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Xavier Faivre and Christophe Nicolle 2007

Giorgio Buccellati – February 2025

La Jézireh au Bronze moyen et la céramique du Khabur,”
in Michel al-Maqdissi, Valérie Matoïan and Christophe Nicolle,
Céramique de l’âge du Bronze en Syrie.
Beyrouth, Institut Français du Proche-Orient, vol. II, pp. 179-229.
See preview on Google Books

By necessity this study (published in 2007, but submitted several years earlier), does not include substantial references to Tell Mozan other than in passing – e.g., on p. 194 it is indicated that “Khabur ware” ceramics is found in the house of Puššam [Unit C2], ignoring the even larger amount found in Area AA. The authors deal with, and reject, the Hurrian hypothesis for the origin of the Khabur ware: on p. 194, they refer to the “Hurrianizing” kingdom of Tell Mozan[!], and on p. 179, n. 5, they state that the definition of Hurrian ethnicity is based on onomastics, not on material culture.

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