The Field of Saleh al-Abrash (Version 1a)

OH2 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Emplacement for Unit OH2

Caitlin Chaves Yates – August 2011

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In OH2 layering and gradual build-up define the latest deposits in the area.

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The most prevelant type of accumulation in OH2 is accumulation Type C. These accumulations are part of the process of build-up in the area including the most significant layer in OH2, f4, the feature that contained the discarded sealings.

The other main type of accumulation was categorized simply as “soil”, in 1998, a category we no longer use. Based on the description of the features (f2, f3), they are most likely an accumulation type D or a lense type D, indicating that they are natural accumulations and part of the natural post-abandonment build-up.

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Two features (f8, f10) were specifically identified as laminations, a specific type of accumulation caused by water.

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