rim on top, rounded exterior
xfw----fwrims: flat wide rim
xfwe----fwerims: flat wide rim inclined toward exterior
xg----grims: grooved
xgd----gdrims: rims with deep interior groove
xge----gerims: exterior groove
xgf----gfrims: folded rim with interior groove
xgm----gmrims: interior groove, simple rim
xgr----grrims: rims with interior groove and rib below rim
xgt----gtrims: rims with groove on top
xi----irims: interior groove or ledge rim
xin----inrims: rims with slight indentation
xip----iprims: internal projection to hold lid
xit----itrims: inturned rim
xli----lirims: rims with interior lip
xn----nrims: notched rim
xp----prims: pointed rim
xpn----pnrims: pinched rim
xps----psrims: pointed rims, slanted
xpse----pserims: pointed rims slanted toward exterior
xpsi----psirims: pointed rims slanted toward interior
xr----rrims: rounded rim
xrb----rbrims: ribbed (top and exterior of rim)
xrc----rcrims: rims curved toward exterior
xre----rerims: restricted rim
xri----ririms: ribbed rim, top of rim only
xro----rorims: outturned rim
xrr----rrrims: ribbed below rim
xrt----rtrims: thickened rims
xs----srims: simple rim (some variation in this type
xsh----shrims: simple rim with horseshoe handle
xsl----slrims: slanted rims
xsle----slerims: rims slanted to exterior
xsli----slirims: rims slanted to interior
xsq----sqrims: square rim
xsqer----sqerrims: square rim on exterior edge, slightly restricted
xsr----srrims: simple rim and rope decoration
xst----strims: straight rim

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Code x: spout (1 type)
Main shape ZcaS1
Type code Type description

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Code x: handles (19 types)
Main shape ZcaS1
Type code Type description
xt----thandle: type unspecified
xtch----tchhandle: crescent shaped handle
xtdp----tdphandle: pierced double lugs. Pierced handles are pierced top to bottom
xtil----tilhandle: interior lug
xtk----tkhandle: knob
xtkr----tkrhandle: round knob handles
xtkv----tkvhandle: oval knob handles
xto----tohandle: other
xtos----toshandle: handle oval in section - not currently illustrated
xtp----tphandle: pierced handle. Pierced handles are pierced top to bottom
xtr----trhandle: round - not currently illustrated
xtrs----trshandle: double strand round
xts----tshandle: semi-circular on exterior
xtsi----tsihandle: semi-circular on interior - not currently illustrated
xtsp----tsphandle: single pierced lug. Pierced handles are pierced top to bottom
xtss----tsshandle: simple handle - not currently illustrated
xtst----tsthandle: strap handle rectangular in section
xtt----tthandle: exterior tab handle
xtti----ttihandle: interior oval lug

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Code x: bases (29 types)
Main shape ZcaS1
Type code Type description
xx----xbase: type not specified
xxd----xdbase: disk base, sub-type unspecified
xxdc----xdcbase: concave disk base
xxdcw----xdcwbase: disk base, convex, wide
xxdf----xdfbase: disk base, flat
xxdw----xdwbase: disk base, wide
xxdx----xdxbase: disk, slightly convex
xxel----xelbase: flat base with exterior lip
xxf----xfbase: flat
xxfc----xfcbase: concave base, base with small round depression in center
xxfx----xfxbase: slightly convex base
xxh----xhbase: hollow base - this code is a mixed code that can include hollow bases, hole in the center of base (xlf) and occasionally footed bases (xsf). See history of project for more information regarding mixed codes.
xxhf----xhfbase: high footed base
xxhg----xhgbase: footed convex base
xxlf----xlfbase: hole in the center of base
xxo----xobase: other base
xxp----xpbase: pointed base
xxrd----xrdbase: round base
xxrdc----xrdcbase: round base, type c - not currently illustrated
xxrds----xrdsbase: round base, type s - not currently illustrated
xxrg----xrgbase: ring base
xxrh----xrhbase: high ring base
xxrl----xrlbase: Low Ring Base
xxsb----xsbbase: bowl with string cut base
xxsc----xscbase: cup with string cut base
xxsf----xsfbase: solid footed base
xxsfc----xsfcbase: solid footed, convex base
xxsfl----xsflbase: low footed , solid
xxsfv----xsfvbase: solid footed, slightly concave

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Body sherd details (2 types)

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Code cr: carination (1 type)
cr-crcarination (no base or rim)

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Code sh: jar shoulder (1 type)
sh-shjar shoulder (no base or rim)